CHAPTER FOUR - An Unexpected Attack

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Arcturus and Aduial had stopped off at an inclosed area, it was a small clearing, big enough to set up camp but small enough to ensure protection.

Arcturus started setting up the camp, he had made a small pile of dry leaves and sticks and lit the fire so they had light and warmth throughout the night. He moved his brown curls out of his face, groaning as he burnt his finger slightly on the fire.

After a moment, Arcturus looked up to see Aduial feeding Zephyr and Carver some apples, the two stallions whinnied happily before trotting off to graze somewhere else, Arcturus smiled before getting up to set up the beds.

Night had just fallen and Aduial was cuddled up, asleep on Arcturus's non-injured side, snoring slightly. Arcturus, being an elf, stayed awake and on high alert for any danger or sign of struggle.

At some point, a baby deer had limped by and Arcturus had gotten up to help the poor harmed creature, he had wrapped the deer in his cloak after he finished bandaging the creature's leg. The poor thing had been shot with an orc's arrow which had alarmed Arcturus a little bit. He had no idea how long this deer had this arrow in its leg or if there were orcs nearby who had attempted to hunt this creature for a good meal.

He thought it would be better to be safe than sorry and began packing up his belongings, leaving Aduial asleep on the ground while he saddled Zephyr and even Carver.

Suddenly, loud galloping feet that stomped along the hard dirt ground was all Arcturus could hear, they sounded close by - possibly a few kilometres away at best. Arcturus immediately ran back to Aduial's side to assure her safety. He called Zephyr over, who immediately obeyed and trotted behind the pair.

"Arcturus!" An obnoxious elf rode on his horse into their clearing, a very annoyed Daena followed after him on her horse, Scout. Arcturus lowered his sword, his mood having changed from alarmed to highly annoyed within seconds.

"What are you doing here, you moron?" Arcturus growled, stepping away from the sleeping Aduial. Callan frowned, looking heartbroken at Arcturus, who was visibly angry at the sight of his presence.
Daena stepped forward, she placed a hand on Arcturus's shoulder and helped him undo Zephyr's saddle so he could freely graze again.

"Callan dragged me out of my reading space because he was concerned with that big ego of his that you were hurt. You're obviously fine so I don't see the big deal, Callan. He can handle himself, he's not a baby, I only came to make you shut up." Daena argued, angrily. She had left her book at Mirkwood and didn't like being in the presence of Callan. It greatly annoyed her, as she had only just gotten to the good part of her book.

"Daena is right. I can take care of myself and Aduial. I don't need you at all. You tried to harm Aduial and I don't want her to be around you so leave. Go back to Mirkwood." Arcturus sneered, laying down next to Aduial, Daena came and laid down next to Arcturus, looking up at the stars. Only then did she notice the cloak with the baby deer in it.

"Wait, what is that?"

"What is what?"

"That thing in the cloak?"

"That is a baby deer."

"Why is it in there?"

"It is injured."

"Aww, the poor thing." Daena pouted, pulling the deer closer to her and she began gently caressing its head and cooing at it every so often. Arcturus chuckled, shaking his head.

Callan laid over away from the group, completely forgetting about the horses that roamed free, until Zephyr stepped on his chest- Arcturus and Daena heard a definite crack of his ribs.

"Good boy, Zeph." Arcturus smirked looking at Zephyr as he played with Scout and Carver. Daena was cuddling the baby doe, whom Arcturus had decided to name 'Aras' whilst Callan was tending to his broken ribs, it made Arcturus laugh every time he replayed that scene in his mind.

Soon came morning, Arcturus woke up Aduial, whom seemed to have had a bad headache as she kept holding her forehead. They didn't have time to make herbal tea so Daena packed up camp and put the supplies on Scout while Arcturus saddled Zephyr and Aduial saddled Carver.

Callan was doing his own thing, saddling Fern and packing up his camp as the other three had kicked him out of theirs. The four of them (including Aras) galloped off towards Rivendell. Callan hopped up onto Fern's saddle and attempted to catch up to them.

Arcturus suddenly ducked as an arrow was shot at them, causing Aduial to scream, which scared Daena and alerted Callan.

"Orcs!" Arcturus yelled, he gestured for Daena and Aduial to go on ahead but was a little too late as multiple orc arrows whistled past his ear and embedded themselves into Aduial's shoulder and leg as well as Daena's side and shoulder.

"Go!" Arcturus yelled, turning Zephyr around to attack the orcs before they could inflict anymore damage to Aduial.

Aduial refused to back down so easily, she wouldn't just leave Arcturus to defend them on his own, even if he had Callan. She stayed with her friend while Daena ran off to get help from Imladris.

Daena continued her journey to Rivendell, concerned for her friends. It was a hard journey with her own pain-filled muttering, but she eventually made it to Rivendell.

Daena pull Scout's reins until he came to trot as they made it into the stables before hopping off him, the she-elf picked Aras up and ran up the stairs, soon approaching Lord Elrond.

"Lady Daena? Lord Thranduil told me they were sending Arcturus to drop off Aduial? Why are you here? And why do you have an orc arrows in your side and shoulder?" Elrond asked, looking at Daena with questioning eyes. Adreanna, Cassiopeia and the twins stood at Elrond's side, also eyeing the she-elf with curiosity and concern. Elrond looked concerned as he eyed the arrows that were in her body.

"Callan dragged me out of Mirkwood claiming Arcturus needed help, but when we caught up to him and Aduial, they were perfectly fine, so we decided to stay and just come with him to Imladris but on our way we were attacked by Orcs, and Arcturus told me to take Aduial to you but Aduial stayed with Arcturus and Callan to kill the orcs, I panicked and ran to get help." Daena rambled, she trembled slightly from the pressure of being stared down by Elrond but once the Lord sighed and looked away she was fine again. Adreanna snorted, that was the funniest thing she has seen all day. Though, she was quite worried to hear that Arcturus and Aduial could be in a fatal situation.

"Very well. I'll go make a few chambers for you guys to stay in for a while. Elladan, Elrohir, prepare an army to go find and help Arcturus and the other two." and with that Elrond walked off. Elladan and Elrohir both nodded at their father's instructions, running off to fulfil them while Daena sat and waited for Arcturus anxiously. Adreanna and Cassiopeia sat down with her and tried to calm her nerves whilst battling their own inner thoughts.

"Lord Elrond! They're here!" A guard of Rivendell cried out, worry on their face.

The voice made Daena, Cassiopeia and Adreanna swing around to see Zephyr trotting into Imladris, his rider almost hanging from the saddle. Orc arrows basically covering his whole body while his bow was broken, dangling around his torso. Blood was everywhere, all over his armour and all over Zephyr, who had a couple arrows in his own body.

Aduial was sat up, her body slouched over, she had less arrows embedded in her body but still quite a few. Callan was nowhere to be seen for a few minutes before Fern soon came trotting up, his rider half dead with arrows also littering his body. Daena almost felt sympathetic for him. Almost.

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