t h i r t y t h r e e

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When I woke up I went downstairs to where Tokyo and Rio were going round for rubbish, and I saw Arturo sitting there, I took a gulp and walk down the stairs, I could already feel sick to my stomach, he looked up to me and smirked and I quickly made my way out again

Rio and Tokyo looked at me weirdly, but I couldn't even handle being in the same room as that creature, and as I made my way out I bumped into berlin, who looked from behind me and saw Arturo

Arturo looked away quickly, I knew he was scared

Berlin pushed past me and walked over to Arturo, Arturo got up quickly
"Look man, I'm sorry what happened, she put it on me, she was touching me, I don't even know what story she told you, but men understand men right" Arturo said quickly, Berlin chuckled as he stared at Arturo

"Arturo, your a funny man" Berlin said laughing, Arturo started to laugh to, and the moment he did, Berlin pinched him straight around the face

"Berlin" I yelled running over to him
"What the fuck" Rio said running over to us, Berlin shook his hand and cleaned off the blood before walking away I tried to run after him but Tokyo stopped me

"Erm what the fuck was that about, what did arturo do to you" she said, I didn't even want to talk about it, but as I watched rio help Arturo up, and Arturo smiled

"He touched me, like touched me. But..I'm fine now" I said, Tokyo's face changed and she walked over to Arturo and slammed him straight in the face with her gun

"What-" Rio said confusedly, he gave up helping Arturo and shrugged before picking up a bag to get garbage

"Sweetheart, you don't even have to get into detail, I'm so sorry" she said giving me a hug, I smiled as I held her tightly
"Is it just me and berlin that knows" she said, I nodded

She pulled away and smiled
"I love you, if someone ever tries to hurt you again I'll kill them, your literally like my sister" she said laughing

"Everyone says that" I said laughing, Tokyo gave me another hug

"We heard gunshots did anyone get hurt" Mercedes, the teacher said, me and Tokyo pulled and we looked at her, Rio paused and went back to doing his work

But then she stood up
"I won't shut up, you heard me, my student paco ruiz is missing, I want to know where he is" she said proudly, we all looked at her and then Rio turned to her, he dropped the bin and walked over to her

"Sit down" he said, but she shook her head
"Please, sit down" he repeated again, she still didn't

"I SAID SIT DOWN" Rio yelled, and then she did, Rio went back to pick up the bin

"He escaped with some other hostages, everybody's fine" he said, getting back to his duties, and then she stood up again, and started to clap

"What the fuck.." me and Tokyo said, Rio went over to her

"Sit down" he said, she shook her head clapping
"I said sit down." He repeated more sternly but she still didn't, and then more people started to join in

"SIT DOWN" Rio yelled at them, he put a gun in her face but she still didn't sit down, Tokyo shot at the ceilings and then everyone sat down

"SIT DOWN." Tokyo said, Then everyone did, apart from her Mercedes, Tokyo went into her face
"SIT DOWN PLEASE" Tokyo said sternly, and finally she did

Tokyo turned back to me and rolled her eyes and I laughed before sitting down on the stairs

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