The first strike

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Mason's POV 3 weeks later
I sat in the armory walking around the table inspecting my new rifle from every angle, I ran my hand agains the edge of the polymer stock before I felt the buffer pad. I disappeared into the back and got my tool set before I started installing a new cheek rest and replacing the sight. I carefully removed the 8x sight and replaced it with a variable scope 8x-20x, I was in the middle of picking a suppressor when I heard Luna "Mason, I need you" I replied as I continued comparing suppressors "Luna it's hardly the time or place to do such things" I glanced back and saw her cheek were slightly pink as she spoke "God you're just insufferable, I need you for a mission" I asked as I began screwing on the suppressor "What's the mission details? I wanna know what I'm walking into" she replied with a chuckle "I need overwatch while I infiltrate a base and place a backdoor in the Mask network" I asked a different question "where?" She replied somewhat sheepishly "Northern Edinburgh" I nodded before asking "what time?" She replied while I started attaching a canted red dot sight to the rail "23:45" I asked a different question "When?" She replied again nervously "Tonight" I looked back before I screwed on an IRNV scope adapter infront of my scope before I turned and looked at her "How badly do you want me on this mission?" She rubbed her elbow "I'd feel a lot better with you watching my back, besides you get to play with your new L96" I recoiled in offense "excuse you, Riley here is an L115a3" she asked in return genuinely curious "what's the difference?" I sighed before replying "an L115 is just an updated version firing a bigger round" she nodded before asking "So you in for the mission? Harry needs to know ASAP" I nodded as I carefully packed my rifle "yeah, I'll be there. Do we have a QRF?" She replied as I heard her voice getting more distant "Just a 5 man extract team that Harry has yet to select" I waved before I carried my new gun case and rifle through the halls towards my dorm.
      When I reached the room I walked in and Aaron turned at the sound of the opening door "hey buddy, what ya got there?" I looked at him deadly serious "My new baby, don't touch her she's more precious than you are" he perked up before motioning to the table "Well set her down, let me see" I walked over and carefully hit the case lock release and lifting the rifle placing it on the table after unfolding the bipod. "here she is" he walked around the table inspecting the rifle before he whistled "fuck dude, she is beautiful"

I chuckled as I nodded "She just came in today, I'm gonna zero her out and then tonight she gets to play" he asked looking up "You got a mission?" I nodded as I carefully looked over the rifle "Luna has an infiltration op, asked me to overwatch

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I chuckled as I nodded "She just came in today, I'm gonna zero her out and then tonight she gets to play" he asked looking up "You got a mission?" I nodded as I carefully looked over the rifle "Luna has an infiltration op, asked me to overwatch. I should have a 5 man compliment" he shook his head "What does she fire?" I looked at him with an excited glint in my eyes "338 Lapua Magnum" he chuckled as he spoke "Why don't we go and play with her?" I laid the rifle back in its case and removed the suppressor before folding the stock "let's go" I picked up the gun case and followed Aaron as we walked through the base to the range. I walked in and looked at the woman I've learned is named Ashleigh "Hey Ash, I need some 338 lapua magnum rounds" she looked unsure but spoke "If you're using those you're gonna have to go outside on the long range range" I nodded with a laugh as she disappeared.
I turned to Aaron "Why don't you go set up one of the stalls?" He nodded before calling "Hey, just so you know I want a turn shooting!" I waved him off as Ash came back with the rounds "So what'd you get?" I placed the case on the counter and opened it showing the L115 sitting on the foam. She covered her mouth "oh my god, I've always wanted to shoot one. Do you think I could?" I nodded before closing the case "Come on, I just gotta zero it out first" she held the ammo box as we walked outside and I saw Aaron had set up the stall the exact way I ways do, he even had the doping book next to when I'll lay. I crouched and carefully set up the rifle before I looked at Aaron "Ready to spot?"
