There was ketchup on the corner of Taehyung's mouth, which Yoongi just wiped away for him with a paper towel. Taehyung hummed as he set his burger down on his plate and looked up at the older with curiosity."So," He swallowed his food. The burger actually wasn't bad, which made Yoongi question everything Taehyung had told him before. Taehyung had told him that it's what he learned from watching his parents cook after so many years. "why did you get so drunk?"
Yoongi bit his inner cheek as he sorted out his plate. He quickly took a drink of his water, which filled his dry mouth, but didn't save him from the conversation he was going to have.
"I know it's not my business.." Taehyung felt guilty for even speaking, so he picked up his huge burger and filled his mouth with food. Yoongi chuckled at the sight of his cheeks.
"Honestly?" Yoongi leaned back in his chair and shrugged. "There isn't many things to mess up here. At home, I'd have to be careful if I got drunk. Like I could accidentally post something on social media or break something at home or call someone and possibly curse them for no real good reason." He chuckled.
"But since I'm here," He looked up at Taehyung. "I know you're not going to tell anyone about my stupid life or if I do something stupid, you won't tell anyone. I have no phone, so I couldn't fuck that up."
Taehyung nodded. "It's like we're closed off for good." He said. "No phones. No people besides us. It's our escape. I get it." He said.
Yoongi smiled. "Also I really needed to get drunk." He said. "Hope I didn't say or do anything stupid while I was like that. Did I?"
The younger just bit his lip as he looked at his burger and picked it up once again. "Not at all." He pursed his lips together right before taking a big bite of his burger. Yoongi frowned at that. Taehyung noticed the look on his face.
"Liar." Yoongi pouted.
Taehyung hummed as he chewed and Yoongi just stared up at him. He finally swallowed his food. "You called me Taehyungie." He said. Yoongi tilted his head. "It was cute."
Cute? It's cute? Yoongi suddenly realized how much he adds "ie" at the end of names. Seokjinnie. Jungkookie. Hoseokie. Namjoonie. Taehyungie? Ugh. Why does he do it?
"That's not even too bad." Yoongi pouted. "Just a nickname? That's all I did?"
Taehyung nodded. "Mhm.."
Somehow, Yoongi didn't believe him. He probably made a fool of himself and Taehyung just happened to be there. "I know you're lying." Yoongi said. "Just as long as I can trust you to not make fun of me, we're good."
"Then we're good." Taehyung smiled.
Yoongi smiled back at him. "I like this new Taehyung." He said. Taehyung huffed.
"Taehyungie?" He corrected Yoongi.
"Taehyung didn't seem too likable." Yoongi said. "I like Taehyungie, though. He's much nicer and possibly funnier." He lightly laughed as Taehyung just squinted at him. Yoongi wasn't truly in the mood to eat as much as the other. Hell, the light from the lantern was already killing him enough. He just wanted to be kept in a dark room for forever. Taehyung didn't really notice that Yoongi only gave his burger two bites until he finally looked.
The younger tilted his head as he acknowledged the plate in front of Yoongi.
"Not hungry?" Taehyung asked.
Yoongi looked up into Taehyung's eyes and gave a sincere apologetic look. "Sorry." He nibbled on his lower lip as he looked down at his burger. It isn't that the hamburger wasn't good or anything. It was good. Yoongi was just still a little hungover and the thought of food didn't settle with him too well. "I—It's just my stomach. I— Maybe if I hadn't drunk so much earlier. Shit, I'm sorry. I—"

Five | Taegi✔️
FanfictionWhere Kim Taehyung- a photographer, and Min Yoongi- a journalist get stuck at a winter lodge together for five days alone due to a totally-not-cliche winter storm. In the United States. With no way to contact anyone. Trailer: @mai_tuga on Twitter - ...