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“Oliviaaaaaaaaa!” Ashton slurred as his head laid heavy on my shoulder. He tried to hug me tight.

“Hun, you’re drunk.” I try to push him away. Ashton sucked his teeth.

”Whaaat? Naaah. I just had thiiiiisss liiiiittle bit to drink.” He smiled as he showed me with his thumb and index fingers. 

“Michael, get him off me. He’s too heavy right now.” Michael quickly led Asthon to the couch across from us. 

“Stay there. Here’s something to drink.” He held out an opened water bottle to Ashton. 

Asthon took a few chugs and made a disgusted face. “Thaaaaat’s not Patron.” He said. Michael and I shook our heads and chuckled. 

“Keep drinking it,  .” I scolded him. 

“Y’all suck.” He stuck his tounge out at us.

“We come bearing a gift.” Michael  said as he took out a package of Nesquik’s Chocolate powder mix from a black plastic bag and gave it to me. Yes! My fucking favorite! 

“Seriously? You guys are the best.” I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then I gave Drunk Ashton  a kiss on his forehead and went on my way to put the mix inside the kitchen cabinet.

An hour later, Ashton started to sober up and he got to work on one of the songs he wanted for the second album. I sat there on a bar stool by the kitchen counter, with my second joint already half done. Michael sat across from me drinking a glass of red wine.

“Do you ever catch a break?” Michael asked me. 

“Well, I was about to before you guys rudely interrupted it.” I said sarcastically, grabbing the wine bottle and pouring the wine into the glass. I took a huge gulp, finishing only half of the drink. “But it’s okay, I didn’t want to be alone. I’m happy you guys came through.” I smiled, wanting to look at his face so bad. But due to the drug, my eyes were getting pretty heavy and I couldn’t see much.

All of a sudden, Michael starts to slowly lean in towards me, with his mouth slightly open in an O-shape.

“Uhm-” I started to ask. 

“You know what to do.” Michael cut me off as he arches his eyebrow. Wow, we haven’t done that since last summer. After taking the last drag of the night, I blow most of it into his mouth and I start to gaze into his brown eyes. Michael  held it in for a few more seconds while he stares at me. It felt like he was looking into my soul and I don’t even feel weird about it. To tell you the truth, that was one of the hottest moments I’ve ever had without even making contact with a man.

Staring back at him, a lot of dirty thoughts run through my mind as I try not to look down at the sudden hard-on through his sweatpants. What? I didn’t want him to know I was feeling that way towards him.

Feeling his hand lightly touch my chin we placed our foreheads together, closed our eyes, smiling and falling into the moment before separating a few seconds later. He held out his hand to me, asking for the joint. I gave it to him.

“You feel tense, babe.” I whispered into his ear. 

“Just a little stressed out. That’s all.” Michael  shrugged as he put it between his lips and inhaled. 

“I got you.” I then held his hand and led him into the living room right across the kitchen. The fireplace was on, warming the both of us up and I made him sit on the ottoman. “I want you to relax… Can you do that for me?” I stand behind him and work my hands on his bare shoulders under his shirt. 

“Uh huh.” He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Lightly dragging my fingers up to his head, I apply a bit of pressure on the back and sides of his neck while he let out a low groan. Smiling to myself, I finally massaged his scalp and he put his head slightly back. Okay, he’s looking real good right now. 

“God, that feels amazing.” Michael  whispered as he blew the smoke out. 

“That’s what weed and massage does to ya.” I giggled. I finished the massage kissing the back of his head and getting back in front of him.

“And where’s my massage, Olivie?” Ashton pouted, crossing his arms near the fireplace. 

“Don’t worry. I didn’t forget you.” I laughed as I walked to the sofa, patting at the cushion. “Sit.”

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