𝗳 𝗼 𝘂 𝗿

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Two more weeks before the wedding...

"Y/n! Breakfast is ready!" My mom yelled, I yelled a 'okay' and sigh.
Everything seems to go back to normal...
What I meant was...

It feels like we're back at the past.

I thought that Yangyang was beginning to be nice...
But I was wrong.

I force myself to get out of my room and went to eat with my mom and Mingyu.
Doyoung already went back to work in Finland (i couldn't think of any country.)
"Y/n, why don't you go shopping with Mingyu and some of his friends? You can invite one of your 'girl' friends." My mom suggested while we were eating,
"Oh yeah, that's a great idea. What do you think Y/n?" Mingyu asked,
I slowly nodded. I never met his friends before but he likes to talk some random things about then. After breakfast, I got ready: I wore some casual clothes; and got my bag: inside was my money, a water bottle, and some food incase I get hungry which is almost every second. After a few minutes, Mingyu's friends were already downstairs talking with my mom.

There were six of them
Damn my brother has more friends than me-

I thought.
After a while, I finally got everything ready and went downstairs. I greeted them and they introduced their selves.
"Hi Y/n, I'm Jungkook"

"The8, but you can call me Minghao"

"I'm your dad. Just kidding, I'm Seokmin"

"I'm Bambam"

"Yugyeom here."


After introducing, we waved goodbye to mom and got inside the car. Mingyu was driving and Jaehyun was in the front seat, while I was sitting next to Seokmin. On the way to the mall, they were just having some rapping battle and some of them were playing on their phones.
"Y/n, wanna rap?" Seokmin asked, handing me the microphone.
"I'm not at good at rapping.." I shyly replied,
"Nah, I doubt that. Come on! Just try!" I slowly took the microphone then began rapping (just pretend you were good at rapping)
"Woah! You're amazing at rapping! You should be rapper!" Bambam teased, I laughed and I decided to join Bambam and Seokmin's rap battle.
We arrived at the mall, and I told Mingyu that I will be at the wedding dress store. I went inside the store and found Ryujin there, I actually didn't know she worked here but she said she would help me. We picked some wedding dress and within 20 minutes, we got the wedding dress since I'm not that type of girls who takes like 1 year to pick an outfit.
"Thanks Ryujin-ah for helping me" I said before leaving the store,
"Yeah~ You owe me food!" I chuckled and I nodded then left. I met with the boys and had lunch with them, after eating we drove back at home.


this is a short chapter because the next chapter will be long because it's the wedding and yeah BAIBAI  DawnyEntertainment 

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