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ABIGAIL GLARES AT HER BROTHER from across the kitchen table annoyed by his obnoxiously loud chewing

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ABIGAIL GLARES AT HER BROTHER from across the kitchen table annoyed by his obnoxiously loud chewing.

"Your disgusting!" She groans tossing a piece of bread at him, he catches the food and takes a bite of it smirking victoriously.

"Thanks little sister!" Colby stands and messes her hair up with his fist winking as he passes narrowly dodging the newspaper tossed in his direction.

The paper separates landing in a messy pile on the tile floor "Abi!" Her mother scolds picking the paper up and slamming it onto the bench.

"You look nice?" Abigail stands grabbing the bag she had stuffed with beers and spare clothes, they were all very necessary items for the day.

She places a chaste kiss on her mother's forehead and steps outside admiring the damage Hurricane Agatha had managed to do.

A large tree had nearly landed on the roof of her families home potentially killing all of them in a split second.

"Damn baby girl! What have you got in that bag of yours?" JJ hollers from the boat raising a hand to block the suns harsh rays from his face.

"Where is Kie?" Abigail passes the baby blue beach bag over to Pope whilst counting heads noticing the lack of females.

As the boat continues to move JJ gently pulls her into John B's boat, "where exactly are dragging we going?" Abigail questions.

"The Marsh! We're going to drink, swim and fish!"

Her face contorts into a disgusted expression as she remembers the last time they went fishing, the smell of fish is incredibly difficult to forget once you've got whiff of it.

As Kiara comes into view JJ's attention is quickly turned to her, "Oh, top o' the mornin' to ya."

"Good Morning, Boys!" Kiara winks at Abigail.

"Whatcha got?" Pope pipes up from behind Abigail gently pulling her to the side so he can be included in the conversation.

"You got some juice boxes?" The idea of fruit in a little box was suddenly incredibly appealing to the blonde girl as she fidgets with the white dress covering her bikini.

"You know, just some yogurts and carrot sticks." Kiara jokes from the docks.

"You got my kind of juice box?" JJ questions as he helps her into the boat allowing her to step past and sit beside Abigail.

"Do you actually have some fruit boxes?" She asks, biting her lower lip softly.

The rest of the group break into laughter completely infatuated by the girls innocent exterior, everything was beautiful and new to Abigail.

She doesn't have one bad bone in her body.

They quickly begin a conversation laughing and drinking the beverages provided by Kiara and Abigail.

"Let me show you a party trick! Hey, Pope. Can you go a little faster please?"

JJ moves to the front of the boat, "oh god, here we go. I'm moving." John B whispers making Abigail giggle.

"Doesn't work. We've tried this like 6,000 times." Pope's attempts to make him give up on the so called party trick fail.

"I got his. It's gonna work!" He defends himself as Pope picks up speed, the two girls sitting side by side breaking into giggles as the beer begin to completely miss his mouth.

"You're getting beer in my hair!" Kiara exclaims as Abigail stands.

"Oh, my god."

"All right! All right!" Pope yells.

John B cuts in from the back still smiling at his best friend "All right, you're done!"

Abigail raises her drink cheering for JJ.

The boat jerks to a stop throwing Abigail into the side of the boat and JJ into the water, she groans in pain.

"J! Are you okay?" She shouts barely shortening his name.

He resurface groaning loudly spitting out water, "I think my heels touched the back of my head" despite the constant worrying, Abigail had to admit it was pretty funny.

The sound of her laughter immediately makes the rest of the group look over at her like was crazy, "did you hit your head?"

"Pope, what did you do?" JJ questions in pain from the water floating on his back.

"Sandbar. The channel changed."

As they begin to argue, Abigail stands and removes the white dress from her body tossing it aside. "If the beer stains that I'm going to kill you!"

She dives into the water feeling refreshing her instantly like a punch to the face- except this one was more enjoyable.

As she kicks her feet and swims deeper the outline of an incredibly large object becomes clearer to her, Abigail switches direction and kicks her way to the surface gasping for air.

"Holy shit- are you okay?" JJ questions grabbing her wrist gently providing support.

"I'm fine-" she groans and blinks away the blurriness beginning to cloud her vision.

"My head hurts." She whines leaning on JJ a little more nearly pushing him beneath the surface, he frowns and swims over to the boat.

"John B!" He shouts gesturing to the petite girl in his hold, the brunette leans over the edge of the boat and pulls the distressed blonde girl from out of the water.

"Guys... I think there's a boat down there." Pope speaks loudly, sounding freaked.

Abigail groans and lays down at the bottom of the boat avoiding the beer bottles and spilled liquor - courtesy of JJ Maybank.

"No way" Kie denies the possibility and continues messing with her shoulder.

"No, no, guys. I'm serious. There's a boat down there." Abi sits up and gives them the thumbs up.

"For real." She whispers feeling her throat go dry and the head ache slowly return, she mentally curses out JJ.

The rest of the conversation is completely inaudible to Abigail as she tries to calm down the ringing in her ear drums.

"You think there's a dead body down there? Guys, wait up!" Little droplets of water shower Abi as Pope laps into the water making quite a splash for someone as fit as him.

They stop talking and for a moment the only noise was Abigails heavy breathing, she sits up and leans over the boat.

"Guys? JJ!" She shouts pushing herself out of the boat and submerging herself in the water.

Hands grab her ankles and pull her down she screams and thrashes around kicking at them, the hands move to her waist and they suddenly become familiar.

JJ and Abigail take each other's hand and resurface one of them relieved and the other angered by idiotic decisions.

"What the fuck were you thinking?"

Braid of gold - JJ Maybank Where stories live. Discover now