Chapter 4: My Omegaverse (Informational Chapter!)

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Hey all! Char here, I just wanted to explain a bit about the world our characters are living in, especially since everyone portrays omegaverse a bit differently!

If you're not too interested in the specificity of how this particular omegaverse works, feel free to skip this chapter, you won't miss any plot content. If you're someone who likes to know how the gears are turning (like me) this chapter is for you! Hopefully this helps to clear up any confusion or any questions, but always feel free to leave comments and I will get back to you asap!

First off, what is omegaverse?

Omegaverse refers to an alternate universe where everyone has a primary gender, whether it be female, male, or whatever they choose to identify as, but they also have a sub gender. The main three sub genders are alpha, beta, and omega.

The ALPHA are the dominant sub gender, they can be any primary gender, and usually grow to be physically and mentally stronger than the other two sub genders. Often times, alphas are expected to hold high professional positions such as CEOs or other corporate officials. The alphas are also the head of a group's territory — Jungkook talked about challenging Jimin for the Park territory, and Jimin mentioned how that would do nothing since his father is the head of their group— but I will touch more on this later!

An alpha can give off pheromones as well as scent them from other alphas and omegas. Pheromones are a scent or substance sent off by another person which can trigger certain emotional or sexual reactions from others around them. Simply put, alpha pheromones affect omegas, and omega pheromones affect alphas. An alpha can give off pheromones when they are experiencing intense emotion or sexual attraction, or want to claim someone as theirs. In that case, the alpha would mix their pheromones with the pheromones or scent of the other person, as well as bite them on their neck to mark them permanently.

An alpha can go into something called a rut, which is when they experience a strong and overpowering desire to have sex with and reproduce with someone, almost always an omega. What causes this rut is smelling the pheromones an omega gives off when they go through a monthly cycle called a heat.

The BETA are the most common sub gender. They would be the "middle class" of the omegaverse world. Beta, unlike alpha and omega, aren't particularly affected by alpha/omega pheromones and don't necessarily produce them, save for the acception of beta variety (which I'll address in a bit!) This isn't saying that a beta can't be attracted to and mate with an alpha or an omega; attraction between two people works as it does in the real world and sub gender doesn't restrict that attraction! However, beats don't go through rut or heat.

The OMEGA are the most submissive sub gender, and are always the one in a relationship to carry children, whether male or female. More will be explained in the paragraph about relationships on same-sub gender pairings, but generally an omega will bare an alpha or beta's child. Omega — especially a full male omega — is the rarest sub gender to be presented as (go Jimin!) and is often highly pursued. However, omegas do draw the short end of the stick in terms of stigma, as they're often thought of being the lowest of the sub genders, only useful for carrying children.

Omegas, like alphas, produce pheromones which are specific to their sub gender. Typically, an omega's pheromones are strongest when they're experiencing a heat — a monthly cycle where the omega has an extreme sex drive and desire to reproduce, when their body is physically ready and desperate to have children. These pheromones will always attract alphas, and the strongest ones attract betas alike.

A heat can be a very painful and lustful experience, and until an omega has mated (usually signaled by the marking bite of an alpha) they will continue to have those heats and release pheromones to attract all. When mated, an omega's pheromones will only attract their partner because their body will only crave their mate.

Both alphas and omegas can get prescribed medication to help with their pheromones and rut/heat, though it's sometimes a nuisance.

Variety within sub gender can also happen, most often with betas. This includes sub genders such as beta sub alpha, where the person would be considered a beta but produces some diluted alpha pheromones and is more sensitive than full beta to an omega's heat, or beta sub omega, which is the reverse. There is also such thing as pure and mixed sub genders — obviously in Jimin's case his father is a pure-bred alpha, and his mother's lineage (although close to pure alpha) is a mix of alpha and omega, being the cause of Jimin's presentation as an omega. Jimin just so happened to get the recessive omega gene, making him a full omega rather than an alpha or a beta mix.

As stated in the first chapter, a person's presentation date, no matter how old they are, is always on their birthday. This is a date determined when the person is born, and just means that, in Jimin's case, his blood wasn't mature enough to carry the traits of his rank until he turned 19. If he had gotten his blood tested earlier, his rank wouldn't have presented. After a person gets tested for their sub gender and is officially presented, their body starts to mature and fit into their rank. For example, a presented omega will start to experience heat now that their body has matured enough to show the traits of their rank. (wink wonk)

Now for relationships! All sub genders can get pregnant. Yep, all of them! All females and omegas have ovaries, therefore enabling them to produce children. Two male alphas or betas, when neither partner has ovaries, have to go through a surgical procedure to have children. In this, their DNA is combined and then placed in a surrogate's womb for delivery. This way, two pure alpha males can give birth to a pure-bred alpha, even though physically unable to do so on their own. Because of this, any pairing — whether two male alphas, two female betas, an alpha woman and an omega male, or any combination of any primary and secondary gender can have kiddos!

Generally, alpha is attracted to omega and omega is attracted to alpha, especially when considering ruts and heats, but anyone can fall in love with anyone :)

Now for a bit on territories. In the area our characters live in, there are 3 main territories. The Park territory, the Kim territory, and the Lee territory. A group territory can consist of as many or few members of families as desired, so long as the head alpha can retain control over its members. The head — always alpha — will stay in command until he/she/they die, retire, or are challenged, in which the territory will be passed down to an alpha heir or their second in command — or in the case of a challenge, to the successful challenger. If a territory challenges another, let's say the Park territory challenges the Lee territory, and succeeds, the challenging territory will absorb the fallen group and become one.

Although the matter of group territories doesn't matter much for the plot currently, just know that Jimin's dad is the head of the Park territory (Jimin being his heir until he was presented as an omega) and that the Jeon family detests them for it.

Phew! We did it. That was a lot of information, and my fingers are sore. I might do more of these informational chapters if you guys find them helpful, but for now I think I've covered the most adamant topics!

Thank you for reading if you did, and let me know if you have other questions or need any more clarification!

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