Part 12

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"Okay since we are done stretching, face your partner please and follow what Mr. Young and I are doing" I turned to face Soobin who looked very intimidating to me. Gosh I have to dance with this jerk...hopefully we don't have a touch eachother...or get closer.

"Okay so the guy's will touch the girl's waist to get closer and make sure to close any gap between you both if you have any..." she continued instructing us. I snapped my head at Soobin who slowly walked closer then before...oh my gosh my heart is accelerating. Then softly I felt a hand wrap around my waist pulling me closer to Soobin. Our eyes locked with eachother and a sense of burning tension rose between us.

"You know I've never seen your face this close..." he spoke while Ms. Kim was instructing all of us.

"And...what am I supposed to do with that info?" I asked while he continued to hold my waist.

"Nothing...just have I never seen this beauty up close" I coughed on air when he said that...but the felt Soobin's hand patting my back.

"I'm okay thanks" I assured him to stop patting my back then he stopped, "...but are you okay?" I asked tilting my head.

"Ofcourse why wouldn't I be?" we continued our dance from instructions Ms. Kim gave us. Why are we talking in the middle of dancing? Aishh this boy is trouble.

"You just called me beautiful right? The Soobin I know would never say that" I spoke gazing deeply into his eyes. "Then I guess you don't know me that well...and yes I know I called you beautiful because you are there's no lie" he brought our faces closer.

" I'm interested in getting to know you" I smiled innocently.

Soobin POV
" I'm interested in getting to know you" she smiled innocently.

Don't...You'll only get disappointed if you begin to know me. I'm not the person who you think I am y/n. I'll only break your heart into millions of pieces...shattering it so hard and painful, the only thing that will leave from your mouth towards me will be HATRED, DESPISE, DISGUST. Because I'm that low of a person. I won't fucking care leaving you lifeless on the streets, won't care if you get hit by a car, won't even care if you are dead. Your existence or non existence won't affect me y/n.

But I have to pretend to care, because of Jennie. I want my baby to be happy and if anyone comes to destroy her happiness then I will have to destroy them.

"Then I guess we need to be friends to do that" I smirked letting go off her hands as the teacher instructed on doing solo bits.

"It's not a bad sure let's be friends" she nodded with her eyes softly glancing back and forth between me
and our teacher.

As her hips swayed with each movement showing full emotion of the song. Damn those Soobin you
still have a girlfriend remember? Then my eyes glanced towards Jennie who was struggling to keep up movements. She was tryna be sexy but her moves were really awkward... someone should tell her she's not a dancer! And then I see y/n... perfection, grace, s-sexy all in one.

"Okay that's all for today! make sure to practice with your partner since we'll be performing can go now!" Ms. Kim said as we all nodded and bowed before leaving.

" I can finally rest" I stretch as I walked back to my tent with Lia. "Same girl I'm so tired... aren't you hungry?" she asked. "Nope I'm not hungry you can go to the dining hall if you want I just wanna take some rest..." I nodded assuring her. "Okay!" she waved and left.

I walked back to my tent, walking over to my side and sat
on the bed. I glanced around to see Soobin's side all messy.
I mean, since we are friends now why not clean his side.
I nodded to myself and started picking up the trash. Then I began putting his scattered belongings one by one in his bag until a diary caught my eye. 'Soobin's Diary', it read. A red pendant necklace reflected the moonlight catching my attention.

"What do you think you're doing?" a voice spoke from behind. I whipped my head around and realized it was Soobin standing over me as my tiny self was sitting on the floor.

"Oh I was just trying to clean your side and—" I stuttered until he snatched the diary and necklace out of my hands.

"Don't ever touch this y/n...I'm warning you" he slammed his hand on the table next to me, making me flinch.

"Gosh...I was trying to be nice since we are friends now!" I pushed him away about to walk on my side, when he stopped me by grabbing onto my wrists.

"What!?" I asked yanking my wrist in frustration. "I'm's just that I'm very sensitive when people touch this diary and especially this...necklace" he held up the necklace in front my eyes, swinging it side to side.

" could've just said that, than yelling at my face..." I flicked his forehead. "Oww...jeez! sorry I need to control my anger..." he shaked his head.

"Then do this..." I intertwined my fingers with his and placed them where his heart lied "close your eyes...this is what I do when I can't control my anger..." I smiled softly trying to control my flush creeping in when I saw him close his eyes.

Soobin POV
My anger and frustration faded...just like that. No one has been able to control my anger, not even me. But then all of a sudden you come along. And fade my anger away like it didn't even exist.

My heart doesn't know what it's feeling right now. But one thing I know is that I'm getting you.

Author's POV: I can't— UwU

Author's POV: I can't— UwU

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