𝙚 𝙞 𝙜 𝙝 𝙩 𝙚 𝙚 𝙣

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"Since you are going to Paris for a couple of years... can you take Yuri with you?" I asked,
"Y/n, what nonsense are you talking about?" Hyuna looked at me as if she was so done with me.
"Aunty please, this is for the best." I begged,
"Y/n, we would let her but the thing how are you gonna tell her? she's too young to know" my auntie remarked as she held my nervous hand.
"That's why, she's too young to be involved in this whole drama going around in the family. She is not safe!" I cried as a tear fell down from my eye, my aunty and uncle looked at each other and sighed.
"Okay... I guessed she could come." E'dawn respond, I formed a smile on my face as I wipe the tears falling down.
"But about you?" Hyuna asked,
"I'll catch up after I fixed everything" I replied and taking my last few sips from my drink.

"How are you gonna tell Miss Liu? and the others?" 

"Well, I wouldn't tell them unless they would ask where she is then I would tell them and if they got a problem with it. It's not my problem."
I replied with confidence,

I mean what I said was what I said.

"Now that's the Y/n I know!" Hyuna stated with a smile, we talked for a bit then later wave our goodbyes.

"byebye Hyunjinnn!"
"byeee Yuri~!"

the two little kids both waved goodbyes and we finally left. Me and Yuri got into the car and I started driving back home...
After I parked my car, I helped Yuri get out from her car seat and finally got out from the car. As we were about to walk inside the house, Xiaojun noticed us from afar.
"Hey Y/n and Yuri!" I greeted Xiaojun while Yuri who was exhausted just waved at him.
"Why are you here?" I asked,
"Oh, I have to talk to Yangyang." I just nodded and we both went inside the house finding Miss Liu, Yangyang and Miso looking stressed and as if they just had a meeting about something serious.

"KIM Y/N!" Miss Liu shouted.

- to be continued -

hey guys! How are y'all??
I've been sick for like 6 days now 🤧 but I guess I'm starting to feel okay ;))
But anyways I'm planning to update every Sunday IF I have time which I guess I have. Thank you for waiting patiently for this update!! Be safe!

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