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The next day passed and the peace was no longer there...
Miso came back to the house and started being clingy and cute around Yangyang, saying how much she missed him. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to get ready to go to my brother's house. After I had came back here, my brother got a job as a chief in a restaurant and now he has a restaurant. He was able to buy a house and was asking if I would like to move in. I told me I wanted to, but Miss Liu wouldn't let me. I was gonna tell him about sending Yuri to Paris then I would tell my other friends. I took a deep breath and finally grab my car keys then drove to my brother's house. I had drop Yuri to her private French lessons with Hyunjin.
"Bye Yuri! I'll pick u up later!" she waved goodbye then went with Hyunjin and E'dawn. After a while, I finally arrived to my brother's house,
"Oh hey sis! didn't know you would come! Good timing also!" Mingyu said, letting me inside. I was confused at first but when we both head to the kitchen, I noticed all my friends were already there.
"Oh, I was about to call you to come over" Renjun remarked,
"Well you don't have to. I'm already here"

Ryujin, Renjun, Eunwoo, Mingyu, and I (I know it's a bit of a new combination lmao) were playing video games when we finally got tired and that's when I took a deep breath,
"Guys, I have to tell you something..." I began. They all looked at each other and then back at me,
"What's the matter??"
here goes nothing...

"I decided that I would be sending Yuri to Paris"

"WHAT?!" they all shouted,
"Aye stop joking around!" Ryujin awkwardly laughed and followed by the other's laughter.
"I'm not joking, seriously I'm sending her." I said, showing the ticket that HyunA booked for her.
"Can you all leave the two of us for a minute? We have to talk about something serious." The rest nodded and patted my back before leaving the living room.
"Okay...Y/n, what happened? What did he do again?!" Mingyu flooded with questions and looked worried.
"Nothing happened oppa, it's just that... she's not safe in the house. Plus HyunA and E'dawn will be there, I already got a babysitter for her there. I will go there once everything is good." I exclaimed, Mingyu sighed.

"Whatever ya say, I mean I can't do anything about it. But look, if you need anything I'm always here for you." He stated before giving me a tight hug.

"love ya sis."

"love u too."

"HEY! I WANT A HUG TOO" Renjun suddenly shouted as he opened the door, about to hug Ryujin.
"ew, go hug yourself." She playfully said with a disgusted face, pushing poor Renjun away.
"Come here, I'll hug you then." I said,
"No thank you, I don't want a hug from a disgusting person like you!" he stated in a sassy way which made all of us laughed. I explained everything to them which they supported me, we did a group hug and went back to playing.
"By the way, did you tell Doyoung yet? Plus, I heard he's coming back around this week." Mingyu reminded me, I looked in my phone calendar:

Doyoung Oppa coming back -- this Wednesday

shoot. 2 more days left. 
"You should probably get ready for that" Ryujin commented,
"But don't worry, if he gets mad at you, We'll be there to protect you." Eunwoo exclaimed. I mutter a 'thank you' before I got up to go pick up Yuri from her French Lessons.

- to be continued -
Yepp that's it! Sorry for the long wait, and sorry if it's a short and boring chapter. Anyways, I will REALLY try to update as quick as possible. 💎💙

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