A night out

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Mason's POV
I looked at Aaron "you coming with us?" He looked at me oddly "Where are you going?" I gave him a look of surprise "Didn't you hear me when I told you we were going out tonight?" He asked "Who's going with you?" I spoke as I stretched "Luna, Monika, Craig, myself, Elena and Collinn" he sat up before replying "Yeah, I'll join in on the fun" I chuckled as he asked "So how are we dressing?" I looked at him "Bro, you know we have to represent" he chuckled as I looked into the mirror "Fuck, my hairs getting too long" I heard Aaron "Bro, let's shave it" I leaned around the corner "We aren't shaving my fucking head" he shook his head with a laugh "no, let's shave the sides" I gave him a look of uncertainty but nodded "Fuck it" he pulled out a chair and followed it up by pulling out a small case and plugging in clippers as I sat down. I felt Aaron grip my head and started cleaving off large chunks of hair, I felt my head get lighter with every pass of the clippers as Aaron maneuvered my head and cut chunks off. He hummed a tune as I connected my phone to our Bluetooth speaker system and began playing music, I sang along to a couple songs as he moved around me cutting off seemingly random pieces of hair, I asked "So why do you have clippers at the ready?" He replied sounding shocked "I thought I told you I went to college and got a cosmetology degree" I asked surprised "why the fuck did you get a cosmetology degree?" He replied with a small laugh "All the girls were taking cosmetology, I wanted to get girls. You go where the girls are" I laughed as he kept cutting off random chunks of hair before speaking "and done, wait sit still" I froze in the chair as he shaved what felt like 3 likes on the side of my head "Now go look"
I walked into the bathroom and flicked on the light seeing the sides of my hair being buzzed while the top was shortened to just past short hair, I turned my head and saw 3 claw marks shaved into my hair. I leaned around the corner as Aaron looked up and I nodded "It's good, thanks bro. My hair's been pissing me off for a while now" he nodded before looking at me "Damn if I wasn't married I'd be all over you" I walked out after I styled my hair a bit "Dude, you're already all over me" he froze for a second "Well fuck me in the ass, you're right" I rolled my eyes at the fact he actually just said that. I looked down as I heard my phone ding seeing the notification Luna had messaged me "Hey are we dressing up or down for tonight?" I typed back "Well me and Aaron are dressing up, you can dress down if you're more comfortable but Aaron and I like our suits" she typed back "😂😂alright, see you in a bit" I looked at Aaron "It. is. time." He grew an excited smile as he walked to our one full size closet that held our dress blues, suits and other high end clothes. I walked forward as he handed me my black suit with a crimson dress shirt and a black tie

before I headed into the bathroom and started changing, i situated my tie so it sat correctly before I put on my sunglasses and nodded before walking back into the room

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before I headed into the bathroom and started changing, i situated my tie so it sat correctly before I put on my sunglasses and nodded before walking back into the room. I saw Aaron just finishing his tie to his navy blue suit with a black dress shirt and blue tie, I asked "Still have that old thing?" He nodded before replying "I haven't had the chance to get a new one, besides suits are expensive" I offered "Why don't we go and get one tomorrow? I'll pay for it" he looked at me "You sure? I'll be fine with just this old thing if it's too much" I shook my head no "It's fine dude, I've got the money and I know how you like wearing suits" he sighed looking at the floor before he looked up and spoke "Thanks" just as a knock was heard at the door.
      I called "It's unlocked!" I heard the door open and looked over seeing Craig in his suit as he whistled "Well shit boys, you both look good. Mason nice haircut" I smiled as I tossed my thumb towards Aaron "Thanks to him, you don't look bad yourself" he looked down at the black out suit "Why thank you gentlemen, so when are we heading out?" I looked at the clock and saw it was 6 as Aaron spoke "We're waiting for the rest of the group but hopefully soon" I motioned to the small counter we have as said "You can take a seat if you want, I don't know how long the rest of them are gonna take" he nodded as I heard the door open and saw Collinn and Luna walking in. Collinn wore his secret service suit while Luna wore a tight form fitting black and gold dress. I stared under my sunglasses before I heard Luna "I like your haircut" I smiled before replying "you look ethereal" I heard Aaron behind me "Ooh they're flirting" causing Craig and Collinn to laugh while I rolled my eyes and Luna burned red. We talked for a little bit until Monika and Elena showed up in dresses, I pretended to check my watch "You're late" I heard Aaron "Yeah what the fuck guys?" Monika spoke confused "but you didn't tell us a time?" I nodded "You were supposed to know" she sighed as I asked "We ready?" everyone nod in the affirmative as I grabbed my keys and pointed to the door "Let's go then, fun times lay ahead" I heard Aaron chuckle as I followed Luna out the door.
