Black lives matter

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We need to let the blacks have Their Voice Heard

all the long we just left them behind 

. The whites are just trying to prove the Blacks are always wrong  .

No matter what color you are, you always should be treated equally 

we can't hide the fact that white Americans has used laws,  politics, businesses  and at the time terrorism too 

just to maintain and control the power of the black life 

I don't want to repeat the history.   so I think we should encourage the white to let the black have a chance

 Hearing all over the news that another black person has been killed by a white officer.

When we were younger we've been taught that black people just cause chaos . 

nowadays TV shows,  I am pointing to the crime shows

every  episode there is  always  a bad guy, and that's what makes the show so interesting 

 but I bet you a every bad guy that appears on that shows  50% are just black . 

 parents these days let  teenagers and kids sit in front of  the TV all day 

and all of what they are learning or just the wrong facts. we have been telling ourselves along 

the black lives don't matter  we Define them as bad guys,

 we are taught that black lives  don'tt have a soul deep down,

 and we don't know if they are smiling after a joke,

 so we just forget about them and throw them out like it's a piece of trash 

yeah some a  crackheads , but we don't  Define them as a that.

no wonder why they hide their faces, because they are tired getting blamed for everything 

the tears that they shed  and the pain that they can't get away from .

because all the negative energy that we have dragging them into.

we are paying them down like they just don't exist , we walk through them like they are a ghost, 

we don't see the pain that they have , will know what it feels like to walk in those shoes. 

so stop telling lies about the life they are living in. 

everyone has a different story only if you look closer in the eyes,  

we all are dealing with different pain, that's runs through our veins 

we all stand in this together, and we can save another life..

 Black people are not bricks in our walls , but we are thorns in their sides.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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