Chapter 2/ Meeting the roommate

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Today's the day I meet my new roommate I am pretty nervous although that's typically how I always get meeting someone new. The Dylan guy is pretty cute but that's not why I decided to live there well I have no choice really but anyways a cute guy can also be a crazy person there's no in-between. My dad has packed my things into the car as my mom and I are finishing up breakfast. We have a very long ride ahead of us.

"So honey how did you sleep? That's the last time you'll be sleeping in this house and bed." My mother speaks to me with a big smile on her face.

I almost shudder at the thought of sleeping in a bed that is not mine. Although I know it must be a brand new bed. All right now I'm going too far... Overthinking.

I shrug, "I slept well for the last sleep in the house. I just hope I'll be able to sleep at my new temporary home."

My mom nods, "I understand, well at least your job isn't hours away only thirty minutes away. That's why your father chose a job for you at least close to your college. Oh and I'll be following your dad in your car because you're going to need to drive yourself to college right." she questions looking at me.

"Yup," I sigh, "Am I going to figure out the directions to my college on my own?" I ask hoping she'll say no but I know they have to get back home as soon as they drop me off.

"Yes you will you'll get it we've been doing everything for you all these years Cas it's about time we let you go." She finishes. She stands up to grab each of our dishes to put them in the sink.

Being an only child I was very shy and did not have many friends. The friends I do have their all going to different colleges so we drifted. I just hope that in college I'll make friends. I'm going to join a study group if there is one... Or I'll make my own.

"You girls ready?" My dad asked poking his head in the house.

I breathed in and out taking a last look around. Grabbing my phone I shove it in my pocket and look at my mom and dad. "I'm ready."


The drive there was four hours long. I fell asleep the most of it I didn't get a chance to look at the surroundings. I'm guessing we made stops because there are wrappers of burgers all over the car. I'm with my dad while my mom is following behind. Slowly opening my eyes I see a bunch of trees, kids riding bicycles, parents holding ice cream, and a bay. This seems like it'll be summer every day. I'm actually really nervous to meet my roommate. What if he doesn't like me. What if I don't like him.

Kind of was hoping we'd pass the campus but it looks like we won't pass it at all. A few moments later the car stops. Laying down halfway I look to the right noticing a house big enough for only two people. There's a silver walkway pavement that leads to the front door with grass on both sides. The front door is all brown with a golden door handle. The walls are white with a red brick chimney and lots of windows.

"We're here sweetie. Let's meet this guy." My dad says opening his door.

I'm actually less nervous than I was before we got here. I'm ready for the new beginning of my life. A fresh start.

I open up the door hopping down as my feet hit the ground. I see my mom get out of my car and moves to the back seat opening the door. My father is unloading the trunk and I walk to him and he gives me a look.

"Well, go meet the fella we'll be right behind you." he implies setting one luggage to the ground on the sidewalk.

I ponder for a second. But it is me living here not my dad or mom so it should be me introducing myself first. I squeeze my hands into a fist releasing my nerves along my body. Breathing in and out I walk down the silver pavement to the front door. I'm surprised this guy hasn't peaked outside his window wondering who these loonies are unloading in front of his house. I ring the doorbell then grip the end of my shirt as I'm fidgeting like crazy. I look back at my parents and they are almost finished unloading. When I turn back I jump at the human in front of me. God, I didn't even hear the door open.

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