Chapter 3: Monday, the Note

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Once she got home and went up to her room she contemplated calling Libby to tell her everything but decided against it, there was a chance she was still out with Sheen and she didn't want to interrupt so she'd just call in the morning. Instead she settled for just working on some homework and studying for Mondays quiz. Finally she was getting tired so she put away her books, changed into pj pants, and went to sleep.


It was 2am on Saturday and a 17 year old boy laid alone in the darkness of his room unable to sleep, he had been trying in vain since 12:30 but it was no use, so he sighed and got up to turn on his desk lamp. He decided to turn on the radio and see if music could help him get to sleep.

I've been spending all my time

just thinkin about ya

I don't know what to do

I think I'm fallin for you

I've been waiting all my life

And now I've found ya

I don't know what to do

I think I'm fallin' for you

I'm fallin' for you

He sighed and changed it to oldies instead.

One day I feel so happy, next day I feel so sad

I guess I'll learn to take the good with the bad

'Cause each night I ask the stars up above,

why must I be a teenager in love?

He changed it again, perhaps third time's the charm?

Lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely

I have nobody for my own

oh, I'm so lonely

I'm Mr. Lonely

I have nobody for my own

oh, I'm so lonely

He groaned and turned off the radio, somehow music wasn't really helping. He sat at his desk thinking about what had kept him up this whole time, he was an intelligent guy but there was one mystery in life he felt he would never truly figure out; girls. More importantly though was the fact that there was one girl in particular on his mind, Cindy Vortex. He had tried to ignore his growing feelings for her but they continued to grow stronger despite all of his best efforts and it was driving him insane. The truth was he was completely in love with her, in every sense of the word; she was all he thought about, everything about her made his heart flutter, and whenever he was around her it took all of his self control to be able to come up with intelligent speech. He sighed as his thoughts consumed him, he feared she would never feel the same about him; she was beautiful and popular whereas he supposed he was fairly okay looking but he wasn't exactly on top of the social chain either. As he was leaving school the previous day he saw a poster announcing the upcoming Halloween dance, he wanted more than anything to take her to that dance but he doubted she'd even want to go with him. He felt guys like Nick Dean were more her type; popular, good looking, suave, sweet talking, romantic types. Sure he could ask her out and take her to the Candy bar but that's where everyone went whether it was on dates or just hanging out with friends. No, that would be too simple and she deserved much more than that. She was special and in order to get her to fall for someone like him he'd have to come up with one hell of a romantic gesture. Something to completely catch her off guard and sweep her off her feet, something to make her feel like a princess. He sat and thought for a while until finally it was as if a cartoon light bulb lit up above his head, he smiled wide to himself. The plan he came up with was absolutely perfect! He opened his laptop and got to work...

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