t h i r t y t w o

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Helsinki came running in with oslo, who had a fucking hole in his head, denver slams the phone down and ran to help Helsinki put Oslo down

"What happened" I said getting up
"Hostages escaped, and they gave him a strong blow to the head, maybe a concussion..denver did you know about this, who orchestrated it" Helsinki said looking to denver

Denver's eyes crystallised and he looked around at everyone, we all looked at him strangely
"Which hostage" Helsinki added

"A-A-Arturo told me, b-b-but I didn't make it in time" Denver said, I looked to Berlin who's hands went into a fist

Remembering Arturos name, brought back a lot of feelings
"Arturo?" Helsinki said, Denver nodded

"I think it's time, we show Arturo a little discipline" Berlin said as he clicked his knuckles, Helsinki turned around to Berlin and nodded as he breathed heavily, I looked at the floor

Berlin went to check Oslo and looked at his head and eyes
"Helsinki, Helsinki" Berlin said, Helsinki turned back fo him again

"He's not in good shape" Berlin said, my eyes started to tear up, and I'm sure everybody else's did as well
"No. No" Helsinki said

"Helsinki I said he's in bad shape" Berlin repeated, Helsinki shook his head and looked back to Oslo
"He's not badly wounded, he's not, he just needs to rest and take some medicine I'll give him medicine" Helsinki said shaking his head as he reached for some injections, everyone looked at each other sadly

"Why are his eyes open" Nairobi said
"I'll give him some prednisone and anti inflammatories and heparin and he'll sleep" Helsinki said putting the liquids into the injections

It was obvious that Oslo was obviously not okay, but I wasn't going to be the one to say, I was way to emotional for that, and it was also obvious that everyone knew that he wants okay

Moscow moved past everyone and went to turn Helsinki around, but Helsinki pushes him off
"Moscow, don't worry about it, Oslo and I have been through the worst hiccups in war, the worst" Helsinki said, Moscow nodded as he let out a chuckle and went back to stand next to Nairobi

Helsinki shut Oslo's eyes gently and spoke to him in Serbian

After a while of being sat in the living space we gave Helsinki some alone time, and Berlin grabbed me
"I need to talk to you" he whispered, I looked to him angrily and shook my head as I yawned

I was still so mad at him, as I tried to walk away he pulled me back again
"Please" he whispered as he held my hands, a tiny smile cracked onto my face, and I shook my head before giving in and nodding

Berlin took me into his office and locked the door, I sat down on the couch and stared as him as he sat beside me
"Are you going to say your sorry for underestimating me" I said tilting my head, Berlin chuckled before smiling

"Your right, I underestimated you, and you know what, after that, I see you less as my love and more know as one of the most important people on the team" he said, I blushed before pausing

"What And I was ever an important person on the team" I said laughing, Berlin smiled at me and I stopped laughing
"What is there something on my face" I said touching my face, berlin moved to hands and kissed me

He pulled away and stared at me for even longer this time
"I won't let arturo get away with touching you like that, he won't fucking be able to see light of day after me, you might think he doesn't deserve it. But I think, he deserves it, he deserves to know what happens when you mess with another mans woman." Berlin said getting close to him

"So I'm your woman now" I said blushing, Berlin pushed me onto my back and nodded as he kissed my neck gently

"You always have been, and you always will be" he whispered into my neck, I yawned again and he stood up and brought a blanket and put it over me

"Sleep, princessá, you've already done enough today" he said as we touched noses, and he left

I watched him leave and I laid in the silence of his room

And soon later on, I ended up falling asleep

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