Chapter IX - Champion Of A Cause

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Chapter 9 - Champion of A Cause

November 11th , Vale, 2287 - Day 33

Yukon POV:

I take the briefcase along with the dust and head out from the docks. After scaling some buildings far from the fight scene I hop onto a secluded rooftop to take a closer look at my findings. I open the briefcase to see the book, some papers, about ten stacks of lien, a scroll, a radio and what looks to be a gun. The case has an identical logo as the crate I pulled it out of. If I had to guess, this may be an Officer's case, and I just stole some secret files from them. Why it was in a crate with dust, I'll never know. I pull out the notes to read them, and what I find turns out to be just what I need. As I suspected, it's an Officer's notes, and it looks like a high ranking one. I see the same insignia on the papers, the same one on the case and the crate I found everything in. I read the first entry.

Entry One: Everything is in place. We hit the first dust shop tonight. Dust to Dawn, I believe it's called. Roman will be leading the operation, along with some hired men. If all goes according to plan we'll be done with this phase in two months. Hopefully Torchwick doesn't screw this up.

Entry Two: I have confirmation that we're getting a shipment in later tonight. Adam didn't specify what the shipment was, however he did say it would be essential for part of the operation. We're going to pick up some dust at the docks in the weeks to come, and make it back to the warehouse to regroup with the rest of the Recruits. Roman will be giving a speech later and will also be unveiling a new asset we'll be using. Things are moving along nicely.

I close the book and look at the plans. If I read everything correctly they strike another dock not too far from here in two days. And I'll be there to put down their operation. But now, I need to find out what warehouse they were talking about, and what packages were brought in. As of now, I'm on a rooftop around a half mile away from where I picked up the case. If I had to guess, the warehouse had to be close by, because there's only one area here with depots. I'll investigate what's going on at the warehouse, and use that to plan my attack at the docks. Hell, maybe I can swipe a few things while I'm at it. I could use some bigger weapons.

November 13th, Beacon, Vale, 2287 - Day 35

Yukon POV:

It's been two days and I have yet to find exactly what I'm looking for. Of course, it ain't gonna be easy looking for a terrorist hideout in the middle of the city at around two in the morning. I've searched around a dozen or so storage houses, and I haven't found anything useful yet. Although, I did find a chest of dust crystals. There were four different colors, white, red, dark brown, and blue. I reckon it's the four elements. I'll test it out later, it seems swell. I've just about looked through all the warehouses until I hear footsteps. I pull myself up onto a windowsill from an adjacent building and hide myself from sight. I see four men, dressed in uniforms, and masks like the ones from the docks. It looks like they're heading somewhere.

Maybe they'll lead me to the warehouse.

When they walk past me I silently jump down and begin my pursuit of the men. I stay back 20 feet or so in the shadows, hoping that the lack of light will be enough to hide me. They turn a corner, and I follow them up until the point where they stop at a door. They look around, but they ain't seen me yet. They knock three times, wait, and the door opens. They all walk in. The door starts to close, so I use one of the throwing knives I got from that guard long ago to jam it into the door and the wall. As planned, the door doesn't close all the way, and the door opens once more. I use this opportunity to run up and pull the guard out of the doorway and into the alley, and deliver one strong hook to his temple. I toss his unconscious body into a dumpster across the alley, and walk in. Seems those throwing knives came into use, at least once.

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