CHAPTER ONE - The Spiders

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A now 16 year old Aduial walked around the forest of Mirkwood. She was on patrol and had been separated from the rest of the team. She knew by calling out for the elves would only attract the unwanted attention of the spiders so she stayed silent, trying to track down the team. A certain brunette would have her head if he found out Aduial had gotten herself injured.

Suddenly, a huge female spider dropped from a webbed-covered tree. Aduial quickly turned, trying to fend off the spider that was three times her size. The spider knocked the Dúnedain's sword out of her hand in a swift motion.

Just as Aduial was about to be bitten by the ferocious creature, a Mirkwood crested arrow was shot in between its eight eyes. The sixteen year old looked to her left to see a brown haired elf with his bow raised. The elf of Mirkwood jumped down next to the sixteen year old, protecting her as he shot more arrows at more giant spiders as they descended from the treetops.

Aduial looked at the taller elf, kinda surprised at his sudden appearance. Another brown haired elf came out of the trees, taking control despite the first elf telling him to stand down. Of course, nobody actually listened to the second elf's orders as he was not the captain.

"Took you guys long enough."

"Well, if you had not wandered off, we would not be in this situation."

The two of them tried to glare at each other before they both broke out into laughter. Aduial ran off to grab her sword that was laying on the floor a little ways to the left.

Arcturus got his twin blades out, jumping onto an oncoming spider. Aduial turned to see her friend struggling to stab the spider as it turned in circles, trying to throw the brunette off.

Eventually, Arcturus managed to stab his blade into the Spider's head, but not before it have one last struggle, throwing Arcturus off of it. Arcturus slammed into a tree, breaking a branch as he fell to the floor. The elf sat up from his awkward position and stood slowly.

"Arty, are you hurt?" Aduial asked, kneeling at her friend's side. Arcturus only groaned in response. He pointed to his side where Aduial saw blood coming from.

"You've been cut. It's kind of deep." Arcturus looked like he wanted to answer with a sarcastic comment but instead he just winced. Why was he always getting hurt? It's like every other day he had something happen and he's the one covered in blood!

"Don't move." Arcturus gave Aduial a glare as the Dúnedain ran off to fight spiders while Arcturus merely put pressure on his wound to stop the bleeding. He just wanted one day where he wasn't covered in his own blood.

After about ten minutes of the team attacking the nest and successfully destroying it, Aduial returned. Arcturus was drifting in and out of consciousness. Callan followed the Dúnedain and kneeled at Arcturus's other side.

"Let us get you back to Mirkwood. I've instructed Silas to take the army back." Callan picked Arcturus up bridal style - who was complaining about Callan taking control - and left in the direction of the elven kingdom with Aduial following silently.

Callan never liked Aduial, he never knew why but he just had this strange angry feeling whenever he looked at her. All feelings were mutual as Aduial despised Callan with every fibre in her body. He just seemed... suspicious. Like he was hiding his true intentions.

Once they arrived, Callan took Arcturus to the Healers while Aduial went to talk to the King Thranduil about their mission. She knocked on the doors three times, hearing the king allow her to come in, Aduial pushed open the doors, walking up to the platform where the king's throne stood. King Thranduil sat on his throne, a calm expression on his face when he realised who it was.

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