Chapter IV - Winter Wonderland

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Chapter 4 - Winter Wonderland

November 7th, Penrock Slopes, Atlas, 2287 - Day 29

Yukon POV:

It’s been around a day since we left Beacon, and we’re approaching our destination, Frantham Highlands. Apparently the valley’s name was dedicated to a man named Benjamin Frantham, who, in his hay days, pioneered the majority of the Atlas kingdom. This valley we’re clearing out was where he was last seen, but it’s been a century since he was born, and no search party ever found him up here, and numerous parties went. They named Mt. Frantham -the tallest mountain he climbed- after him, to dedicate their kingdom’s territory to his findings. But the reason the mountain formation as a whole is named Penrock is because of the legend of a winter Grimm monster who roams the Penrock Slopes. They call the beast the Penrock Titan. Some say that’s how Frantham met his fate. Man, Oobleck really does love his tall tales. Well, enough of the history lesson, we’re nearing the mouth of the valley, where we’ll start our mission of searching and destroying. The two teams have slept next to each other for most of the trip, but I’ll have to wake them soon. I go to talk to the pilot in the cockpit, and when I walk through the door, he’s sipping on a cup of joe, with his legs kicked up on the console. I’m curious how he’s able to relax without piloting the ship.

Yukon: “What’s the ETA?

Pilot: “12 minutes or so. It’s just past these summits.”

Yukon: “Thanks, partner. How are you able to control the ship without using the actual controls?”

Pilot: “Yeah, that’s just the autopilot. I just tapped in the coordinates of where you were being dropped off at, and the system takes us there. What, did you not know the ship had autopilot or something?”

Yukon: “Where I come from we don’t got no such thing as airships. Some folk got automobiles, but only the rich folk. I just use a horse.”

Pilot: “Huh, you from a different world or something? Every kingdom has tech like this, even Menagerie!”

Yukon: “Does it look like I’m from any of them kingdoms?”

Pilot: “Maybe Vacuo.”

Yukon: “Well I ain’t. Anyway, I got my questions answered, I’m going to head out to get ready.”

Pilot: “Sure, sure. Have fun, I guess.”

I walk out to wake up the rest. I walk into the middle of where they are all sound asleep, and pull out a whistle, blow it, and the Minutemen start to wake up.

Yang: “*groan* Can’t you just wake us up like a normal person would.”

Yukon: “Negative. Anyway team, we arrive at the mouth of Frantham Valley in less than ten minutes. I want you all to be ready to spend some time in the cold.  Yang, get your motorbike ready. I want it to be warmed up before we engage the cold weather, and make sure it’s fuelled.”

Yang: “Sure thing, captain!”

Yukon: “Arc, I expect that you packed the food I told you to get?”

Jaune: “Some of the food was being used in the cafeteria, so we, um, have only four days amount. I’m sorry, I should have sai-”

Yukon: “No, no, that’s fine. This works. Corporal, since you have failed to follow orders, you will have no choice but to catch food with me.”

Jaune: “Um, catch, Sir?”

Yukon: “Yes, we’re going to kill an animal to eat.”

Yang: “Bumblebee’s all good to go, Cap!”

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