Chapter 101

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Third person

"They're alive..that's the important thing" Corey assured his girlfriend "guys, what If Peyton comes back with alcohol in his system?" Rowan looked to the two

"Well it's like the doctor said, he will be charged, but he didn't kill anyone, which is always a good thing" Amir responded, taking a seat beside Rowan with a sigh

"How could this have do breaks just stop working.." Ceci questioned "and who designs a car without a hand break" she added under her breath

After Peyton's surgery they wheeled his unconscious body down to the X-Ray machines where they scanned his body closely "Ah yep.. see right there.." the doctor pointed to a faint crack through the scan

"Okay we're gonna have to him into a cast" the other grabbed the material needed, taking a seat beside his bed and beginning to wrap the moulds around his wrist gently to make a cast

"Check his heart" they asked. The doctor checked over his heart rate, "still pretty slow..shouldn't he be coming off of the General anaesthesia by now..? He wasn't put on much because the surgery wasn't supposed to take long" he asked confused

The nurse shrugged while continuing to apply the cast "he should be fine..once were done here then he can rest in the normal room" she explained nonchalantly

The nurse continued to make a cast for his wrist, finishing it wish a black colour before guiding his bed down the hallways toward a spare room not too far from Sabrinas room

They attached him to the monitors, making sure his heart continued beating and that he was staying in the right position. He had a oxygen mask over his mouth to help with breathing as he remained weak, leaving his room to find his friends

"Hows everyone holding up?" He asked as he left Peyton's room, the friends sitting outside Sabrinas still "Was that Peyton in there? He's out of surgery?" Amir stood up, catching everyone's attention

The doctor nodded, "Yes, Mr Meyer is out of surgery. However, his heart beat remains low and he hasn't come off of the anaesthesia yet. His right wrist is broken, we've put a cast on it and it's fine for now but he may experience discomfort as he wakes up" he explained

The group nodded, "I'll just check on Miss Carpenter, give me a minute" the doctor slid into her hospital room, checking her vitals before going back to the friends "that's good, she seems to be recovering nicely. Her heart rate has sped up more, she's currently at around 58 - 62 beats per minute" he explained

"And Peyton is what?" Ceci asked "He's around 30 - 45 right not the worst, but we have to make sure it doesn't drop lower. Having a heart rate that low might not supply enough oxygen to his brain, causing things like fainting. So we've got him on a ventilator that's covering his nose and his mouth to help him breathe" the doctor assured them

"When do you think they will wake up?" Rowan asked sadly "Miss Carpenter is likely to wake up earlier in the morning as her painkillers wear off, it'll be good for her because she's already been resting for about two hours now, meaning she will have at least a 10 hour rest. As for Mr Meyer, it's harder to tell..very unlikely he will come off his anaesthesia anytime tonight..I would say if things go well then your looking at him waking up mid day tomorrow" the doctor explained

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