Chapter 9: Home

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Jimmy woke up from what had been the best sleep he had gotten that whole week, he then looked at the beautiful angel sleeping peacefully in his arms and beamed. He still couldn't believe his luck, not only did he finally have the girl of his dreams but he had gotten to fall asleep holding her (on purpose this time). He checked the clock on the wall, the time was 9:15 which meant he had 45 minutes until the last little surprise he had planned. He looked at her again, she was currently facing him with both arms wrapped around him while her head was on his chest. He hated to disturb her, she looked so damn adorable, but he knew he had to.

He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead, then quietly whispered, "Cindy?"

She stirred a little but otherwise didn't move.

He shook her lightly, "come on Sleeping Beauty, time to wake up"

She mumbled into his chest, "wrong princess"

He chuckled and rolled his eyes, "okay fine, time to wake up Cindy-rella"

She smiled sleepily, "better"

They both sat up and against the headboard, he had an arm around her and she was leaning her head on his shoulder.

"So why is it we had to get up? I was perfectly content and comfortable you know"

"As was I, but I do believe I promised you a date at 10:00am today and I can't very well do that from in here, now can I?" he smirked and cocked an eyebrow.

She took her head off his shoulder to look at him, "are you saying there's even more to this plan of yours? What more could you possibly do?"

"Well I guess you're just going to have to go get ready then come back at 10:00 to find out"

She dropped her head back onto his shoulder and sighed dramatically, "but I'm so comfy right here," then she got a mischievous look in her eye, she turned and started kissing him fiercely.

He returned the kiss for about a minute but then broke it and got off the bed smirking, "okay nice try to distract me but come on we've got" he checked the time, "40 minutes before our departure, now go home and get ready and I'll be here when you get back"

She tried to give him her best puppy face but when she saw it wasn't working she dropped it and grumbled. "fine" then she stuck out her tongue at him and started to leave.

Now it was his turn to pout, "what, no goodbye kiss?"

She smirked at him and said in a mocking tone, "guess you'll have to wait until 10:00 to find out"

He smirked back then grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards him, he kissed her for a few seconds then released her still smiling, "okay seriously go get ready, for real now. Dress for summer, oh and make sure you wear a bathing suit underneath"

She looked at him questioningly but nodded and left to go get ready. He set to work putting everything in the hypercube that they would need and got himself ready.


40 minutes later at 10:00 Jimmy was in his backyard by the hovercar, tapping his watch and waiting not so patiently. He was wearing a pair of blue swim trunks with test tubes on them, a red polo shirt, and black sandals. Cindy finally got there a few seconds later, She was wearing jean shorts, a pink and grey striped spaghetti strap tank top, and light blue flip flops.

He smiled and pecked her lips in greeting, "hey beautiful, ready?"

She smiled back, "I guess so, you're really not going to tell me where we're going?"

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