Chapter 9: The baby alpha barks

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Jimin wasn't at work today. Usually, Jungkook saw him when he went to eat lunch, or he made excuses to go inside the office where Jimin worked, but today the blonde was nowhere to be found. Jungkook had even gone to his desk to see if maybe he was just hiding out there.

It was his lunch break currently, and the brunette was idling around in the corporate building, trying to make it look like he had business being there. He figured that by now, if Jimin were there he would have seen him -- unless the blonde was really good at avoiding Jungkook. But was he really avoiding him? The younger hoped he wasn't. Sure, now he knew Jimin's rank and that was probably a touchy subject, but the elder knew he'd never tell anyone, right? This shouldn't really change anything, they should still be able to talk. For some reason it really bothered Jungkook that Jimin might not want to be close with him anymore.

He was so lost in his own thoughts, the brunette didn't notice he had begun to pace back and forth right in front of Jimin's desk. When one of the people sitting nearby looked up at him, Jungkook ducked his head and scurried out of the room.

"Don't be so damn pressed, Jeon." He muttered to himself, picking at one of his fingernails as he walked back into the break room. "You're acting like an idiot."

"I'm acting like an idiot?" The voice was familiar, and as his eyes shot up in surprise, Jungkook recognized who had spoken. It was Choi Sungwoo, that man that had run into Jimin and him in the park a while back.

A blush pricked Jungkook's cheeks as he shook his head, trying to laugh off the misunderstanding. "Ah, no Sungwoo. I was talking to myself, my bad." He tried giving a quick nod of apology and stepping past, but Sungwoo held out a hand.

"Wait, hang on. I wanna ask you something." Choi Sungwoo was an attractive man. A couple years older than the brunette, he was a tall redhead who worked construction with Jungkook, and, if Jungkook wasn't mistaken, he was an alpha.

After the brunette tilted his head, Sungwoo offered a smile. "Are you and Park Jimin close? I remember seeing you guys at the park together that one day, I wasn't sure if you were together or anything."

The question took Jungkook by surprise, and he almost immediately started shaking his head, letting out a small, nervous chuckle. "No man, we weren't there-- like, we're not together. We're not dating." He coughed after he finished talking, working to clear his throat a bit. Was it weird that he felt hot?

The brunette watched as Sungwoo brought a hand through his hair, scratching a bit. "Well, I only ask because I was gunna try my shot with him. And I guess if you guys aren't dating that's cool." He said, shrugging. "Maybe if you guys are friends, you could put in a good word for me? Do you think it would be alright if I went for him?"

He must've looked confused at Sungwoo's words, because the redhead continued.

"I know that the Parks are all about purebreds and they often mate in alpha pairs, so I figured since I'm an alpha I have a chance. Even though he hasn't come out as an alpha yet ... which is honestly strange. Don't you think he'd be flaunting that?" Sungwoo was basically talking to himself at this point, going on without a response from Jungkook. "I feel like being a Park alpha is something you'd flaunt. You think he's beta or something?"

Jungkook was having a hard time keeping up; his mind was still whirring around the fact that Sungwoo wanted to date Jimin. Which, of course, wouldn't happen. Jimin wouldn't want that.

"Jungkook?" Having forgotten that Sungwoo was even there, the brunette blinked and refocused on the elder.

"Sorry man, what? You want to date Jimin?" He felt his shoulders stiffen a bit as he said it, but he asked just to clarify.

Sungwoo flashed a charming smile, shrugging his shoulders again. "Well, yeah I guess. Plus, for some reason I get the vibe that he's not an alpha. Like I know statistically he should be, but there's something off that intrigues me and a part of me feels like I should want him." He seemed to be getting excited, because his eyes were getting a bit brighter and Jungkook could scent a light trace of his pheromones.

He didn't mean for it to happen, but Sungwoo's determination in pursuing Jimin triggered a rebuttal from the brunette. He felt his jaw clench, and he steadied his voice before speaking.

"I don't think you should, man. I don't think it would end well. And Jimin's rank is none of your concern." There was a bit of a bite to his words, a little bit of hostility in the tone as Jungkook's shoulders set back. He wasn't trying to be disrespectful towards the elder, but the thought of him going after Jimin just kind of rubbed him the wrong way.

Seeming to catch the tone, Sungwoo narrowed his eyes. "Is there a problem, Jungkook?" His nostrils flared, catching a whiff of the pheromones that Jungkook had begun to emit, too.

Fuck it, he'd bark.

"You asked if it would be cool if you went for Jimin," Jungkook's voice was more even now, but in some ways colder. "And I'm saying no." Maybe he didn't have a right to keep Sungwoo from pursuing the blonde, but all he knew was that it definitely wasn't something he'd let happen. He was physically repulsed by it.

The tension between the two alphas intensified as Sungwoo tilted his head, narrowing his eyes at the younger. "I don't know if you can tell me what not to do with someone you just said you weren't seeing. Or did I misinterpret the meaning of 'not together'?"

Jungkook had the audacity to scoff, the corners of his mouth curling upwards in a smirk. "I'm really not trying to start anything, man. But you heard what I said." His chin tilted upwards, squaring his shoulders, and he kept his eyes steady on the redhead's. "Pursuing Jimin won't end well for you. Try not to misinterpret that." The brunette held his gaze for a minute longer before he nodded and walked past Sungwoo, out of the break room and back outside to continue working.

It probably wasn't a good idea to give an older, alpha male a reason to dislike him, but honestly Jungkook didn't give a shit. He was annoyed that Sungwoo wanted Jimin. The omega wasn't up for grabs. Well, technically he was, but Jungkook didn't want Sungwoo to have him. There was something greedy in the pit of his stomach that wouldn't let the redhead have him, and the feeling was gross.

"Stupid Pork," Jungkook muttered, back outside. Was he going to have to do that to every eager alpha now? Why did he do it in the first place, even? It was all so dumb, and it made Jungkook feel unsettled that there might be more people drooling after Jimin like dogs.

It wasn't that Jungkook didn't want Jimin to date, he just felt weird about horny alphas trying to get with the elder. Sungwoo hadn't necessarily been lusting after the blonde, but it still didn't make Jungkook feel right. Whatever, it was too confusing to dwell on.

Soon enough, the brunette was lost in the process of sorting construction material, all thoughts of a certain blonde omega blocked from his head.

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