Chapter 5: Wednesday, Rendezvous

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"So let me get this straight; he randomly shows up at the park, says you look good in his hoodie, basically asks you out on a date, kisses you, then leaves?"

Cindy was still sitting on the bench and had called Libby as soon as Jimmy was completely gone.

"Well I wouldn't call it an actual date, it's just us bringing our dogs to the park together. And it wasn't a kiss kiss, just a peck on the cheek which is totally different"

"Please, when it comes to guys there isn't much of a difference; affection is affection no matter what it is and if a guy is showing any form it means something. And as far as your 'not a date', it totally is. He suggested a future rendezvous, was happy when you agreed, called it a date and kissed you; if that doesn't say 'I'm totally into you' then I don't what does"

"I'm just really confused right now, like what the hell is going on with him? One minute he's being like this, next he's supporting me dating other people! Ugh I don't know what to do Libby!"

"Maybe it's finally time to tell him how you feel, I mean really tell him"

"What about Romeo though? I mean this guy is really into me and it doesn't seem fair to not at least give him a chance, but at the same time I know my heart only wants Jimmy"

Libby was quiet for a minute thinking over a solution, then she spoke, "I say you give 'Romeo' a chance. At least meet him and go out on one date to test the waters, and then if you're still only thinking about Jimmy tell him the truth and let him down easy"

"That's great advice but how am I supposed to do that when I don't even know who he is?"

"Well I guess you're gonna have to just let him come to you, he did say in his first note that he would reveal himself 'when the time is right'"

"But that could take months! What if worst case scenario he doesn't say anything until like graduation or something?"

"Okay Cin you gotta chill, you're being dramatic and paranoid. I have a feeling he's going to reveal himself within the next month or even the week, his feelings for you seem pretty strong so I don't think he'll want to wait much longer"

Cindy took a deep breath, "you're right Libby, I guess I just have to be patient and wait this out. But in the meantime what do I do about Jimmy?"

"Just keep acting normal and doing what you've been doing, trust me everything will work out naturally the way it's supposed to. But hey I gotta go, Sheen's coming over so we can study for the chemistry test we're having tomorrow"

Cindy rolled her eyes and smirked, "right, like you'll get much studying done"

"Hey I told him if we didn't actually do any studying he's going home, I need to pass this test. But anyways I really do gotta go, good luck Cin you got this!"

"Thanks I hope so, and good luck with Ultradork"

She ended the call and was soon left to ponder her thoughts alone.


It was 11pm and Cindy was still tossing and turning, no matter what she did she couldn't seem to fall asleep that night. Of course she knew exactly why, this whole thing with Jimmy and 'Romeo' was really getting to her, she just wanted answers from both of them but she also knew she'd have to patiently wait and that frustrated her to no end. She sighed and got out of bed, she knew trying to sleep would prove useless. So instead she threw on Jimmy's sweatshirt and her sneakers and quietly went downstairs and out her front door. Anytime she couldn't sleep or needed to be alone she went to the park, it was peaceful there and allowed her to think without interruption. It was only a 5 minute walk and soon she was sitting underneath her favorite oak tree, it was on top of a hill and offered a perfect view of the town below. Since it was so late the only sound was the crickets since Retroville was a small town where no one was out past 9:00, and it was even a clear enough night to see a few stars despite all of the city lights. She leaned back and closed her eyes just basking in the peacefulness of the night. Everything was quiet for a few minutes until she heard a twig snap. She opened her eyes and looked around, trying convince herself it was just a squirrel or something so she didn't freak herself out. Then she looked at the bottom of the hill and saw what looked like a human silhouette coming towards her, she held her breath and went back against the tree as far as she could. As the figure continued climbing the hill and getting closer her panic started rising, why hadn't she thought of actually bringing anything to protect herself with? She looked around and saw a rock at her feet, it wasn't much but it was better than nothing. She held it tight in her hand ready to throw it at them and run, but then the figure spoke,

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