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To think your normal everyday life where everything seems like a routine.

Boring, repetitive, maybe interesting on some days.

Would turn.. to a life and a journey you never expected, nor signed up for.

Guess that's why they warned us not to get too deep nor lost, in the world of games.

After all, the temporary escapism we all go to for comfort, just might not be so temporary after all.

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'What time is it..' you groggily get up from the comfort of your bed and checked.

'oh.. 7 am.. guess there's enough time to get ready.'

You yawn and stood up, stretching every muscle in your body in any way possible. Reaching for the ceiling, your feet, the floor, anywhere. One more and your bones might break but eh- STRETCHING FEELS GOOD.

Today was the first day of school, which means new faces, new place, new people, which then leads to communicating with living beings to fit in.

'Ughh.. i hate first dayss... why couldn't we have stayed at s/n (old school)' you complain internally knowing your parents only wanted the best for you.

You had a pretty decent family to say the least. Your mom and dad more or less get along with each other and they have average jobs.

Pretty basic and you knew how hard they worked for you to be here right now which is why you just decided to keep your complaints to yourself and not cause any trouble.

"Mornin' Mom! Morning Dad! What time are we leaving if i may ask?" you question, making your way out of your bedroom and onto the dining room where breakfast will be served.

"Oh whenever you're ready hun." your mom said as she tossed some pancakes to your plate. "We can leave in a few minutes if you want to."

You chewed on your pancake, making a satisfying sound of approval that praised your mom.

"We know it may take time to adjust in your new school but try to make friends okay?" your dad ruffled your hair, messing it up slightly.

"geez geez, hands off the hair old man.." you chuckle lightly, desperate to at least maintain a proper image.

"Okay, okay.. let's go your royal highness. Your new kingdom awaits you.." your dad finished off with a bow, earning another slight chuckle from you. "that is the kingdom of loneliness" "HEYY!! THATS MEAN" you say chasing after him.

"Sometimes I'm confused whether I'm raising one child or two.." your mom sighs jokingly.

"Okay okay guys, let's go. We're gonna be late~" you say pushing your parents to the door, prepared with all your stuff.

"You heard her! Let's go dear." your dad says as he twirls your mom in a dancing motion, earning a fake gagging noise from you. "Coming! Coming."

-Time Skip-

"We'll see you after work honey! Have fun! Bye~love you!" Your parents waved to you and drove off.

You wave back hiding your face out of embarrassment so your identity will be sealed. You appreciate it anyway but sometimes you just want to have a low profile you know.

'Well this day just can't get any better now can it.' you sigh, shrugging it dismissively.

You look at your new school.

'So this is where the new hell begins.'

-Another Time Skip-

School was good, you at least managed to talk to people and make acquaintances. Heck you even managed to talk to someone with similar interests like that otome game you were playing.

What was the name.. Oh right, Dangerous Fellows.

It was nice to see someone with common interests and be able to talk about it so school wasn't as cruel as it was before.

..Besides from the fact you have a paper deadline the day after.

'And its just the first day. Damn.' you grab your bag and took out the things you needed for your punish- i meant- homework.

'Alright! Let's begin.' you write sentences, made paragraphs here and there til a few hours later, you were finally done.

'Wow, the industrial revolution and importance of culture was much more harder than I thought.'

you look at your paper, proud to say the least.

'Not the best but it won't be lower than a passing grade... hopefully. '  you shudder.

You grab your mobile phone and browsed hered and there, when your brain decided that today will be a good day to be an otome character.

'Now to play that game.'

You plop down to your bed and started the game for the third time, answers decided after exhausting overthinking and dedication much larger than what you contribute in your school work.

[ 11:55 pm ]

".... I should stop now." you rub your eyes, saving your progress and shutting off your gadget.

"Goodnight my precious babies I will see you all tomorrow." you kiss your phone goodnight and began to find a comfortable position.

'It would probably be cool if I ever saw at least one of them in real life and you know just fangirl about the fact they're standing there.'

But eh- probably shouldn't hope much on it..' and with those thoughts in your head, you slowly drifted off to sleep.
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Current Time: 12 AM
[ Prologue: Complete]
Now starting Day 1

A/N so- um... hi? I started another book, aka this in hopes of it reaching you all. You know how I'm a sucker in these types of fanfics where reader who knows everything about that world suddenly enters it and you know.. Make things interesting.. anyway i hope you all like it!

Also uh- this may or may not follow the original plot of the game but I'll still try to make it feel like it is. Thank you <33

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