Chapter 2: October 13th

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Jimin grumbled something provocative as he smacked his alarm clock's off button. It was Saturday, so why the fuck was his alarm set for 8 AM? He mentally cursed himself as he rolled over, sighing and preparing to go back to sleep. He didn't last very long until he realized.

Not only was it Saturday, but it was the 13th. October 13th. He was finally 19, and was being presented in two hours.

It was an informal process, the doctor really only needed to draw some blood and perform some tests, but this had been a day everyone in his life had been looking forward to for some time. Well, everyone knew what his subgender would be, but getting the official results would still be exciting.

Jimin dressed quickly, taking particular care with his hair, making sure his outfit looked good even though it was fairly casual. He wasn't sure what kinds of events his parents had planned for him, so he wanted to make sure he was prepared for anything. And that, of course, meant looking good.

His father was already making breakfast when he walked downstairs, filling the kitchen with the sweet smell of pancakes. His mother sat at the table, smiling over her cup of coffee once she saw her son.

"Jimin, baby!" She greeted, holding out an arm and grasping the blonde's hand, delivering a comforting squeeze. "How excited are we, on a scale of 1 to 10?" She asked.

Jimin smiled at his mother before pretending to take a minute to think. "What happens if I break the scale?" He asked playfully, earning a chuckle from both of his parents. But, if he had to be honest? Jimin was a bit more nervous than he was excited. He wasn't sure why, but for some reason something wasn't settling in his stomach quite right.

He couldn't help but wonder if this was how Jungkook felt on his own presentation date.

Jimin's dad dished out two pancakes on a plate, setting them down in front of Jimin as he sat down. A hand came up to ruffle the blonde's hair, and Jimin smiled from the silent affection.

"Eat well, son. The future head of the Park clan needs to build up his strength, right?" He winked with the hint, chuckling warmly as he turned back to the stove. Jimin felt his bite of pancake get caught in his throat, he had to think they were celebrating a little bit too early. It's not like he wouldn't be an alpha, well, maybe there was a slight chance he'd be a beta for some reason, but it still felt a little too overconfident to already be promising him his spot as head alpha before he was even officially presented as one.

"Calm down, guys," Jimin forced a smile, trying to be playful with it. "I haven't gotten my results yet. We don't even know for sure if I'm an alpha. Maybe I'm a beta or something?" He shrugged his shoulders, looking between his two parents as he took another bite of his breakfast.

His mom was the first to start laughing.

"Our son?" She said, looking over at her husband. "A beta? Well that's quite ridiculous," Her giggles continued as she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

Nodding his head in agreement and offering his own string of laughter, Jimin's dad cleared his throat before he spoke. "Now I'm not saying that betas and omegas aren't important, but us Parks are too elevated to be anything but alphas, Jimin. Your rank was decided way before your mother even got pregnant with you, simply because of your last name."

Jimin opened his mouth to say something more, but was interrupted when his mom looked over at the clock.

"Oh! We'd better get going," She said, standing up and gathering her purse. She took Jimin's now empty plate out from in front of him and put it in the sink. "We don't want you to be late for your big day!" His dad followed suit and Jimin had no choice but to nod, finishing his water and following the two of them out the door.

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