When you meet leo

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You we're walking home, it was pouring cold rain.You felt someone was watching you,but you shook it off.You we're passing a random alley and all of a sudden you we're pushed into the alley.It was the Purple Dragons!The leader Fong was holding you by the shirt and was pulling back a fist,but he had disappeared!A flash of lightning showed the alley way and you seen a giant turtle with a blue mask and Katanas in hand.He seen your shocked face and said "shoot" under his breath."Please don't freak out ma'am!"You were trying to process everythig and all of a sudden you say " Hi...... I'm......(Y/N)?!"He was shocked at you not freaking out."Ummm........Hi i'm Leonardo,but you can call me Leo for short!"Leonardo..... as DiVinci or as in Decaprio?""Ummm....As in Hamato,My full name is Leonardo Hamato?"You thought i your head "whoops".Leo smiled almost like he heard you say it.Then all of a sudden a voice calls"LEO!"You looked at him and he said"I'm sorry i have to leave,but call me anytime."He hands you a sheet of paper and you open it and smile it was his phone number.You finally got home after day dreaming about leo.He was just so fasinating.

(Sorry it was so short you guys but i am not really a good writter.Just tryin something out.NO HATRED COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Okay byebye shellfellows)

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