He nodded as he put his eye to the spotting scope "Ready when you are" I looked at Ashleigh "Got the ammo?" She handed it to me as I offered a "Thank you" in return. I slowly pushed round after round into the small box mag, I loaded it and pulled the bolt back before it chambered a round "First round" I looked at Aaron "You got my center marked?" He nodded "Dead center at 100 yards" I nodded as I spoke and looked through the scope "Each click is a quarter inch" he wrote it down as I spoke "Alright, I'm firing" I queried the trigger and felt the recoil as he read out "down 3 inches, right 4. Alright 12 on the top, 16 on the side" I started counting as I turned the dials before I spoke "Second round with the new zero" he spoke "I'm ready" as Ash stood quietly but I could feel her watching. I pulled the trigger and heard "1/2 inch to the left" I turned the dial and rechambered a round "Firing" he spoke "send it" I saw a white circle in the center of the target and heard "Bullseye, send another" I simply pulled the bolt back and squeezed the trigger before I moved my headphone back and listened as he spoke "Same deal" I moved my headphones back on and chambered the last round before firing and hearing "On target, rifle is zeroed" I sat up after putting the safety on and looked at Ash "Wanna have a go?" She nodded excitedly as a large smile crept on her face. I moved out of the way and started loading the rest of the magazines before I placed one next to ash "you're up" I stood and back away as she carefully picked up my rifle as if it were made of glass and sighted down it.
      I watched as she pulled the trigger and shook with excitement as her breathing became more erratic, just then I heard Harry behind me "Ah Mason, Aaron, how are you?" I turned and spoke "pretty good, got my rifle zeroed and I'm ready to hunt" he looked confused "I don't see a rifle?" I motioned to Ashleigh as she squeezed the trigger and Harry jumped at the unexpected sound "Oh hello Ashleigh" she didn't reply until I kicked her ankle gently, she looked back and saw Harry "hello sir" he chuckled as he replied "You almost gave me a heart attack" she looked confused as Aaron explained "he didn't notice you down there and then you shot, he jumped like a bitch" Harry joined us as we chuckled at the comment "Alright so you've been told about the mission" I nodded as I looked at him "I wasn't given too many specifics but I got the gist of it" he nodded before turning "I'll call you to a briefing in a short time" I replied as he walked away "I'll be here if you need me"
      I heard Aaron next to me as Ashleigh fired another round "You seem happier, like you aren't as mad as you have been lately" I stretched as I spoke "the old man has a way for doing that to me, can piss me off for weeks" he asked cautiously "Is there something... wrong between you two?" I stared down the range as I spoke "You tend to resent someone that says they're there for you but never are, it's ironic the man who taught me politicians are liars, is a politician" he chuckled softly as Ashleigh sat up and put on the safety, she spoke after taking off her headphones "It's so fun to shoot, thank you for letting me" I waved her off with a small smirk "Don't go getting any ideas of stealing my gun" she laughed as Aaron spoke "move Ash, mom said it's my turn with the gun" I asked inquisitively "does that mean I'm a woman now?" He looked back and spoke like it was obvious "Well you are a bitch so" I spoke to myself "Alright next time we're on mission shoot Aaron, got it" he backpedalled chuckling nervously "Hey we can talk about this right?" I laughed as did Ashleigh before I motioned to the rifle "well don't let her get cold" he nodded and laid down lifting the rifle before adjusting the stock balance as Ashleigh and I slid our headphones back on.
Half an hour later Luna showed up "Hey guys, what are you doing here?" I motioned to the form of Ashleigh on the ground "Figuring out how to kill her and make it look like an accident" Ashleigh piped up from the ground "I can hear you" I lightly kicked her sides "well unless you have suggestions hush" Aaron, Ashleigh chuckled as Luna asked "ready to go to briefing?" I looked at my wrist "Well shit, time flies when youre putting rounds through a rifle" Ashleigh sat up and smiled "Hey, thanks again for letting me shoot a bucket list gun" I nodded as I carefully disassembled the rifle and put it in it's case "Anytime, alright I'll see you two tomorrow probably, cool?" Aaron gave me a fist bump as Ashleigh held her arm and looked at the ground "bye, see you tomorrow" as she turned and all but ran into the range. I mused "huh, strange girl" as I picked up the gun case and brought it with me as I walked away with Luna "So what've you been up to?" She replied looking at the clouds forming overhead "just planning the assault, I see you were having fun" I chuckled as I spoke "Straight edge" she looked confused as I explained "you're so straight edge, you never have any fun" she huffed indignantly "I do too" I shot back in reply "So what have you done that's fun? that doesn't include sparring or killing a mask" she opened her mouth to reply only to close it at the latter half of my sentence.