We walked through the base gaining several looks of confusion from other operators until we reached the garage and I got in the drivers seat of my blacked out SUV, Luna took the passenger seat while Aaron and Craig took the second row and Collin, Elena and Monika sat in the back. I started driving and turned on some music before pulling up to gate and showing ID before we got cleared and headed out to London, I heard Monika "So how'd you get Luna to come out? We've been trying for ages" I looked into the review for a second as Aaron spoke "It's cause Luna's into him, he just asked her to come out with us." I heard Luna defiantly "I am not into him, you're just spreading rumors" I chuckled as I confirmed "I really did just make her realize that she was boring and suggested we go out and boom here we are" Monika chuckled as we kept driving occasionally speaking while I hummed or sang along to some songs until we came to a stop outside the club. I walked up to the bouncer and gave him my name, he let us in rather quickly causing discourse throughout the line as we moved in and picked out our area, everyone sat down while Aaron and I started taking orders before we went and got the drinks. We started playing drinking games, I traded a 20 for change and ordered a lot of shots, we'd toss the coins at the other person's shots and if we made it the opponent would have to take a shot.
I leaned back on the seat drinking the last of my beer until I heard a commotion, it peaked my interest but I wasn't that bothered until I realized it was Luna and Monika involved. I sighed as I pushed myself up and kicked Aaron's shin "Let's go see whats happened" he sighed but we pushed our way through to the commotion and saw Monika and Luna trying to get back to our group but 3 guys were hassling them "Come on Baby, we can have some fun" I sighed as Luna looked repulsed I stepped in "Luna, Monika, head back to the others" the guy that spoke before looked at his boys "Well would ya look at that? These tossers think they can take our girls, I think we oughta teach em some manners. What ya say?" I heard his lackeys "Yea mate" and "too right" I spoke "guys, that's a really bad idea. The smart thing to do is to turn around and find someone else to hit on, enjoy your night" I heard one of them mocking me as I turned "Enjoy your night, fuckin pansy" I sighed as Aaron spoke "This is ending badly isn't it?" I nodded "For them especially" the lead guy gripped my shoulder and spun me only for me to grip his shoulders and rip him down while kicking my knee up and implanting it into the center of his chest. He wheezed as I spun and kicked my leg up feeling my prosthetic jolt as it's heel snapped the man's head to the right and dropped him to the ground unconscious, I looked at the two men and asked "Are we going to continue this?" They looked unnerved but put on a brave face and got ready to charge I sighed as Aaron spoke "My turn" I stepped back and watched Aaron move forward as he gripped the second guy by the throat of his shirt before Aaron lifted him and dropped the man into his knee knocking him unconscious as the last guy went to throw a punch and I rolled over Aaron's back and planted both of my feet in the center of his chest knocking him to the ground right as Security showed up he pointed at Aaron and I "You two need to leave, we can't allow people who start fights to be in here" I replied with a question "You didn't watch what happened before they got their ass kicked did you?" He seemed unsure at the question.
Aaron pointed to the first man who was just beginning to wake up "Because he's the one that first laid hands on anyone" the guy looked up as I grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him to his feet "Tell the nice Security guard what you did, and be honest or I'll hurt you" the man replied shaking in my grip "We uh, we were hitting on some girls and then they stepped in between us so me and my mates tried to make them pay for it" the security guard didn't look convinced until a random citizen confirmed the truth and played the video they had recorded, I watched along with the security guard nodding in enjoyment at how cool we looked. The security guard grabbed the unconscious men and brought the now conscious one out while Aaron and I walked back to the area the rest of the group was in. I plopped down next to Luna and rested my arms on the backrest I heard Luna faintly over the bass thrumping my head "You know we could've handled it" I leaned over as I replied "I know, but what kind of gentlemen would we be if we didn't step it. I'm fully aware you two are capable but I'm also a sniper on overwatch a lot and a medic, it's my job to step in and keep people from getting too hurt." She sighed but handed me another drink "Thank you" she waved me off as Collinn yelled over the music "So what are we doing after this?!" I shrugged before Aaron asked "I don't think we planned that far ahead, is there anything anyone wants to do?!" I heard Elena "Why don't we rent a boat and take a ride?!" I gave a thumbs up "I'm down with that!" Aaron nodded as did Craig "Yeah let's do that!" Collinn chuckled as he stroked his mustache "Y'all come up with some crazy ideas alright count me in" I saw Monika looked nervous as Craig asked "Monika, what is it?!" She replied sounding uneasy "I'm not good with water! I can't swim!" I patted her shoulder while motioning to Aaron and I "You'll have 2 doctors with you and there will be life vests, we'll make sure you're okay!" She looked down before nodding to us, I felt Luna shift as she spoke "Why don't we go and rent the boat now before you all get too drunk?!" I watched the group stand and make their way to the door as I stood and extended my hand to Luna, she took it as I pulled her to her feet and headed out after the group.
