Another Fate of Danger AU

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A.N. This was requested by @ArcherWolfGirl_1 and I would like to thank you for also being so patient with me. I'm sorry this took so long as well. (AU means Alternate Universe, for those who don't know. I had a lot of probably confused commenters last time I wrote an AU so I just wanted to point that out.)

Henry's P.O.V.
            The blimp crashes into the mountain and I'm completely fine, thank god, but do I want to let Ray and everyone else know I'm alive? I mean, if I don't tell them, it definitely would make life easier for me. I mean, I wouldn't have to argue with Ray anymore about me going to college and I could just live my own life. That settles it then, I'm not gonna let anyone know I'm still alive. I'll change my name and just leave. I hear footsteps running up the mountain and I hide so whoever it is can't see me. I see Ray walk up to the blimp crash. He falls to his knees and sobs. I kinda feel bad for doing this, but I also don't because I don't want to argue with him anymore.

            I sneak away and head to the airport. I buy a plane ticket to California and board the plane. What should I change my name to? It has to be something far away from 'Henry' so no one knows it's me. Hmmmmmm... How about Jacob? Yeah, that works. The plane lands in California and I get off the plane and start looking for colleges that might give me a scholarship. I find one and I get a job on campus (A.N. I don't know much about colleges yet). I get my name legally changed to Jacob Johnson at the court house. I arrive back at my dorm and it is about nine p.m. and I get ready for bed. I look at a framed picture of Ray and me on my bedside table and smile slightly. My roommate walks through the door and greets me.

            "Hey. I'm John." He introduces himself because this is the first time I have ever met him.

            I shake his hand and smile, "I'm Jacob."

A.N. Sorry this is so short. I didn't know exactly what to write so I just went with whatever came to mind for the scenario. And I know little to nothing about colleges so that really doesn't help.

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