Chapter 109

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I soon ended the live, distracting myself with a bit more Netflix and scrolling through pointless tweets and Instagram posts to help my boredom. My phone rang, pausing the Netflix show, I pulled my phone up to my ear as the line connected

"Hello? Sabrina?" A familiar voice asked "Hi Amir" I replied simply "hey! I haven't been able to come in today, been trying to sort out what's gonna happen once he's out...see what we can do about this car..has there been any updates on him?" He asked

"Uh..not that I know of..they said earlier that his heart is picking back up but he hasn't woken up yet..I assume they'll come in if something happens.." I sigh softly "okay, thank are you? Can I get anything sent over?" He asked

"I'm okay thank you..I'll message if I hear anything else.." I reply, saying goodbye just before hanging up. I check the time quickly, seeing that just over half the day had passed, being 3:00pm.

"I'm so bored.." I mumble to myself as I press play on the tv show, returning back to scrolling through Instagram. I bit down on my lip as a post came up on my feed,

❤️ - 421 💬 - 134
PeybrinaMyLovelies: Remember when Peyton brought Sabrina out onto stage during his last show and she was wearing her sweatpants because she wasn't supposed to go on but he insisted and then he finished the entire tour holding her tight in his arms! Ahhh I cry just thinking about it

I smiled, tears threatening to fill up in my eyes again. Why are you so emotional at the moment? The picture was of him and I at the end of the runway, a great big smile on his face while mine was buried in his arms securely. I press the comment section, typing,

SabrinaCarpenter: he was such a dream to me..loving & missing his beautiful face and presence every minute ❤️

"Miss Carpenter! Good news!" The doctor smiles as he came into my room. I looked up to him, a smile threatening to appear on my face "he's awake?!" I ask excitedly

"'s not as good as that good news will get to go home tomorrow!" His smile returned onto his face. "Oh..yay.." I mumble, the smile leaving mine.

"Has he improved though..?" I ask. He nodded, "he has, he's stirring a little bit.." he replied. I furrowed my eyebrows "he's what?" I question confused "he's in he's moving in his sleep" he clarified

"So he must be waking up!" I smile happily "it could be, but they're small movements, he hasn't switched positions or anything crazy, his fingers have moved or he tilted his head..just slow, small movements" he explained

"But hey, its still a good sign!" He added on the end as if it would make it sound better "when do I get to go tomorrow?" I change the subject

"We will release you around 1:30..just to do final checks in the morning..I have to go back to Peyton now to see how he's doing, buzz if you need" he dashed out the room before I could protest.

I looked back to my phone, the comment I had just sent lying across the screen, people liking and replying to it frantically

"is he dead?"
"Does that mean he passed away??"
"Aww I feel so bad for you!"
"Loving and sending you prayers, Sabrina!"
"Nooo he can't die guys! That's just no! No!"

I caught sight of my notepad, an idea sparking in my mind..

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