    I asked on our way out "Did you have fun?" She nodded before adding "I could do without the music being that loud and those three hitting on us however" I chuckled as I looked at the short woman beside me "Yeah, how about next time we decide to drink we just stay at someone's dorm?" She nodded as we walked outside and got in the car "So where am I going?" Aaron spoke "there's a rental dock 4 blocks from here" I looked back in the rear view "That's helpful, where is it?" He handed me his phone and I saw the path before I handed the phone back and merged into traffic before following the path. I listened to the random conversations they were having until Luna asked "Hey Mason" I responded with "Mhmm?" The back rows got silent as she asked "Why do you hate your father?" I coughed as I choked on my spit "Well shit, I wasn't expecting that" Aaron shifted in his seat as she spoke "there has to be a reason, so what is it?" I kept my eyes on the road as I replied "I don't hate him, I hate the fact he waited 31 years to try to be a father. My names put on headlines and suddenly he wants to spend time with me" she spoke in his defense "It's never easy being the kid of someone important, why don't you give him a day to change how you view him? I heard him say you don't see him as your dad but instead as any other superior officer" I spoke as I blinked away the tears feeling my heart struggling to make a choice "I don't know, I don't think he deserves it" I faintly saw Luna turn her golden eyes onto me as she pleaded softly "Just give him a day, please, for me? I know how much a day can change a relationship" I sighed and faintly heard Aaron whisper to Craig "She's got him dialed in" Craig replied matching his tone "No, I think he'll stand firm" I looked over for a second "I really don't want to give him the chance, why should I give him the time now when he didn't give it to me when I was a kid?"
     She rested her hand on my forearm after my grip on the steering wheel tightened "You are so much different from your father, don't let his actions become your own. Be the bigger man and give him the chance to fix his mistakes, please?" I sighed before replying "Fine, I'll send him a message tonight before I go to sleep" she smiled brightly "Good, thank you" I heard Aaron to Craig "Told you" I shook my head until I glanced over and saw the smile still on Luna's face, I grew a small smirk until Collinn asked "When's the honeymoon?" I glanced back "When will your gadget be useful?" He recoiled "Oh the inhumanity!" I rolled my eyes as we pulled into the parking lot and everyone started getting out I looked at Aaron "You're paying" his expression turned to shock until it relaxed as I got out between laughs "Im just kidding, come on kiddos" as I pulled the door open. I held the door as Luna paused after she entered and waited until I joined her, we walked to where the group was as I pulled out my credit card and waited to hear the total, I swiped it and put in my pin the man gave us the keys and told us what boat it was and we were off. I saw the boys running to the boat as I called "Aaron, get it ready to go, Collinn, be ready to help Monika on" they set about the assigned tasks as Craig got out the life vest for Monika. I watched the group slowly get into the boat until it was monika's turn, she looked extremely nervous, I gripped her shoulders and turned her towards me "We got you, we're a team remember, we aren't going to let you get hurt" she nodded shakily as I saw Craig and Collinn ready to help her and she started to get on the boat.