I nodded triumphantly as she spoke "well shit, I guess I am boring as hell" I patted her shoulder "have no fear for the hero Mason has appeared, ill make you exciting" she looked at me nervously "just what do you have in mind?" I stared at her with a dangerous glint in my eye "We're going out for a night on the town this weekend" she recoiled before speaking distressed "but that's so not me" I looked over "but it will be fun, we can grab a couple friends and head out. It's always more fun with friends" she sighed but nodded "fine it's worth a shot" I smiled as I locked my fingers together on the back of my neck and looked up. I glanced over and saw Luna looking deep in thought, I asked "Is it really that upsetting to think about going out?" She shrugged "I guess, it's just so out of the usual for me. Just kinda uncomfortable" I spoke in a sympathetic tone "we can always just have a small get together at Aaron and I's dorm" she shook her head no "It'll be fun, right?" I nodded before adding "depends on your definition of fun but yea, I typically have fun" she asked in interest "What do you do on the weekends?" I shrugged "if I'm not on duty I either go out to clubs, sit at home and play the guitar and sing or go to a track and play with my car" she asked in disbelief chuckling quietly "You know how to play the guitar and sing?" I nodded chuckling too "I was in a band with a couple friends of mine in high school, before I joined the marines... god, I haven't seen them in years" she sensed the mood souring and asked "So what type of music did you guys play?" I chuckled before replying "Anything really, it was fun. We'd help each other pick up women by playing songs for our buddy trying to get the girl" she shook her head in amusement before pushing the door to the brief open.
      I held the door open for Luna as she walked by, I let the door close and followed her to the table. I sat down as Harry walked in with 5 operators: Hibana, Ash, Capitao, Lion and Blackbeard. I waved as I leaned against the table, Blackbeard stood next to me "Good to be working with you again" I looked over as I nodded "That was a long time ago" he spoke in his gruff voice "4 years isn't that long" I offered my rebuttal "but it's long enough" he patted my shoulder as Harry explained the mission "Operator Nøkk is leading an operation to created a back door into the Mask's network with the help of Dokkaebi, you 5 are QRF while Ozone provides overwatch. We have 3 phase lines Phase line Alpha is when Nøkk infiltrates the perimeter, Bravo is when the backdoor has been planted and Charlie is when you are halfway to the extraction. You will be positioned in this building on the 3rd floor, room 64. No one is to know you are there until the operation is complete, I do not want any stories of there even being the smallest whiff of Rainbow being there, we clear?" I offered a soft "hooah" as Harry asked "Any questions?" I raised my hand and asked "what's the distance from our position to the target building?" He replied "Roughly 160 meters" I nodded before writing it down as Blackbeard asked "What's our estimated opfor size?" Harry replied "we estimate a soft target of around 10-15 masks" Lion asked somewhat uncomfortably "Are there any non-combatants on target?" He nodded before speaking "we've got images of at a minimum 4 woman and 3 kids" I heard Hibana "So why weren't we informed they'd be there?" Harry deadpanned "because you won't be hitting the target, only Nøkk is going in."
