𝙚 𝙞 𝙜 𝙝 𝙩

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Y/n's Pov
Today was Monday which means I had to go babysit but Ms. Park texted me saying they were in Japan, so I had nothing to do at home but just eat and watch Yangyang and Miso cuddling while watching a movie in the living room. I kinda got annoyed but kept a blank face, I was at the kitchen cooking for them when suddenly my phone rang. I put the food on the plate and answered the phone,

"Hey Y/n?"

"Oh Eunwoo? Hey!"

I said that so loud which made Yangyang looked at me,

"I was just thinking if you wanna go out today?"

"You mean... A date?"


I blushed.

"Sure! I would love to go on a date with you today. I'll get change first"

"Okay, I'm actually already infront of your house. I'll just wait here in the car."

I look at the window, seeing a white car and Eunwoo waving at me.

Oh my.

I hung up and ran towards my room to get ready. I wore something comfortable, well not that comfortable ofc and grab my phone and wallet. I quickly put my shoes on since I'm not comfortable with wearing those heels and sandals,

"Kim Y/n, where do you think you're going?" Yangyang asked as I was about to exit the house,

"Out with my boyfriend, and none of your business to ask why" I replied then head out. Eunwoo noticed me and got off the car to greet me,


"Hi?" We laughed at how we greeted ourselves,
"So let's go?" I said trying to break the 'awkward' atmosphere. 
"Oh yeah but wait, here." He grab something from his car and hand it to me.

It was a banquet of my favourite flowers

I smiled and thank him for it before he opened the door for me then drove off.

Yangyang's Pov


"Yah, what are you thinking?! I been calling your name for like hundred times already" Miso said in an annoyed tone. I rolled my eyes,

"What do you want?"

"I'm hungry." She pouted which kinda disgust me, but anyways.
"Then go eat, Y/n cooked us food so go eat it." I responded while looking at the TV screen,
"Ew! Why would I eat at food?! She probably poisoned it or something" Miso replied in disgust,

Oh God.

"Can't we just order? Please..." She whined with her 'puppy eyes'.

Bella can do better.

(Im- okay yangyang)

"Miso can you stop? If you want to order, go home and order."

"I aint wasting my money for you." I mumbled, hoping she wouldn't hear.
"Okay... Whatever ya say" as soon as she left, I sighed and went to the kitchen to eat Y/n's food so she wouldn't throw it. They're actually good,

Why am I hating on you...

I still kept think what would Eunwoo and Y/n do...

Okay, I'm kinda jealous.

I hate this.

After finished eating, I got tired and ended up sleeping on the table.

Y/n's Pov
"Eunwoo, Thank you so much for today. I really enjoyed it." I said as he helped me get off the car,
"It's no big deal." He responded, brushing off a smile. I waved goodbye at him and went inside the house, finding Yangyang sleeping on the dining table. I sighed then put the finished plate on the sink and was about to go to my bedroom when I decided to wake Yangyang up so he could rest inside his bedroom but I suddenly touched his forehead and it was heating up. I quickly checked his temperature to make sure, yep he was sick. I gave all my strength and got him inside his bedroom, I went to get a towel then dip it in cold water and slowly put it in his forehead which made him wake up. And at the same time, Miso came in...

"Yah, what are you doing here? Yangyang! Are you okay??" She push me and rush to Yangyang,

"I'm fine, what happened?" They both looked at me, waiting for me to answer and I told them.
"What did you eat?" Miso asked,

"Um... Y/n's food." Yangyang replied.

"Y/n... You- You POISONED THE FOOD DIDN'T YOU?!" I was shocked at Yangyang's words, Miso was furious and slapped me so hard on the face.
"What are you trying to do to my boyfriend?! GET OUT OF HERE! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE!" Miso shouted,

I was speechless.

I quickly got out, put on my hoodie and headed outside. As soon as I got out of the house,

rain started falling...

tears started dropping down my cheeks...

But suddenly, I felt nothing...

There were no raindrops falling on me anymore, I look up and formed a smile.

"Get up, pabo-ya" Renjun said, holding the umbrella as he helped me get up and got inside his car.
"Renjun, where are you going?" I shouted as he didn't get inside the car.
"What do you think? I'm gonna talk with that jerk" I chuckled and quickly dragged him back inside the car,
"Thanks Renjun, but it's okay."

"Alright whatever you say.."

We got to his house and I fell asleep on the way there.

Renjun's Pov
Aish, seriously this girl...

I carried her to my bedroom and decided to make some food.
"RENJUN!" Ryujin half shouted, I looked at her confused.
"Y/n... SHE'S HEATING UP." I quickly rush over to Y/n and she looked pale.

And she's definitely sick.

How could she get so pale and sick just after a few moments??

- to be continued -
Late update? Anyways ENJOY READING!

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