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How do you sleep at night?

I know the answer:

(I wish I didn't)


One minute,

singing pleasant as a lark.

The next: you're a starving shark.

One minute,

unassuming melody of a harp,

strings flowing as one.

The next: attacking, gashing,

laughing, out for blood.

After the fight,

a flip is switched.

Back to normal?

Or is this the facade?

I can never tell:

do you merely dip into hell?

At your very core, your base,

are you as sweet as you present?

An agonized soul,

simply vacillating,

or are you truly as conniving

as the knives you drive in?

Never swerving.

It's quite unnerving.



on the doors

as if I am yours—

you the master,

I the slave.

Why must it be this way?

You the bird of prey

and I the run-away.

Is this all that's in store,

for our blood-bound relationship?

Are we really only connected through strands,

bits and pieces of shared DNA?

I am through— finished! —trying to understand

why you act the way you do.

It is not for me to prove

through these words,

my innocence.

I never did deserve

the senselessness

of teeth gnashing,

wounds and gasping.

I never did deserve it,

yet now I'm the one who will swerve—

who will flip and turn State's witness.

It is long since my turn

to be Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,

so here is my final kiss.

Catch it quick or you'll miss it.

I will swerve, swing, fling,

myself so far, you won't believe!

This apple will be nothing

like the tree.

I will never treat another

like you've treated me.

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