       When Harry didn't hear any more questions he spoke "Dismissed, grab your gear get in the van and start heading to the AO." I asked one more question "How are we getting to our room? Do we have reservations?" He nodded before sliding me a small piece of paper "Here's your cover story, use this to get in" I read over the stuff quickly before placing it in my wallet "Alright, we'll be back tomorrow at the latest" he nodded before saying "Team, I want this to be surgical you hear me? Do not fuck this up" we gave our confirmation before we walked through the door. I heard Luna "Alright, everyone go get your gear and any ammo you need. We meet at the van in 10, go" I started walking to the dorm. I quickly grabbed my gear before carefully placing each piece of gear and clothes into the backpack before I slung it over my shoulder. I headed to the armory and saw Ashleigh leaning into the counter, I leaned on the edge as I joke "hey ash, miss me?" She chuckled as she shook her head no "What ya need my friend?" I spoke "Well I need .40 S&W for my P99 and .338 Lapua Magnum for my L115" she nodded before disappearing into the back "Why do you always have guns that use ammo I never have at the front desk?!" She called from the back, I yelled back "Because I know what I like and what you have!" She walked back to the front desk "What? A nice ass?" I laughed as I picked up the boxes "well shit, ya caught me." She turned red as I walked way "Wasn't expecting that were you?" She shook her head no as her eyes glued to the floor.
     I reached the van and pulled the rear door open and saw Blackbeard and Ash sitting in the back, I carefully slid my back in and then my rifle as I climbed in "Eliza, Craig" Craig nodded as Eliza replied "Mason, what do you have there?" I replied "My rifle, unlike you lot I have to carry a big ass gun to make sure Luna has what she needs" I heard Luna from the front seat "Aww thank you, I knew you cared" I didn't reply as I stared at my phone for a second until I heard Craig "Careful Luna, I think he's flirting with you" Eliza chuckled while I saw Luna's shoulders rack with silent laughs as Hibana, Lion and Capitao opened the door and slid their gear into the van before Hibana walked around and climbed into the passenger seat. I extended my hand to Lion and said "Olivier" he shook it "Mason" as I nodded my acknowledgment to Capitao as he replied it. I spoke to Luna "Hey Lu, think it's time we put this show on the road?" She started the engine and asked "Who's talking when we get there?" I raised my hand "I've got the story, we got how many hours until we reach Edinburgh?" Yumiko replied "6 hours" I nodded as Craig spoke "So Mason's the talker when we arrive, got it" I chuckled after Vicente(Capitao) spoke "Try not to look so intimidating, Craig" Olivier looked at Vicente "well I guess we're fucked, I mean Eliza looks like she wants to kill us, Craig is scarred to shit. Mason is an amputee, And Luna looks like a predator... at all times" I chuckled as I pulled out the cover story and began committing it to memory.
I looked up when I felt my momentum sway forward "We here?" Luna nodded before asking "What's our story?" I grew a small smirk "We're on a business trip to bring a new bank to town" she looked confused "but why would that be our story, I don't know the first thing about... oh, that's why you're the talker" I nodded as I flicked my head to the van doors. Capitao pushed them open as we climbed out and formed a line, I started pulling out bags and distributing them to the various operators who claimed them before I pulled out my gun case and bag. I closed the door and spoke to Eliza "You ready? You've been unusually quiet" she spoke with a nod "yeah, yeah, I'm just getting in the game" I patted her shoulder as I heard Luna "come my children, let us go to our room" I rolled my eyes but followed her into the hotel lobby. I turned up the southern charm as I leaned my elbow on the counter "Why hello darlin'" she smiled slightly as she replied "Hello sir, do you have a reservation?" I nodded while flashing a smile "Yes ma'am, it should be under a Johnathan Young. Though I should change my name, I've put a couple miles on" she replied while typing "I think you look good for an older guy" I flashed the charming smile as I replied "Thank you ma'am, means a lot coming from a beautiful young woman" she spoke to me again "3rd floor, room 64. I'm not that young anymore" I took the room card as I replied in disbelief "Well color me impressed, you don't look a day over 22" she flushed red as I handed the card back to Luna and spoke to the receptionist "I'll see you later dear" she smiled bright red as I followed the group around the corner before I acted like I was gonna throw up "god damnit, I hate doin' that" I heard Eliza next to me "You did good, it seemed like you were into it" I shook my head no "that's not me, I hate doing shit like that but I needed to keep her distracted so she didn't ask questions about the reservation" she nodded as we loaded onto an empty elevator.