      Once she was on I hopped in and called to Aaron "We ready?" He nodded as everyone sat down and he pulled in the tie off ropes "Everything's in, everyone got their spots?" Luna sat infront of the driver's console, the rest spread around the seats in the front half as I inserted the key and twisted hearing the engines turn over, Aaron gripped the bar on the side of my console I used my right hand and pushed the throttle forward. Monika gripped the side of the boat as it started moving, I kept it at half throttle before asking "Go fast or go slow?" I heard Aaron, Collinn, Craig and Luna say faster while Monika looked scared I motioned Aaron to take over for a second before I walked infront of Monika "Breathe, you're okay. We're all right here and we'd all jump in after you, do you trust us?" She nodded as her eyes glued to the dark water before I forced her to look at me "Just enjoy the ride, alright? Deep breaths" She nodded taking deep breaths as I shook the life jacket "this will keep you alive, trust it like you trust us" she gripped it as I walked back to the wheel and took over again "So boat go fast?" Craig called back "Boat go fast" I saw the bridge that marked the end of the area we had to go slow and watched as it passed overhead.
      The moment we came out from under the bridge, I pushed the throttle to full and felt the wind pick up as we started breaking the crests of waves, I saw Luna tighten her grip as we kept bouncing until I faintly heard a scream and saw Collinn doubled over, I pulled back on the throttle and asked "What happened?" Craig looked up like he had seen a ghost "He landed on his nuts" Aaron and I involuntarily flinched as I heard Elena, Luna and Monika laugh. I asked Collinn "You okay man?" He looked up before nodding shakily "ye-yeah, I-I'm good" I shook my head as I pushed the throttle forward again forcing the wind to pick up again. I saw Aaron release the handlebar and start walking forward slowly, I pushed the throttle again just watching as he bounced with the boat until we hit some flat water and he had Craig stand and reenact the scene from titanic, Craig held Aaron's hips as they stood at the bow of the ship I saw Luna take a video as we heard "I'm king of the world!" I shook my head with a laugh as Craig sat down, Luna stopped recording and Aaron retook his position next to me.
      I looked over as I pulled the throttle back "King of the world huh?" He chuckled "I've always wanted to do that" I laughed as Collinn yelled "Boat go fast!" I rolled my eyes with a laugh and pushed the throttle forward. Elena pulled out a drink and tried taking a drink while bouncing causing us to laugh at her feeble attempts until I felt bad and slowed down so the bouncing became less pronounced and she finally got her drink. We messed around with the boat for another hour until Luna spoke "Hey, I'm getting tired. Can we head back?" I nodded and popped a U-turn and headed back to the dock, when we arrived Aaron and Craig tied off the boat while Monika took off her vest and I took the keys out of the console before Collinn and I helped the girls out of the boat. I heard Luna "It was fun" I put my arm around her and motioned to the city "Stick with me and I'll make your life fun" she chuckled and I saw genuine happiness in her eyes as we heard whispering infront of us and saw the group glancing back before they whispered to each other again. I rolled my eyes "They're getting their tin foil hats on and making crazy theories again" she laughed before nodding "Ja, i don't get what they're always pointing out" I spoke exasperatedly "I know right? Like they're saying shits one way when it isn't" she shook her head before speaking "Maybe one day the world will be warm enough they can get their head out of their ass and not need the warmth" I sighed dreamily "I wish" as we opened the door and returned the keys to the shop keeper.
      I climbed into the driver's seat before texting my dad "hello sir, Luna managed to talk me into giving you a chance to fix your mistakes. I'm off rotation for the next 3 days so if you have the time come visit, we can talk" I dropped my phone in the cup holder and turned on the SUV before heading back to base. The five in the backseat kept whispering to each other so Luna and I talked "So what'd you tell your dad?" I replied as my hand rested on the shifter "I told him I was off rotation for a couple days and if he wanted to talk he could come visit" she nodded pleased "thank you for actually giving him a chance, he cares about you, you know?" I asked with intrigue "How do you know? I don't remember the last time he's shown he cares" she replied as I saw her look at me "When he was here 3 weeks ago, he asked me how you were doing since I was the one overseeing your testing. I think it's because he realized we're friends too, he wanted to know if you were going to be alright on mission. He actually asked me to protect you, said you meant too much to your parents for them to be able to deal with losing you" I chuckled causing her to ask "what?" I replied as I watched the city turn to country "they haven't shown me that I matter that much, hard to believe. Anyway you're supposed to protect me?" She nodded with a small laugh "It didn't work out that way did it?" I shook my head with a small smirk "no, no it didn't" I heard Aaron again "when are you two just gonna kiss and get it over with?" I looked into the rear view mirror "So you're making more claims huh?" Followed closely by Luna "when are you guys gonna stop saying shit that isn't true?" I heard Elena "Boo! This love story sucks" I rolled my eyes as Craig spoke "Are you scared to make your move Mason?" I asked "What move is there to make? The fuck guys" Collinn sighed "I have no idea how you can be an amazing sniper where details literally decide if you live for die and you can't see the giant neon sign"
