Chapter 7: All alphas are dogs

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"I'm sorry?" It was Friday, and Jimin was at work. He had decided to pick up more hours behind his desk, even volunteering himself for extra projects that his manager needed to get done. The blonde was assuming he'd get some sort of task that would allow him to sit hidden in his corner, distracted from everything going on around him. But this? This was the opposite of what he'd been hoping for.

"You'll be helping Jungkook pick up supplies today. You're familiar with customer inventory and he's our go-to guy for supply runs. Is there a problem?"

Nope, no problem whatsoever. Jungkook was just the main person he wanted to avoid, that's all.

"Ah, no sir. I just wasn't sure if I heard you correctly the first time." He smiled artificially, masking his discomfort. It wasn't the worst thing that could happen, but after what went down earlier that week in the park, Jimin was nervous the brunette might actually figure out his rank. And that, Jimin knew, would end poorly for the both of them.

"Alright," His manager seemed pleased by his response, nodding confidently. "Then the two of you should leave shortly. I'm not sure how long it'll take, but you'll be excused from your desk work the whole day in case it takes a while. Just make sure you drop everything off at the warehouse. Jungkook knows where to go."

Jimin bowed and said his farewells, feeling numb as he took in all the information. As he walked back to his desk, he ran a hand through his hair. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad after all; it was just a business trip, certainly they'd both be busy during it. They didn't have to socialize, just go, get the supplies, record it, and be on their way. Short and simple.

"Ah, Porky!" The greeting made Jimin think maybe that wouldn't be the case, after all.

Sighing, Jimin crossed his arms as he approached Jungkook, who had been waiting by his desk. "Yes, Jungkook?" His voice was tired, much like that of a parent who had spent all day running around looking for their rebellious child.

"Wow. Liven up a little bit, Pork. You should be more kind to the man you'll be stuck with all day, don't you think?" Jungkook's grin portrayed just how happy he was with this assignment, whether it be because he would get hours to annoy Jimin or because Jimin was obviously very against it. "Being grouchy to me is a little dangerous considering I'll be the one driving the truck." He wiggled his eyebrows, leaning up against Jimin's desk.

Instantly, this pulled Jimin into a playful debate. Jungkook was so damn good at provoking him. "Are you kidding?" He spat. "I'll be driving. I'm older, and I don't trust your brainless ass behind the wheel." The elder huffed a bit as he said this, but Jungkook just chuckled.


As it turned out, they wouldn't be driving just any truck. They were driving the company's hauling truck, and you needed a special license to drive that class of vehicle.

Jungkook, of course, had that license.

"Don't look so glum, maybe one day you'll be big enough to drive the big-boy truck, too!" Jungkook's laugh just forced Jimin further into his pout. If they weren't currently driving down the highway in a giant truck, Jimin would've pummeled the kid.

From what Jungkook had told him, they had three stops to go to today. They were working with building material for houses, specifically projects that Jimin had done file work for. Jimin knew exactly the material they needed, and Jungkook was the muscle that was specialized in transporting the product. The first stop was supposed to be relatively close, a lumber outlet, but already Jimin was being pushed to his limit. From the corner of his eye, the blonde could see Jungkook looking over at him, grin still wide.

"You look so adorable pouting like that. I could just bite your cheeks, cutie little Porky Pork!" He spoke with a slight coo, babying the elder. While Jungkook seemed to find embarrassing Jimin hilarious, the blonde was blushing furiously, frustratingly pink.

"Quit it. I'll smack you, Jeon Jungkook." Jimin grumbled, shifting in his seat and refusing to meet the chocolate eyes of the driver. He wore his scowl like armor, at a loss of a comeback.

Jungkook said something else about Jimin being like a little baby, but Jimin just mocked him and rolled his eyes, trying to find a quick topic change. "How do you work the radio in this thing? I don't want to hear your voice anymore." Jimin grumbled, reaching forward to play with the dials on the front dash.

"No, wait--" Jungkook was quick to grab Jimin's hand, stopping it before he touched the dials. The brunette's gaze was focused on the road ahead of them, his one hand firmly on the wheel, but now there was a touch of pink to his face. Although maybe it was just from the sun.

Jimin froze, core heating the moment Jungkook's fingers wrapped around his hand. "What..." His voice was a bit more breathy than he had wanted it to be, but the younger let go almost as quickly as he had grabbed on.

"Don't. I don't want music. Driver decides." He cleared his throat, returning his one hand to the wheel. "Plus I have to focus. Listen for truck driver things." His muscle popped as he clenched his jaw, eyes staring straight ahead of him.

The silence between them was almost as thick as the tension, and something in Jimin was reacting in ways it hadn't before. There had always been tension between the two, but it was always annoyance or anger. Lately, that had been shifting. Now, it was making the blonde feel hot in ways that the anger never had, and that frustrated him. He wasn't attracted to Jungkook. It was probably just his dumb omega body getting excited about being near an alpha, or something. An alpha who didn't know he was alone with an omega.

"I wish Macy were here," Jimin blurted, hugging his middle and shifting to face the window. Maybe if he didn't look at Jungkook, he would disappear.

"Macy as in ... my dog?" Came Jungkook's reply, a small smile growing on his lips. "I know she's cute, but I didn't know you guys hit it off THAT well." He stole a glance over at Jimin, chuckling lightly at his position. How cute.

"Excuse you," Jimin snapped, turning again to face the brunette. "I'll have you know, she's the only dog in the Jeon family who I can actually stand!"

Jungkook gasped dramatically. "Are you calling me a dog, Park Jimin?" He asked, meeting his eyes for a moment, his own gaze being light and playful. "You haven't even seen me at my worst yet." Maybe he meant more with the phrase, but Jimin barely dwelled on it.

"You, and all the Jeons, and all the alphas, they're all dogs." The elder huffed, deciding that if he was going to be mad at anything, he would be mad at Jungkook's rank. Jungkook's rank, and his parents' rank, the rank he was supposed to be. That one damned position that both ruined and complicated his life more and more every day.

Jimin was facing the window again, but he felt the car go silent once more. He didn't realize his mistake until Jungkook spoke.

"And the Parks? Those alphas are dogs, too?" His question was loaded, its real message hidden. Jungkook's tone was softer now, more prodding and less provoking. Jimin had said 'all alphas,' and the brunette was pretty sure Jimin wouldn't talk about himself like that. He was quiet as he waited for the other to reply.

Stuck, Jimin just decided to go along with it. "Yep." He muttered "All the Parks. Even me." This time, he stayed turned away from the younger.

Jungkook just sighed, shaking his head. "Whatever you say, Jimin."

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