Chapter 16: Family dinner

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Jimin didn't know where to look. If it was down, he would only be staring at his awkwardly-full dinner plate, his fork swerving around his food, avoiding everything there. If it was up, he would meet the hesitantly supportive gaze of his mother, or see how his father was also looking down at his own plate.

It had been weeks since Jimin had been home, and he was now finally having dinner with his parents.

Things hadn't been weird or hostile between the Parks, just distant. Jimin knew his parents loved him and supported him in figuring himself out, but they just weren't exactly sure how to do that other than to leave him alone, to let him do his thing. Which, especially regarding his last heat, the omega was actually very grateful for. As long as things continued as they were and weren't too awkward, Jimin figured he'd survive.

"So, Jimin. Are there any cute alphas at work?"

Alright. Fuck not being awkward, apparently.

"Mom--" If Jimin had been munching on his grilled chicken and rice he probably would've choked, but instead he went red up to his ears. "Not cool." His parents had known for a while that Jimin preferred men, he had been confident about it ever since being a little boy. They had of course been a bit awkward about it in the beginning, so it was like deja vu now that they were going through a different version of it. This time with alphas instead of omegas.

His mom waved it off with a nervous laugh, obviously overcompensating to show just how into the whole 'omega Park' thing she was. So into it.

"Oh come on honey. I'm just trying to make conversation!" Her shoulders shook as she quickly filled her mouth with a bite of rice, using it as an excuse to stop talking.

The most awkward part of the conversation wasn't even his mother's words. It was the lack of input from his father. Usually Jimin's dad spoke to him with a chest full of pride, voice strong enough to shake the house. The fact that he didn't do that anymore was what really hurt.

Blinking the thought away, Jimin took a bite of chicken and swallowed, working to offer his own bit of dialog. "Ignoring the 'cute alpha' part," Jimin was thankful to see his mother genuinely smile in amusement. "Work is actually really good. I had to take a couple days off because of, um, the heat that I told you guys about. But everything with that ended alright." The blonde made sure to emphasize the word 'everything', trying to clarify that no, they did not need to talk about his first heat any longer, and yes, he was actually learning how to take care of himself during one. Well, he had help.

"Your boss didn't mind?" The first thing his father had said since greeting him at the door. Jimin couldn't tell if he was trying to actually join the conversation, but if there was one thing his dad was comfortable talking about, it was business.

Jimin nodded, looking up at his father with a soft smile. "Yeah, he understood. We just arranged a way for me to work from home. We'll probably do the same thing next month, when it happens again." His dad nodded in response before going back to his food. Even the mere acknowledgement of his heat coming next month and being a regular thing in his life was enough for Jimin.

"But how have you guys been? The house has stayed clean without your dish boy?" The blonde offered a laugh, tilting his head as he made reference to an old joke the family had about Jimin always being so high-pressed about the dishes. That hadn't changed, at least.

His mom seemed grateful for the reference too, because she hummed and smiled as if fond of that particular memory. "Well, actually, yes. But!" She seemed excited about something, even doing a little wiggle in her chair. "We've decided to get a dog! It might put a gear in our cleanliness," She offered a smile that Jimin reciprocated. "But things are so lonely without you here. Yes we are proud of you and encourage you to be independent, this will just help with the empty nest part of that." Jimin's mom reached out to lay a hand on the blonde's arm, a small sign of affection to let Jimin know that yes, they did miss him.

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