Chapter 120

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Third person

Sabrina leapt out of his bed the next day, racing up to her apartment to shower. She changed into jeans and a hoodie as well as some lace up platforms to make her outfit look less thrown together, as well as getting ready to see him

She grabbed her phone and her keys, shoving them into her handbag after locking the apartment door and heading for the elevator. She reached her Car, unlocking and turning on the engine as she practically raced to the hospital

"I'm here to see Peyton" she smiled to the receptionist as she got inside. The receptionist laughed, watching the clock tick at 9:58am "go on then" she smirked, allowing her to go to his room

Sabrina bursted excitedly, making her way down the halls to the room she was in last night, opening the door to see Peyton looking blankly out the window. He turned to look at her as he heard the door open, a smile growing on his face

"10:00am on the dot. Just in time for visiting hours" she giggled, stepping inside and closing the door behind her "hi baby. I missed you" he moved to one side, allowing for her to sit beside him. She didn't complain, sitting down in the gap and cuddling into him "I've missed you too" she mumbled

"How was your sleep?" She questioned. "It was alright..they hooked me up to a whole lot of machines, changed the bandages over the stitches and drugged me up on pain killers..I was out like a light" he chuckled

"That's so Dangerous! What if your heart stopped again.." she panicked at the thought of him on more drugs. He shook his head "apparently that happened when my heart was beating around 30, look its at 75 now. This heart ain't gonna stop" he smirked, pointing to the machine

"That was so scary were in the room next to me..I just remember hearing the machine beep non stop and them just shouting '3,2,1, clear!' A few times.." she replied quietly, looking to the wall in front of her

"I promise it'll never happen again. How could I leave you" he smirked. Snuggling up to her "oh Miss Carpenter! Didn't waste any time getting here I see" the doctor chuckled as she entered the room

"10:00am on the dot" she smiled proudly "How you feeling? Everything okay?" His attention turned to Peyton. He nodded, "I'm good" he assured the doctor "Great! We're looking to get you released the day after tomorrow, you're heart and vitals have been good all night. We will remove the stitches tomorrow as they've been in for just over a week now and then you can go the day after" he smiled

"Great! Thank you!" Peyton replied. The doctor left the two alone again, Peyton's eyes returning to look outside "I can't wait to go home.." he mumbled quietly "oh shit I forgot to make the bed" Sabrina hissed to herself as he reminded her

He furrowed his eyebrows "you never make your bed? Why would you today?" He chuckled "no but you make yours" she replied, her hand instantly flying up to cover her mouth. He smiled, "Have you been staying at mine?" He asked

A small blush grew on her cheeks as she looked away from him "awww you have! That's so cute baby..why were you staying at mine?" He asked "because I missed you! And I couldn't sleep and I couldn't see you so I went and climbed into your bed because it smells like you" she replied quietly

"how did you get in?" He questioned "oh..I might've gone to the receptionist the night I was released and I might've made it sound like you had passed away and I might've said that I had stuff at yours I needed to collect and she might've felt bad for me and gave me a key.." she trailed off

Peyton chuckled, "you're so adorable" he smiled "I'm not giving the key back!" She pointed her finger to him, squinting her eyes playfully

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