Chapter 8: The Big Reveal

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Woo it's finally here, the chapter the entire story has been building up to! I'll warn you now that this one is lengthy so you're in for a bit of a ride, but otherwise enjoy!

Cindy got in Libby's car and smiled at her and Sheen, "hey guys"

"Hey Cin! So you ready to finally meet Romeo?"

She gave Libby a confident smile, "well I'm nervous as hell, but yeah I think I'm ready"

"That's the spirit!"

Sheen sat in the front seat not saying anything, he was too busy playing on his PSP.

Cindy rolled her eyes, "yeah thanks Sheen it's great to see you too"

He didn't say anything so Libby elbowed him with her free arm and he finally looked up, "huh? oh yeah hi Cindy good to see you" he then went back to his game.

The rest of the ride was silent as the two girls were lost in their thoughts and Sheen was lost in whatever fictional world he was currently in, then finally they arrived at the high school. Libby parked and they all got out.

Cindy closed her eyes and took a deep breath then opened them+ and stared at the school, this was it. The moment she had been waiting for all week, it all came down to tonight. Finding out who the mysterious 'Romeo' was and then later finally telling Jimmy the truth about how she felt, it was all going down tonight and she was feeling very anxious.

Suddenly she felt a hand in hers and looked over too see Libby smiling encouragingly, Libby squeezed her hand in comfort, "it's going to be fine Cin, I promise. It's 6:30 so you've got exactly 30 minutes to calm your nerves before your fantasy begins, now come on let's get in there and get this night of wonder started"

Cindy returned her friends smile and the two let go, then the three friends walked towards the school together. As they were walking Cindy finally got a good look at Sheen and Libby's costumes, they were dressed as Spiderman and MJ which Cindy had to admit was actually cute. They got to the door and found Carl and Tina waiting for them, dressed as a pair of vampires.

Cindy raised an eyebrow, "vampire again Carl? Don't you remember last time?"

He chuckled, "yeah that didn't end well but don't worry Jimmy had nothing to do with the costumes this time, plus I still really like capes"

Cindy thought back to that particular Halloween so many years ago and shuddered slightly, it definitely wasn't something she wanted to do again. But the memory brought her thoughts back to Jimmy. She sighed, wondering what he was doing right now. He was probably in his lab right now, all alone. Working on his experiments, probably had grease stains on his clothes from the machinery, shaggy hair hanging over his piercing blue eyes, body sweating from all the hard work, muscles growing and pulsing slightly with all the lifting and moving...

She shook her head, now was not the time to be lost in her thoughts about him. Right now she had one thing to focus on, and that one thing was Romeo. She smiled confidentially and walked inside with her friends.


The time was 6:00 and Romeo was slightly freaking out, tonight was the night. He was finally going to tell Cindy Vortex he was in love with her, and the thought scared the hell out of him. It helped that she seemed to have really enjoyed his efforts thus far but that didn't mean it completely calmed his nerves. The little things he had done throughout the week were like t-ball but actually coming face to face with her and telling her everything was the major leagues, he closed his eyes and took a steadying breath. Going into this whole plan of his he had no idea how it would be received, it very well could have gone south. She could have crumpled up his first note, laughed, then proceeded to go to the dance with some good looking jock instead. But she didn't, she liked his notes and was his date for the evening. The thought both made him happy yet a nervous wreck at the same time, but then he thought about her in that dress and smiled dreamily to himself. He had pulled out quite a few stops to get that for her and surprisingly it worked, he actually couldn't believe it had worked so well. He took a deep breath and headed to the bathroom to get ready, it was time.

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