Hello Roomie!

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I won't waste your time giving you an intro, when you can start reading the whole thing. Writing style- same as the previous chapters. Enjoy reading...

Type's POV:

We arrive at our block and sit inside the orientation room. We aren't that late,ig, people are still coming and the prof didn't come yet.

Three of us started discussing random things, poor NO, he's getting teased by Lhong. NO is so innocent and sometimes stupid too. Lhong seems to be a funny and good guy. He got along with us well, already. Ohh sir has come.

*The prof explains about how the system works, wishes the students good luck and concludes the orientation*

Prof: Students, the teaching assistants and your seniors will show you the campus and places now. Hope you guys get along well. Have a nice day.
*Prof departs *

NO: The system seems quite complex and interesting too, isn't it?

Lh: Yeah, this actually looks fun.

Ty: Yeah. I think we should go now, they'll give us a tour around campus.


Tharn's POV:

I just arrived at the gate of university. Looks like the parking lot is full and I should go a little further. I parked my car and got out of it. I hope everything goes well. I hurriedly walked towards my department and accidentally ran into a guy. Shit!

Th: I'm really sorry, I was in a hurry.

Guy: It's ok. I was searching for my department, so I didn't notice you. I'm sorry too.

Th: That's ok. Which department are you searching for?

Guy: Management.

Th: Ohh, I'm from the same department. By the way, I'm Tharn.

Ch: Ohh wow! I'm Champ. Glad to meet you.

Th: Me too. We should hurry up, the orientation is gonna start.

Ch: Yeah. Let's go.

*They reach the class just in time and sit in some random places. Their prof also tells them about the same thing as Type's and asks the seniors to show them the campus. Prof departs*

Th: I think we should go with them?? Can we not just go home, if we are busy? I'm moving into a new place today.

Ch: I don't think so. It'll not take too long, you can go by afternoon or so.

Th: That'd do ig. Let's go.

Ch: Yeah.


3rd Person's POV

*While walking * *Management Department *

Ch: Where are you from, Tharn?

Th: I'm a local.

Ch: You said you are moving.

Th: The insti is a bit far from my home, so I just rented a condo, with my friend
Ch: Ohh wow.

* The seniors ask them to move to another place *

*Computer Sciences Department **While walking *

Lh: So where are you guys from??

NO: I'm a local, he's from the village side.

Lh: Ohh, so you were in hostel in the high school?

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