Chapter 6: Thank you Macy

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Park Jimin at a Park. He'd never really noticed the irony of that before, never really thought about how his name was also a place. Now, however, he was giggling furiously about it. Muttering "a Park at a park" under his breath as he sat on a swing in a child's playground, legs dangling childishly.

It had been a week since Jimin had moved out of his parents' house. He was living in a quaint, affordable apartment on a new side of town. It was still within the Park territory -- he figured he should probably stay within those parameters, especially since he was still technically part of the group, whether or not he would be its heir.

But now, since he was living in a new apartment, he was living in a new area. The new area had new places, and new places had new people. Besides work, Jimin never really went out, which had served as a reason to go outside and walk around a bit. Hence why he now sat on a child's swing in a park.

Work had been dull. Jungkook hadn't really been coming around as often as he used to, and for once this bothered Jimin. He still worried about if he hurt the younger's feelings, and for some reason couldn't shake the feeling that he missed seeing the alpha. If only to cure his boredom with updating customer files, of course.

It had gotten colder as the week went on, and that evening Jimin could even see his breath as it puffed in the air around him. Despite the chill and the fact that it was getting late, Jimin noticed that this area was actually pretty active. He wasn't too familiar with the community yet, but there was a variety of people and families taking walks and enjoying the last strings of autumn.

The blonde surveyed what looked like a couple, the two of them stopping every once in a while to take pictures of the pretty leaves.

He had been too busy people watching to notice the small, golden-colored cockapoo sniffing at his feet.

"Hey there, little guy," Jimin grinned, hopping off the swing and squatting down to pet the animal. "Or, girl." He observed. The dog had a pink collar on with a matching leash dragging behind her, so Jimin figured she must've escaped the hands of her owner. "How cute," he murmured, scratching behind her ears.

As if confirming his suspicion, the blonde heard a faint shout coming from where the dog had first showed up.

"Macy!" Came the voice. Male. Slightly familiar?

"Macy, what the hell. I swear, I take you out on walks and all you do--" The man cut himself off as Jimin looked up, meeting the eyes of the dark haired alpha he hated so much.

"Oh, Jungkook." Jimin murmured. "Is this your dog?" The cockapoo -- Macy -- was sitting comfortably in between his knees as the blonde crouched down, triumphantly sticking her nose back up to Jungkook as if to say 'Now, you can't yell at me.'

Running a hand through his hair, Jungkook cleared his throat. "Uh, hey. Yeah, this is Macy." He reached down to pick up the pink leash that Macy had trailing behind her. "Thanks for stopping her. She likes to run away. A lot." He scrunched up his nose, casting a playful glare down at his pet.

Jimin stood, not really feeling the cold prick of the weather anymore. "Cute," He grinned, straightening his jacket. "I never pegged you for the pink cockapoo type of guy, but whatever floats your boat." He was poking, testing for that familiar playfulness that usually bounced between the two of them.

Much to Jimin's delight, Jungkook's face relaxed into a smile, and he chuckled. "Oh, shut up Pork." He replied, rolling his eyes. "There's a lot you don't know about me." It was bait, and the look the brunette gave Jimin made him want to take it.

It seemed like Jungkook had forgiven him, sure, but something shifted, Jimin could feel it. Something had changed, and right now he didn't feel so scared about testing it.

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