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Taehyung felt worn out by merely living.

Today wasn't a long day to him or anything, but he sure was tired for some reason. It's still only been one day— and the power is still off.

He held up his lantern since his phone died earlier, shining it on the door. He locked it even though there's nobody else on the mountain to break in. It just made Taehyung feel safer that the door was locked when he was asleep. It wasn't late yet. He was just tired.

So, he decided to take a nap.

As simple as it may seem, it wasn't. How was he supposed to know that his night was about to take a turn so quickly, so suddenly?

Taehyung had already gotten into his pajamas and put out the lantern, clearly ready for his nap. He had found extra blankets because the sun was setting and it was getting colder. His nap— which he expected to last for at least thirty minutes, maybe— lasted more like ten.

He did drift off into sleep, but he could faintly hear a slight ping against his window. At first, the sound was just ringing into his ears. He was dreaming and he thought it was just a part of what was going on in his mind.

It hit louder.

Taehyung shifted in the bed, but did nothing else. His eyebrows furrowed at the annoying sound and he was starting to get angry.

It hit again.

His eyes slowly opened and he groaned, but it hit against the window again. He blinked at the window. This whole time, he thought he was making it up in his dream, but it was real.

It hit again.

"The hell?" Taehyung threw his blankets off of himself and put on his slides on the way to his lantern. He tried his hardest to light it in the dark. He kept a lighter next to him at all times now, in his pocket so that it's easy to get to.

He lit the lantern and left his room.

He knocked lightly on Yoongi's door because he had always sort of been scared of anyone breaking into his house. It's not his house. They're on a mountain and the power is out.

Taehyung is pretty scared.

Yoongi didn't answer his door, so Taehyung frowned as he looked at the staircase that suddenly became longer than it was before. He sighed, but jumped as he heard the ping against his window from the hallway. He groaned as he made his way down the stairs.

He quickly opened the door and held up his lantern. Nobody was on the front porch, so that was good enough for him. He yelled into the air— a "hello" that sounded pitiful. Whatever.

He turned around towards the door, walking into the lodge to close it. His eyes widened as he saw something— a person suddenly running towards him. Taehyung's first instinct was to try to close the door as quickly as possible, but suddenly Yoongi was in his view, pressing his hands against the door to hold it open.

Confusion hit Taehyung's whole brain as Yoongi started hitting at him, making him raise his arms in defense and hold the lantern tighter. Yoongi was still hitting his arms, but it didn't hurt as much as it was meant to.

"T-That wasn't funny!" Yoongi's voice cracked as Taehyung grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"Huh?" Taehyung put the lantern on a hanger on the wall and furrowed his eyebrows as he struggled to keep Yoongi from beating him.

Yoongi's body was shivering. He only had on a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants on. "Y-You did that on purpose." Yoongi said as he rubbed his arms for heat and kicked the door harshly to slam it. "I- I banged on the door for over ten minutes. It's f-fucking below freezing outside, you- you asshole." He shivered, stuttering.

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