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JOHN B WAS CURRENTLY standing on the edge of the roof, three stories above the deck to be exact

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JOHN B WAS CURRENTLY standing on the edge of the roof, three stories above the deck to be exact. Abigail and the rest of the group stared up at him watching as he swayed on the singular foot.

"I give you about a one in three chance of survival." Pope called out to John B, who shrugged carelessly oblivious to the danger that he was in.

"Should I do it?" John B asked sarcastically.

Abigail frowned and returned her attention sneaking glances over at JJ waiting for his input, the loudmouth of the group was always quiet when drunk.

He always got caught up in his own world.

"yea you should do it, I'll shoot you on the way down." Pope answers, aiming the drill at John B.

"you gonna shoot me?" John B smirks cockiness controlling his movements as he makes gun gestures with his hands, aimed directly at Pope.

Kiara was somewhere in the unfinished building only emerging to complain about the building and the environment.

Abigail fights back the urge to smile Kiara's passion was incredibly inspiring but she unfortunately lacked the emotion and drive to even attempt and reach that level.

Outer Banks was an entirely new atmosphere to the Churchill family, they arrived to the island just as summer had begun and bought a house on the edge of a beautiful beach.

That is how she met John B and the whole friend group, she had been the newest inductee. Abigail was lounging on the beach sunbathing when they arrived holding surfboards.

Their laughter obnoxiously loud.

It didn't faze Abigail in fact she almost despised their strong bond, it was almost a yearning to be apart of something like that.

The introductions were made when JJ snatched the beer John B was holding and tossed it the liquid drenching Abigail.

It was the best thing that had ever happened to her even if the liquid stained her favourite bikini throwing it out was quite a shame.

"This is ridiculous! Get down from there!" Abigail yells whilst nudging JJ gently in the hip with her elbow.

JJ looks up from the drink returning to reality, "Tell him to get down!" She whispers fearing for John B.

"John B, don't spill my beer. You're not getting another one!" He yells, shifting his attention from Abigail completely.

The brunette turns his head to reply and the beer slips from his hand landing on the deck with a loud clang, "shit!"

Before the blonde gets an opportunity to make fun of him a loud voice cuts her off yelling about trespassing and private property.

Abigail stands and curtsy's giving JJ the flowers she had collected, "I don't think that they suit me!" He slips the flowers into her blonde hair going along with the act bowing shortly after.

"Humpty Dumpty! Let's roll!"

Abigail was elegant and swift with her movements being the smallest in the group often gave her the advantage especially in moments like these.

Her blonde hair blows behind her as she slips off the construction equipment gripping onto the bars to ensure a safe landing.

She breaks into laughter upon seeing JJ struggling to get down the stairs and pass the security guards.

Abigail whistles taking some of the heat off JJ she grips a pole tightly and swings around it, the security guards hands comes dangerously close to her arm and she pulls back.

JJ's grabs Abigail's hand and tugs on her arm softly ensuring she keeps up with him and reaches the van safely.

They climb over the fence laughing as Pope falls on his face, "get up Pope, fatso's coming!"

Abigail and JJ leap into the van landing amongst their friends, "Check out Gary, gunnin' for a raise!"

"Come on, Gary!" Abigail shouts gripping the roof of the van so she doesn't tumble out of it and inevitably get arrested.

"Wait. Slow down!" JJ tells John B sticking his head out of the van to get a good look at Gary who was still pursuing them.

"Stop! You're gonna give him a heart attack!" Kiara's voice is almost drowned out by JJ's yelling.

"You're so close! You can do it. There you go!" He tosses the empty can at Gary groaning loudly as his friends laugh in the background.

"They don't pay you enough, bro."

Kiara scolds the boy, "Oh, come on. That sort of initiative is just begging to be punished!"

Abigail shakes her head laughing the effects of alcohol finally hitting her as she leans on the side of the moving automobile.

The drive back to John B's house is full of loud laughter at the expense of Gary's efforts whilst trying to do his job.

"Hey! John B, you owe me a beer." Abigail reminds him from the back seat making him sigh in defeat.

"Oh! Don't remind me!"

Braid of gold - JJ Maybank Where stories live. Discover now