Chapter 11: Breaking and entering pt. 1

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It was Jimin's fourth failed attempt at putting together his coffee table, and by now he was about ready to use the parts as firewood. Overall, the blonde was loving living alone: his apartment was perfect in its quaintness, the neighborhood was quiet and friendly, and it gave him freedom to really figure himself out, outside of his parents' view. The only downside? Jimin had no fucking idea how to decorate a living space.

He didn't need the expensive carpets with the tasteful loveseats and throw pillows, but maybe a couple weeks was too long to go without having a coffee table.

"Just put the leg in the--" Jimin had one hand on the piece, the other gripping the instructions as the mangled furniture lay upside down on its back, the 'legs' facing up. "Well I did put the leg in place it just won't fucking stay," He was growing bitter, muttering to himself about hiring someone to do this for him when there was a knock on the door.

People? Now? No fucking thanks.

First of all, Jimin wasn't wearing pants, so that was inconvenient, and his battle with the table had put him in a sour mood. On the other hand, Jimin was still new to the area and didn't want to be rude to anyone who maybe was just trying to come introduce themselves. With a sigh, the blonde scrunched his nose as he scrambled out of the clutter that was his coffee table. He'd just pop his head out, see who it was, then send them away so he could go back to war.

"Hi, sorry, now's not really a good--" Jimin opened the door, his apologetic tone turning into one of annoyance when he looked up to see Jungkook standing on his welcome mat. Although Jimin's body was hidden behind the door, the blonde became very aware of the fact he was just in boxers.

"Jungkook," He muttered, confused. "How inconvenient. What do you want?" Jimin remembered once mentioning where he lived (after they had bumped into each other at the park, Jungkook had figured Jimin moved into the area and had asked where he lived) but having the boy show up was too much of a surprise.

Jungkook held up a small packet in his hands. "Boss handed out new work forms today," He was chewing gum like an obnoxious high schooler. "Since you haven't been to work for three days now, I thought you might've died. But I figured if you were alive, I should make sure you got these." The brunette shrugged like it was no big deal and reached out a hand to push on the door. "Can I come in?"

Jimin had his eyes narrowed in disbelief, not understanding why Jungkook felt the need to be his personal delivery man, but his eyes widened when the younger started trying to come in.

"Ah, no! And what?" He pushed back against the door. "Why couldn't you have just texted me? And me being gone is none of your business. Jungkook!" Jimin whined as the alpha continued to push the door open, not being strong enough to resist for much longer. The brunette eventually got his way and stepped past Jimin's head into the house.

The younger male ran a hand through his hair as he turned to face Jimin. "Well if you were dead, you wouldn't have gotten a text ... cute." Jungkook had the audacity to smirk at Jimin in his boxers -- which, of course, had little ducks on them. If Jimin wasn't frozen in embarrassment, he would've screamed and ran to his room.

Stammering for a response, and honestly still shocked by the fact that a whole ass Jungkook had just barged his way into his apartment, the blonde flailed his hands in the air. "Okay well, just leave the papers and go? Why are you in my apartment?!" Jungkook never failed to piss Jimin off, he'd give him that.

Ignoring Jimin altogether, Jungkook snapped his gum and turned to the chaos that was in blonde's living room. Taking off his shoes, the younger wandered over to the space, a frustrated Jimin huffing behind him.

"The hell is this? Did you get bombed?" Of course he sounded cocky with the question, tilting his brown head as he observed the mess. "Is this supposed to be something?" Jungkook squatted down to pick up the instructions, almost laughing with the realization that it was a coffee table.

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