Capter X - To Catch A Crook

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Chapter 10 - To Catch A Crook

November 21st, Vale, 2287 - Day 43

Yukon POV:

It's been 10 days since I blacked out on the docks. Ozpin just left after briefing me on what has happened. Team RWBY called a ship and got me back to Beacon before daybreak. Apparently I was rushed to the infirmary and found out that I had several fractures in my side, a bullet wound and a concussion, because I still have a splitting headache. Team RWBY and Team JNPR have been coming in almost daily to check if I've woken up yet. Other than that, my aura has healed the injuries I took on the field, and the only reason I'm still here is because of that damn knockout. I told Oz about all them plans that the White Fang had and all the dust robberies recently, thanked me for the reconnaissance and made his way out. Now I'm sitting here in the recovery bed trying to sleep. Naturally, with the company I tend to keep these days that didn't last long.

Team RWBY: "Yukon!"

My peace is thoroughly gone as the team practically knocks down the door.

Ruby: "We heard that you woke up! How are you feeling?"

Yukon: "About the same as always I reckon. Except my head is damn near killing me."

Blake: "Ozpin said you had a concussion. You're probably still feeling the effects of it."

Yang: "It's been boring without you, Yukon. How about you and me make up for lost 'excitement', shall we?"

Yukon: "...Are you hitting on me?"

Yang: "I might be~"

Weiss: "Ew, Yang, that's gross! Besides, you promised you wouldn't make a move!"

Yukon: "What?"

Ruby: "Shh! Weiss!"

Weiss: "I'm sorry!"

Yukon: "Ah, my head..."

Beacon Academy, Ozpin's Tower

Ozpin POV:

Well, Yukon has just woken up, and he's provided some useful information against the White Fang and... her. It would be useful had I not already known about most of it. Although, I didn't know where they were operating, though I highly suspect after the mess Mr. Marston made yesterday evening they'll be moving locations soon if not already. Might as well send in a team to see if they have. Everything has been quiet since Yukon arrived... maybe I have some extra time to prepare. I need to meet with Ironwood soon before we plan anything more. Though I must say, no activity from her is... disconcerting.

Flashback -

Date Unknown, Country Unknown, World Unknown - Day 4

Angelo Bronte POV:

Damn, where am I? Did that fucker stop chasing me? It feels as if I am falling, but more so flying. What is this feeling?

Suddenly the walls start shaking, making the barriers known to me. Then for a split second lightning of some sort strikes, lighting up where I am. It looks like a blue tunnel, made of air and currents that I have never seen before. This must be the teleportation tunnel. Then as soon as it starts, the shaking and lighting stops. I felt relief and let out a breath I did not know I had. But that rest soon ends as the shaking becomes ten times as violent and causes me to hit the walls before being sent out into a world I have no clue about. I hit the ground hard and splash in a black puddle of sorts, before pulling myself up to see the world around me. And let me tell you...

It is not a fair sight to see.

Up on a cliff I see someone. I call out.

Angelo: "Hey, you there! Where am I?"

Figure: "Interesting..."

Before I can call out again the silhouette vanishes like dust.

Angelo: "What the he-Agh!"

The figure appears before me in an instant and grabs me by the neck and lifts me up. It would seem that this person is a female.

Woman: "You are not from this world. Tell me, where do you come from?"

Angelo: "I-I come from Repubblica Italiana! Italy, Roma!"

Woman: "Fascinating... Do you know who I am?"

Angelo: "No! I-I've never met you in my life!"

She drops me and I gasp for air.

Woman: "I am your new queen. You may call me... Salem."


Alright! That wraps up Volume II! I worked so hard on this one and I apologize for the quick ending, but I had problems coming up with a longer plot. I had a lot of writer's block over this year which is why there was such a delay in parts coming out, so once again I'm sorry for that, I'll do better in the future to keep a better schedule. Another thing, I have some other stories in the works that aren't necessarily correlated to this series, so keep a lookout for those by possibly following me to get updates (your choice of course)

Anyway, that's about it! I'll be working on Volume III soon enough but I'm going to take a break first before I get started on that one. And one more thing!

Do you guys want this to have some romance? As in an X Male Reader type story? I have a feeling I know the answer but just in case let me know in the comments if I should switch it up or keep the same storyline. Well. That's about it, y'all have a good morning, afternoon, or night! Cheers!


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