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Taehyung walked and walked for what seemed like forever. He had his phone flashlight on because the trail to the mountain didn't have any street lights around. He's used to taking a daily walk, but he was starting to get annoyed by the was his thighs were burning, stepping over sticks and tree roots.

The blonde guy wasn't too far behind Taehyung, using his own flashlight that— for some reason— he had in his bag.

After what felt like ten miles, Taehyung finally came across another gate. It was already unlocked, but by the time he was opening it, the smaller man was standing behind him. Taehyung's eyes lit up when he finally saw a light coming from something other than himself. He started to speed up even more.

He hummed at a small building as he walked up to it. It wasn't the lodge. It was just a little transportation building with a bunch of buttons and— Taehyung looked over to see a lift. Not like a chair lift, but like a gondola lift. He sighed as he realized what was happening.

The lodge is on the mountain?

He jumped out of his thoughts when the smaller man came up from behind him.

The man rolled his suitcase right into the lift and just stood there for a second, staring at Taehyung. Taehyung was already sighing as he followed him into the lift. He closed the door and locked it, pressing the button afterwards. He sat down as the lift suddenly moved.

They both held onto their luggage, making sure not to let their bags touch each other.

Taehyung, for the first time since the plane ride, looked up at the man and really just examined the way he looked as the lights strayed further and further away from them. There was one small light in the lift, but it wasn't much. Just enough to show the man's blonde hair and that his head was tilted to the side. He was looking at the floor.

"C-Can you stop staring at me?"

Taehyung kept his eyes on him, not listening. "Stop chewing on your lip." He said. The other man looked up at him in surprise, suddenly confused at the order. "Makes me nervous."

  Yoongi stopped biting down on his lower lip and broke eye contact with the bulldozer man. He wanted to say how rude he was for literally everything he's done, but he let it go. Again.

  The lift— after about fifteen minutes— finally made it to the mountain. It felt like the longest ride ever. It felt even longer than the long ride through the big city they both took earlier to even get to the lodge. Even longer than the walk that they took to get to the lift.

  Yoongi frowned at the sight of another sign that pointed to another trail. He huffed as he dragged his two suitcases behind him. The other man was already walking ahead of him. The only reason Yoongi tried his best to stay close to him was because of the creepy, dark, and cold woods surrounding them.

  He was scared.

  He hoped that if anything attacked him that even the mean stranger would have some decency to save him— or at least try to.

  "So.." Yoongi started. The man furrowed his eyebrows as he looked back at Yoongi. Yoongi sort of just winced at the harsh look. "Fine. If a monster comes out, I'm not saving you."

  Taehyung, who was already sighing, just continued walking on the trail. "Like you'd be able to save anyone." He said, loud and clear.

  Yoongi squinted at the back of the man's head. He wanted to pick up one of the rocks on the trail and throw it at him. Maybe he wouldn't mind if the monster ate the man.

  Finally, after three more gates and what seemed like miles of walking and Taehyung's phone going low on battery, they made it. Yoongi perked up at the sight of light and he got even more excited as he saw the lodge.

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