      I rolled my eyes and Monika spoke "guys just forget it, they're blind" I asked inquisitively "why are you letting a blind man drive?" Aaron went wide eyed "Shit!" As I laughed "relax, I lost my leg not my eyes" he released a sigh of relief as I turned up the music and settled in for another hour of driving. Luna yawned causing a tidal wave of yawns before I spoke "Guys just go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we reach base" I saw most of them get comfortable before Luna just stared out the windshield. I sat quietly for a while before I heard some faint snoring from Aaron "God damnit, he's gonna get so loud" Luna shook her head causing me to ask "why aren't you asleep? You were the one that's tired" she shrugged before replying "I guess I wanted to keep you company" I replied as a song I know came on "It's okay, I'm probably just gonna be singing and tapping to the beat for a while. Get some rest, I'll wake you up when we get back" she sighed but rested her head against the window. I sang along to the song as the countryside was illuminated and then collapsed back to darkness,

I hadn't noticed that Luna was still awake and listening until I saw movement out of my peripherals and glanced over seeing the small movement of her fingers. I ignored it and continued to sing along with any songs I knew for the rest of the ride, when we pulled up to the gate and I saw my buddy Rich on gate duty I rolled down my window "Hey buddy, how you been?" He looked at my ID "oh you know, bored out of my mind. Watching deer, what about you? Why are you all dressed up?" I replied motion to the sleeping forms of Luna and the kids in the back "Just brought the family for a night out on the town" he laughed at the joke before handing me my ID "Alright Bro, have a good night. I'll try to catch ya at breakfast tomorrow" I smiled as I nodded "sounds like a plan" as I put the car into gear and drove to my parking spot. I gently shook Luna causing her to jump awake looking around frantically until she realized where she was, "Oh, we're back at base" I nodded as I reached back and slapped Aaron's leg his leg twitched but nothing else happened.
       I sighed as I climbed out of the car and walked to his side of the SUV and ripped his door open before yelling in my Drill Sergeants voice "What the fuck are you doing sleeping on my course?! Get your maggot ass to that line or go back to your unit! Wake up you waste of space, let's go!" He bolted awake and yelled "Yes Sergeant! I'm sorry sergeant!" I yelled still in my Drill Sergeant voice "Now get the fuck out of my car!" By now the rest of the group had bolted awake at the sudden appearance of an angry drill sergeant but unlike Aaron they weren't panicking, instead opting to watch Aaron's nightmare play out as he struggled to get the belt off, once he did he climbed out and yelled "I'm sorry sergeant!" Only for it to click "Wait a minute, I passed selection years ago. Mason you bastard!" I fell to the ground laughing as he stood over me angrily "You... you should've.... you should've seen your face! Hahaha! Bro, you looked like you were shitting yourself! Hahaha!" He sighed before laughing "I was you asshole! I just had Nam Flashbacks to selection! Do you have any idea how terrifying that is?!" I nodded still dying of laughter. The rest of the group climbed out of the car only to see me on the ground dying of laughter, Aaron standing over me yelling and Luna recording from her seat. I slowly stood "Alright, I agree that was a dick move. So you get one free punch to anywhere other than my dick" he spoke "honorable" I took a deep breath and readied myself for the punch that came in the form of a hard left cross, my head snapped right as I stumbled back 2 steps holding my cheek I looked up "Not bad, not bad at all" Luna slid out of her seat and spoke "Alright, let's get inside it's fucking cold out" I patted Aaron's shoulder as I passed and joined the group heading to the door. When I walked inside I paused in the lobby and looked at my phone since it dinged, a text from Dad appeared on my screen "Tell Luna I said Thank you so much, I'll be there tomorrow afternoon. Is that a good time?" I sighed but replied "yessir, like I've said I'm off mission rotation for a couple days. I'm not scheduled for anything except clinical in case someone gets wounded" his message appeared shortly after "Great, I'll uh, I'll see you tomorrow then I guess. Your mother's gonna be so happy" I snorted but replied a simple "See you tomorrow, I'm going to sleep" before turning off notifications.

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