Part 6

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*3 weeks later*

"Okay I'm heading out to school now bye auntie Lina and Joy!" I ran down the stairs as quick as I possibly could because I was getting a little late.

"Bye noona, and say hi to Mr. Rude from me..." he laughed while waving at me from the dinning table.

" thank you he doesn't deserve your 'hi' and plus I don't have the energy to waste for him" I faked smiled and walked out of the house and started walking my way to the bus stop.

Say hi?
How about I bury him...
Wait he's not even worth the dirt to bury him in.

These past weeks have been a torture for me honestly. Always getting smacked on the head, poked by a sharp pencil on my back, pulling my hair in front of everyone, the verbal hateful comments passed to eachother...and all of this doing was none other than Soobin.

Atleast he isn't like in my dreams, the knife incident no thank you...but still I can't keep on being tortured like this everyday for the rest of the school year! I am so done with him and that makeup rat, oops I mean Jennie. Today will be the day I will either win or lose. Y/N FIGHTING!!!

"Ahhh darn it I've reached school" I sighed when I looked out the window, I stood up grabbing my backpack and walked off the bus.

I walked inside the school building and towards my lockers to get my supplies when a fist punched the locker beside me...only to see Soobin's eyes were fixed on me.

"Ms. Easy Target how is your ugly self feeling today?" he leaned onto the locker next to me.

"Mr. Rude are you looking at the mirror or something? why are you talking to yourself?" I grinned at my verbal counter attack.

"Haha very NOT really don't have humor huhh, I still don't get why Lia added you into our group. It's like a field of beautiful flowers and someone came in and dropped trash on it..." he chuckled thinking he was really hilarious.

"You know Soobin you talk so much shit...I don't know whether to offer you a breath mint or toilet paper." I slammed my locker door taking a second to fake smile at him then slowly walked away as I flipped my hair on his face, hoping it would hit him. Oops my bad...

"I—you— y/n!!!" I heard him yelled from behind making me chuckle. Huhh, he thinks he can keep messing with me and not get anything in return...good thinking but I'm y/n not another girl that will take all of his shit.

*Lunch Time*

"Piece of shit, that's what he is to me" I sipped my banana milk as I shared my thoughts with Lia.

"He's not that bad y/n once you get to know him you know... he is really cool once you become friends with him!" she munched on her chips.

"If I want to get to know him...nahh I pass" I shaked my head sideways.

"Pass what?" speak of the devil himself. He sat with his tray down sitting opposite from me.

"Oh y/n was saying she wanted to be close friends with you" Lia spoke and I gave her the death glare... I saw Lia's smirk under her innocent smile , she knew what she was doing. I swear this girl is tryna irritate me purposely.

"I did not!" I scoffed in front of him then focused sipping on my banana milk.

"Pfft as if I would want to be friends with this brat...barf!" he gazed at me acting like he was about to vomit and then turned normal to look at Lia again.

"Anyways Soobin you said you wanted to tell me something important in the classroom what was it?" she questioned him.

Something important?

"Oh yeah! Do you remember that guy who was my best friend in elementary school? He played with us, but then had to move to America because of family issues? Well guess what!!" he clapped his hands together in excitement. Wow he actually smiles? Aishh y/n stop it you don't care okay? YOU DON'T CARE!

"What?" she stopped stuffing her chips.

"He's coming back to Korea! and he's transferring to our school! He texted me today!" he smiled making his dimples appear.

"What!!! No freakin way...wait what was his name again umm........ummm—" she started thinking.

"Choi San!" I heard out of Soobin's mouth and almost choked on my food and then actually did. I started coughing repetitively.

"Y/n! y/n you okay?...breath" Lia patted my back up and down because I couldn't stop coughing and finally gasped for breath.

"Y—yeah...yeahhh....I'm f-fine" I smiled awkwardly but internally I was screaming.




C-hoi S-San?!


Choi San? The one I know from America? This can't be true. My middle and high school bully before I came here. My life is already sideways now why not turn it upside down too...

Author's POV: 🥵 he's coming sis.

Author's POV: 🥵 he's coming sis

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