Chapter V - Winter Wonderland Pt. II

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Chapter 5 - Winter Wonderland Pt. II

November 7th, Penrock Slopes, Atlas, 2287 - Day 29

Yukon POV:

I got my rifle and unhitched Bullet, covered him in snow for camouflage, and had the team ride out. I had Yang take point position with her bike, and I have everyone except Jaune ride on the trailer that Yang’s pulling. Jaune, however, has been voluntold to go hunting with me, since he forgot to pack enough food for the expedition. While the rest of the team goes on to the planned route I gave them, Jaune and I have gone up the slopes to find some type of animal other than Grimm to kill and eat. Apparently there’s a legend that if you eat a Grimm’s remains before they fade away, you will become like the Grimm. Kind of creepy if you ask me, but I don’t believe in legends like that. Despite me saying that, I still would like to find an elk and leave. The quiet atmosphere here gives me the chills, and it ain’t because it’s cold. Speaking of, I see an animal in the distance, and that just might be our ticket out of this hunt. I motion for Jaune to hand me my rifle, and he does so. I attached an optic scope earlier to the M-1 in case something like this happened. I aim the crosshairs onto the creature, which turns out to actually be an elk, and go to pull the trigger, but the elk starts moving again, towards the valley, where I can’t hit it accurately, and where the rifle won’t reach.

Yukon: “ We have to follow it.”

Jaune: “What? Can’t you hit it from here?”

Yukon: “Nope. Hyah!”

I kick Bullet’s sides, and we ride down the slope to catch our food. I hope the team’s okay with eating an animal. We turn the corner where I saw the elk go, and Bullet starts galloping. I’d rather get this over and done with, and get back to the team. But the elk must have known we were following it, because it’s nowhere to be seen, and there’s a bunch of trees in the way. Guess we gotta play Hide & Seek.

Yukon: “Where ya at, boy…”

On cue, I hear the elk’s call, or what us hunters call a bugle. Except this wasn’t a mating call, or communicating to other elk, no. This was a cry of fear.

Yukon: “Something’s wrong.”

Jaune: “Are you sure? What should we do?”

Yukon: “A predator could be stealing our food. We have to defend it. Probably wolves.”

Jaune: “Sounds like a plan. Let’s go.”

Yukon: “You heard him, pal. Giddyup!”

We ride through the forest until we make it into a clearing, but it doesn’t help much. Up until this point, it was snowing lightly. But suddenly, the weather changed for the worst, and it’s become close to a blizzard. But, I do see something, and let me tell you, it’s a predator alright, but this is the one that hunts the wolves.

Yukon: “Sweet Lord…”

Jaune: “W-W-What is that?!”

Yukon: “You’re the one that’s lived on Remnant his whole damn life, you tell me! We have to leave, now! Bullet, Hyah!”

Bullet definitely wanted to get out of there as well, so he did a full 180 and charged out of the forest leaving the predator to its prey. Unfortunately for us, the ape-thing decided the elk wasn’t a good enough catch, and wanted something better: Us. With a blood-curdling roar and thunderous treads indicating it was running, it didn’t take long to figure out it saw us. It burst through the trees with ease, and made a B-line towards us, with us halfway up the mountainous slope we came from.

Yukon: “We need to meet up with the rest of the group, and take it down together.”

Jaune: “Why can’t you just shoot it now?!”

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