𝙨 𝙚 𝙫 𝙚 𝙣

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Author's Pov

Few days pass by and you and Yangyang move in together to a new house. Sometimes Yangyang's friends would come over, other days his 'girlfriend' would come over too but you don't usually care about it and just stay at your room. It was good since you and Yangyang wouldn't be in the same room. There were days where it would just be so peaceful in the house with no words spoken. You two were very busy most times, so you guys are not always at home unless it was the weekends.

Y/n's Pov

"Hey, um my friends are coming over and can you-" before he was gonna say anything to you, you cut him off with a nod and left the living room to go to your bedroom. As you got inside your bedroom, you slowly closed the door behind you and laid down on the bed. Few minutes later, you could hear Xiaojun and Ten talking with Yangyang. While you were just staring at the ceiling, someone knocked on the door and before you could get up to open the door. The door was swung open revealing Yangyang,
"Y/n, could you make us food?" He asked,

Okay first it was stay in my room then what now? Become your maid?

I sighed and gave him a small nod. After he left, you rolled your eyes and put your hair up to make a messy bun. You realise you were wearing still wearing your PJs, so you changed into an oversized shirt and shorts. You head downstairs, finding the boys at the living room looking for a movie to watch. You headed to the kitchen and looked for something to cook for them, after a couple of moments you made them ramen. You found Xiaojun and Ten starring at you from head to toe which made you uncomfortable.

"Y/n, can you go to your room now?" Yangyang said in an annoyed tone and gave me a glare.

At least be thankful I made you food.

I headed back to my room and decided to take a nap.

Yangyang's Pov

I sighed as she made her way to her room,

She probably doesn't get it.
Yangyang, stop getting jealous.

"Yangyang, why are you just standing there? Let's eat!" I nodded and sat down to eat with them.
"Yangyang, when are you planning to divorce her? You remember our deal?" Ten remarked,

Right, the deal.
The deal.
No. Why did I agree to that?
You're so pathetic Yangyang.

"Ten, stop talking nonsenses and just eat." Xiaojun let out a soft laugh to change the subject.
"Yah what do you mean? A deal is a deal. Yangyang agreed to it, right Yangyang?" They both looked at me and waited for me to respond.
"Oh, about that. I thought you were just joking. Right?" I said awkwardly,
Xiaojun laughed.


But Ten wasn't having it.

He was dead serious.

"You know what, can you both just leave? I'm not in the mood today." I finally said and Xiaojun nodded as Ten let out a laugh. Xiaojun quickly pulled him away and they left the house. I sighed,

What could go worse?

- To be continued -

Hi luvs! Sorry for VERY late update, this girl is having a busy life here but I'll try to update every Tuesday and Thursday! Stay self- i mean stay safe!

 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 || 𝐥𝐢𝐮 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠 Where stories live. Discover now