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YangYang's Pov

"So Yangyang didn't get food poisoned?"

"Yes, it was just his emotions but other things he's alright. He's healthy."
The doctor replied,

I was speechless.

"Thank you, Doc. We'll be heading out now." Miso said as we bowed and left the clinic.
"Miso, can you go home today? Your parents are probably waiting there for you, I can stay alone at home. I need some time alone..." She nodded,
"A-are you sure?"
"Yeah, just go." she kissed me on the cheeks and left. I slowly started walking and thought to myself,

Why... am I so stupid?

Why did I blame such an innocent girl?

Y/n probably hates me now.

Y/n haven't came home in awhile, which was kinda lonely... And

I kinda miss her.

As I got home, I found a car parked near the gate. I quickly went inside to see who was there,

"Cha Eunwoo?"

He looked at me and didn't care.
"Yah, why are you here?" I asked, trying not slutter.
"Y/n." He coldly answered and headed to Y/n's room with a bowl of hot water and some medicines, I was about to ask another question...

Right, I forgot

that there was a thing called  'arranged marriage'

It's just arranged,

Just for business things.

Just for our parents.

I'm divorcing her after all this is done... right?

I thought as I headed to the living room and sat on the sofa then began scrolling through my phone. When I heard footsteps,

"Yangyang, I'm going to come back here. I have to go to work but I'll be back." I looked at him, confused.

"W-why?" I asked, he looked at me and stood beside me.

"Listen here kid, your wife is sick like really sick. She was so pale, didn't you not noticed? Oh right, you don't care."
He responded,

Y/n is sick?

"She probably got sick because of you, like she's sick of you, you're literally making her your maid in the house."

Sick of me?

Well, he was telling the truth. I did kinda made Y/n my maid.

"Why would you blame me?" I asked and he let out a laugh...
"Shouldn't I be asking you that? You're right, why would I blame you when I don't know what actually happened."
Eunwoo spoke, his words were making me speechless and it was getting intense.

(Wait wha- *silently eats popcorns*)

"What do you mean?" I asked,
"You. Yangyang, why would you blame Y/n? You should be thankful, she literally dones everything you asked her even if she hates it. You know why? Because she still has a place for you in her heart, which means she still loves you even though it's still arranged. I don't understand why she still love a jerk like you." He said and left the house. I sighed....

He's right.
I'm a jerk.

- Few days later -

Author's Pov
Few days passed and you were starting to get better. Mingyu, Eunwoo, Ryujin, and Renjun would visit and take care of you everyday while Yangyang just spends his time with Miso, and tries his best not to care about you a lot. Until one day when someone arrived at the house.
The door swung opened revealing Yangyang's mom, her face expression didn't look happy... just blank.

"Oh Miss. Liu, it's nice to see you here!" Miso bowed,

"Would you like me to-" Miso was about to speak when Miss Liu got tired and told her to shut her mouth.
"Young Lady, I didn't come here for you. I'm here for my daughter
Kim Y/n. Not Na Miso." Her words made Miso speechless, but it was worth it. She went to your room which Mingyu and Eunwoo were there, siting beside your bed talking with you. They bowed to Miss Liu and she finally formed a smile when she saw you, but then she frowned.
"What's the matter, Miss Liu?" You asked,
"Y/n and Mingyu, I have to tell you something." You and Mingyu both looked at each other then back at Miss Liu.
"It's about your mother.."
Suddenly you and Mingyu looked worried but let Miss Liu finished her sentence.

"She's in the hospital."

- to be continued -
What's wrong with these characters being sick and in the hospital? It's nor corona yall CALM DOWNN!! Anyways I'm hungry-

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