Part 14

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Soobin POV
"God I can't believe y/n would do that to Jennie, I thought y/n was different truly Beomgyu..." I pushed my hair back in frustration as I sat on a bench nearby.

"Soobin you know what your problem is?" Beomgyu looked at me placing his hand on my shoulder.

"What?" I asked him tilting my head in curiousity.

"That you only saw what was in front of you, believing everything Jennie spoke, did you even give y/n a chance to explain her point of view? No you didn't because your ego was more important than y/n. Do you even realize how you humiliated and embarrassed y/n felt in front of everyone?" he looked at me in disappointment.

"...." I was mind just stopped working.

"...but she spilled the hot water on Jennie! you think I'm just going to let that go?! No never... I fucking hate her. If she was in front of me right now I would slap her!" I stood up from the chair pulling my hair back but then turned to look at Beomgyu, who was looking at something behind me.

"Slap me then...I'm right behind you" I turned around to see a perfect silhouette which belonged to y/n walking towards us. Her eyes puffed up and dried up tears on her cheeks. She looks so beauti— nope no she didn't.

"I—just go y/n! I can't even bear looking at you right now. The amount of hatred I have for you right now is unbearable!" I gritted my teeth not facing her instead it was my back.

"You know what is really unbearable? The fact that you blindly believed everything Jennie spoke from her mouth. You didn't even listen to me you inconsiderate jerk..." she poked her finger to my left side of my chest, the heart.

"I thought friends could share things with eachother... and here I didn't even get to share my thoughts! If this is your fucking friendship then I guess I don't want it...we are OVER..." she poked my heart again and again. Tears start to appear and drip. Why is seeing her cry starting to make me feel so weak?

"Y/n don't be like that, Soobin genuinely does care about you" Beomgyu nodded looking at her and then  raised his eyebrows at me.

" What care? The word 'CARE' is nonexistent in Soobin's world. If this is care then I'd rather jump off a cliff Beomgyu. I-I'm so done with you...act like I don't exist and don't talk to me ever again Soobin" she looked at me before walking out of my sight, just like last time but the only this time she left something behind for me.

Our Friendship.

Why do I hate myself right now?

*Time skip*
"Okay students gather up...we are giving you a treasure hunt task since I've noticed you've been slacking in some of the activities" Mrs. Lee stood in the middle with all the students circled her.

To summarize we had assigned groups with 4 people to collect 3 stones out of 6 which were hidden by the teachers. If we collect 3 and return back to Mrs. Lee we will get extra credit for school when we get back. The fun part was that we can only communicate with our walkie talkies but the problem was each group would only get 2 walkie talkies. And oh boii I wanted to win this so much. The only problem was my group members were Soobin, Jennie, Kai, and Me.

"Now I'll give all the groups 3 minutes to strategize! Ready...Set...Go!" our teacher shouted and we all ran to our group members.

"So what's the plan guys?" I asked as Soobin, Jennie, and Kai gathered up.

"Soobin and I will team up" Jennie crossed her arms giving me a *stay away from him look* and I just rolled my eyes.

"Okay then y/n and I will team up! And let's split our ways to get a better chance at finding the stones. We can communicate through the walkie talkies. Since there's only two though Soobin you have one talkie and I have the other one. Sounds like a plan?" Kai spoke leaving us shocked, we didn't know Kai was this intelligent he always acts so dumb.

"Okay let's go and win this extra credit!" Soobin shouted  but not making eye contact with me as we all nodded and split our ways into the forest like the other teams.

*3 hours later*
"Kai stop please stop I'm exhausted of running so much!" I held my knee because they were about to collapse any minute.

"Haha okay y/n but what if the other teams find the stones?" He sat on the big rock as I made my way next to him.

"They won't chill Kai...if you want you can go find it I'm so tired my legs can't physically run anymore I might faint if I do" I shaked my head.

"Are you sure?" Kai asked.

"Yes very now shoo! Go! We need to win" I nodded assuring him I'll be fine on my own. I hope we win...

Soobin POV
"Oh my god baby you found another one!" Jennie clapped when we found our second stone. To be honest I was pretty proud of myself but at the same time my mind kept wavering off. Flashes of y/n's face appeared on Jennie's face when she talked or did almost anything. Stop thinking about her Soobin she's nothing but a two faced bitch. Distracting myself I beeped my walkie talkie informing Kai.

Soobin: I found another one Kai copy that.
Kai: Oh yes! I think I'm close a stone I heard one of the groups talking bout it...oh my—bruh I found it!
Soobin: F*ck yeah! Let's head back and find Mrs. Lee before anyone else comes first.
Kai: Okay! Meet me there...hurry up!

*time skip*
"Here you go Mrs. Lee" I smiled while handing the three stones in her hands. As Kai and Jennie stood next to me.

"Good jobs guys you're first which means you get the extra credit! Now tell me the group members so I can write it down..." Mrs. Lee got ready to write the names.

"Soobin, Jennie, Me, and Y/n...OH MY GODDD Y/N!!!
F*ck I forgot about her!!" Kai put his hands over his mouth. What does he mean by forgot. I freezed and stared at Kai with wide eyes. Then looked side to side and realized y/n was no where to be seen.

where are you y/n?

Author's POV: "who are youwuwuw"~ fake love

Author's POV: "who are youwuwuw"~ fake love

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