     Luna spoke "So that was repulsive" I nodded as I pushed off the rear wall "Trust me, I hated it." I heard Yumiko "I'm surprised she didn't ask questions about anything" I heard Eliza "Well yeah, she was busy fawning over Mason" I heard Craig "Who wouldn't? I mean look at him" I spoke with a chuckle "Jeez Craig, I didn't know you liked me like that" Vicente replied "Don't let Jaimini(Kali) know about you two" I laughed as the doors slid open and we moved through the halls to the room. Luna inserted the room's keycard into the handle as the doorknob unlocked and she pushed it open, we slowly filed into the room as I began clearing off the table and moving it so I had the target building directly infront of it. I clicked open my gun case and began reattaching everything to the gun while the QRF began to assemble and load their rifles, I looked at Luna who seemed distracted as she leaned against the balcony's railing I walked out and leaned against the railing next to her "What's eating at you?" She glanced over "what do you-" I cut her off "For the last 3 weeks whenever we aren't talking to you directly or teasing you, you're staring off and I can see it in your eyes. What's up?" She replied with a sigh "I heard your argument with your father" I looked at her "the one at the courtyard? 3 weeks ago?" She nodded as I asked "What's that got to do with- oh, oh no" she looked at me "I started to realize that you had a point.... that they did just keep lying to us... that we had to figure things out on our own... I snapped at my mom and she's pretty mad at me right now... I feel terrible but I can't go and talk to her about it..." I asked "need a hug? I've been told I'm like a big teddy bear" she chuckled as she wiped away the first tear and nodded "Ja, I could use one" I spoke as I wrapped my arms around her "Just be ready for the squeeze" as I tightened it into a bear hug.
      I released her when I felt her pull back "thank you, it helped a lot." I nodded before speaking "let me know if you need anything else, alright?" She replied sounding suspicious "you're being unusually nice to me" I looked at the sun high in the sky "The more things change... the more they remain the same" she looked confused but listened as I asked "Does that mean anything to you?" She shook her head no as I motioned to the city ahead of us "we came from nothing to building cities like this, but we still act like we did 2000 years ago. The world has changed so much in 2000 years but the same problems plague us, the same battles, the same interactions. Everything remains so constant even as weapons change" she asked "what does that have to do with what just happened?" I glanced over "how many times in history do you think that's happened? Two friends console each other before entering a battle" she nodded slowly "oh, I see. Interesting" I chuckled as I suggested "Why don't you go relax for a bit? I'll keep an eye on the target" she disappeared into the room only to be replaced by Craig "so what was that about?" I looked over before returning my eyes to the building at the end of the street "She has some emotional turmoil from a personal matter, I offered an ear and a hug" he asked while slowly prodding for an answer he could use "So that's it? There's nothing else there?" I looked over "No, I was simply offering some emotional support for a friend. What are you getting at?" He feigned innocence as I narrowed my eyes at him "Either tell me or drop the topic off the edge" he sighed as I leaned on the railing.
     I walked into the room and finished assembling my rifle before I sat in the chair and leaned back using my shin to keep my balance as I pressed around after round into the seemingly endless amount of magazines I brought, when I finished loading the magazines I counted 12 magazines, I started loading my P99's mags as I waited for the sun to go down. I heard Eliza "So Luna, when are you launching you infiltration?" Luna looked up from her laptop "23:45, why?" Eliza laid on the bed "I'm bored as shit" Vicente offered "why don't you go to sleep? If anything goes wrong I'm sure you'll know about it" she whined like a toddler "I'm not tired" Vicente replied in a fatherly tone "Then I don't wanna hear a god damn thing about it" I looked at Luna "Do me a favor wake me up when you leave" she nodded wordlessly as I plopped on the queen sized bed next to her and removed my prosthetic before I rolled down my pant leg and turned away from Luna before drifting off to sleep.

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