The run

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Mason's POV
        I looked at Luna in surprise "Wait what?" She repeated "They're talking about detaining you and I" I looked at Aaron "Go with her, help her pack. We're leaving now" he asked with purpose "Want me to tell the rest of the group?" I shook my head no "I want you all to stay here, we'll talk on a closed loop." He nodded and disappeared through the door as I rushed to my gun locker and pulled out all of my weapons and equipment strapping them to the side of my rucksack. I grabbed the equipment to maintain my prosthetic and put those in its pouch before I slid my combat gear into the main compartment of my bag. The next thing that got slid into my rucksack was my stack of emergency cash, most operators had them so if they got separated from their unit they could barter for their safety. I threw in the rest of my clothes and chargers for my phone and other equipment before I slid my p99 into my holster and slid my rucksack on, I slid on my dog tags and rolled down my pant leg, hiding my prosthetic, I pulled the door open and ran to the armory. I flew through the doors causing Ashleigh to scream and jump at the sudden noise, I spoke urgently "I need as much 5.56, 338 Lapua magnum and .40 S&W as you can spare. Same for Luna's guns, 12 gauge, 9mm, .50 ae and 5.7" she looked shocked at the request but didn't ask questions. I tapped impatiently on the counter until the door behind me opened, I turned with my hand on the grip of my pistol only to see Aaron and Luna.
I released my pistol and saw Luna holding her own rucksack with her guns not visible, I heard Ashleigh behind me "Any reason you need this much ammo?" I chuckled as I replied "It's best you don't know as I slid every box of ammo on the counter into my rucksack, "We'll see you in a while Ash, stay safe" she looked confused as I grabbed the keys from Aaron as he spoke "Don't forget to take the tracker off the car, it'll be in the engine block on the inside of the left fender" I held up my closed fist "Stay frosty brother, I'll talk to you when Luna and I reach our safe house" he nodded as I grabbed Luna's hand and started running to the garage with her. I unlocked the Tier 6 up armored sedan and yanked the rear door open, I threw in my bag and closed the door. I was about to slide into the driver's seat when I heard the base alarm going off, my eyes widened at Luna before our efforts to quickly escape double.
I took a deep breath and slowed down as I carefully inserted the key into the ignition, I looked at Luna as I asked "You ready to do this?" She shook her head no but replied "Not really but we've got each other, right?" I smiled as I twisted the keys and heard the engine turn over, I fed a lot of gas to the engine and heard the tires screaming until traction was purchased. As we accelerated out of the garage I saw the two agents come in the rear view, they watched the sedan as it sped off, we reached the main gate I saw rich "Bro, you need to get this barrier up now" he nodded and motioned it up "Aaron already called, go" I smiled my thanks as we sped out the gate and onto the street. I patted Luna's forearm and said "How does it feel to be wanted?" She glanced over and sighed "Not good, I never wanted this" I nodded as I adopted a solemn tone "Neither did I, neither did I" she asked with worry "So where are we going? It's not like we planned for being wanted people" I kept my eyes on the asphalt ahead as I replied "Alaska, my family owns a lot of land just south of Utqiagvik. We'll be able to stay at one of the hunting outposts" she sighed but nodded as she spoke her mind "While I'm not looking forward to being on the run, it will be nice having someone to be on the run with." I replied longingly "I'm gonna miss Aaron" she didn't reply for a while.
        15 minutes later she spoke "This will be a long journey" I revealed my inner most feelings "I wish I never left my home" she looked at me and from my peripherals I could see she was shocked "I thought you love the PJs?" I nodded before explaining "I do, I love everything we do. I love saving people, I love the gunfights and knowing I'm making a difference. I just.... I hate when it goes bad, I hate when we can't save people. I hate losing my friends, I hate having to deal with that secondarily.... I never have time to mourn the loss instead I have to push that death aside and do my job" she responded softly "But would you trade your path for a different one?" I sighed as I replied with a small charming smile "And miss out on being your friend? Hell no" she smiled as she replied "Careful champ, I might think you're flirting" I rolled my eyes as I pressed down on the pedal. I heard the engine's rpm skyrocket as we picked up speed, Luna looked at me before quietly speaking to herself "I'm glad you're with me" I slowed down when we reached the main highway. Luna leaned forward looking up as we heard a helicopter pass overhead "Rainbow, they're tracking us." I spoke "Jäger, he'll make it hell for them to properly ID us" she looked over before speaking "They'll stay on us until they can make us stop" I grew my smirk "Well my dear, guess they can't stop us" she rolled her eyes with a large smile. I watched Jager's Blackhawk start lowering infront of us, I looked at him as he gave me a nod and I pinned the throttle and accelerated from 70mph to 170mph.
      I zoomed under the blur of the belly of Jager's chopper before I laid back on my evasive driving training and start swerving between cars and small windows in traffic keeping my sped, I saw Luna's leg moving like she was trying to brake while her white knuckles marked the death grip Luna had on her Oh Shit handle and the handle to the center console. I made a mental note to ask her about it when we reached the spot I'd deactivate the tracker, I saw Jäger's helicopter gaining on us while we pushed the vehicles to their limits although I could tell he was holding back, the disapproval of the reason behind the man hunt was extremely obvious in the sluggish and almost malevolent corrections to his Blackhawk to stay with us. Several people had pulled to the shoulders of the roads to get out and watched the helicopter flying this low to the ground only to have to jump out of the way as my sedan tore down the interstate, Luna held the radio as we listened to the chatter "Jäger turn so the gun can fire" he replied angrily "No can do, especially with civilians in the line of fine." The voice I now recognized as Hotchkins ordered "Jäger do it now. We can't allow them to escape" I saw the helicopter pitch back before hovering in the rear view as Jäger yelled "Agent I do not give a flying fuck who you are! I am not under your command and I will not allow you to endanger civilians for a petty attempt at growing famous!" Hotchkins directed calmly although the anger slipped through every now and again "Jäger if you do not continue to follow that sedan I will throw you in the brig. Do as commanded" Jäger defied orders as he pitched the helicopter up and away "Sir, with all do respect, go fuck yourself." I slowed down after another minute and breathed in relief.
I looked over at Luna and saw she was still clutching her oh shit handle, I called "Luna, Luna you're okay. We're done running" she looked at me as she blinked a couple times "huh? What?" I replied staring at the taillights of the van infront of us "it's okay, you can let go of the car. I'm not throwing you around anymore" she slowly let go of the handle and the center console "Oh, I didn't realize" I glanced over for a second before asking "Any reason you had a death grip on the car?" She turned a light shade of red from embarrassment "I... uh... I'm not really comfortable in cars when I'm not driving.... I don't like being out of control" I nodded before offering "Do you wanna drive from here out? I'll be fine riding shotgun" she chuckled but replied "Nej(no), I think I trust you enough to be okay" I joked with a prod of my elbow "Aww you do love me" she smiled slightly as I commented "Well on the bright side, at least today I look good. Gotta look good when you're on the run" Luna asked inquisitively although I could tell she was joking "Are you saying I don't look good today?" I replied deathly serious "No, you look good everyday" she turned red as I turned on the radio and drove.

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