The first step

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Mason's POV
       I sat on the couch listening to music and trying to calm my nerves, my leg bounced at a million miles a second while Aaron watched me amused. He asked "Are you really that nervous?" I looked over with an edge to my eyes "It's not everyday I give someone a second chance, but no I just had to listen to Luna" he sighed but stood and motioned me to follow him. I did so since he looked serious for once in his life, we stopped infront of a large bay window "Do you see this?" I looked around and saw the expanses of the base and further out the city "Yeah, what about it?" He replied seriously "You see the expanses of the world, don't be mad at Luna. She cares about you a lot, wether you see it or not. Just remember that anger you hold onto, you can always just leave it outside and live your life." I looked at him before returning my eyes to the clouded sky "fuckin' Luna man" he patted my shoulder "She's a gem, and a cunning warrior and a good friend" my eyes snapped to him "Did you just quote Obi Wan to me?" He grew his goofy smile "Yes I did" I rolled my eyes as I heard Luna "Mason! Come on we got to meet your dad at the helipad!" I turned 180 before I looked at Aaron "thanks for the pep talk, I needed it" he nodded before replying impersonally "I know" I shook my head as I headed towards Luna's impatient form, her right foot was tapping on the floor causing her tight jeans to look like they were changing colors. I arrived and offered a weak smile "Hey..." she nodded before tapping the back of her hand against my chest above my heart "let it heal, we'll all come out better for it." I chuckled softly before touching the area she tapped "Maybe... just maybe"
     She started walking towards the helipad before asking "You two were talking about me, weren't you?" I decided to tell the truth and see what her reaction was "Yeah, we were" she asked interested "What'd you say?" I replied truthfully "that you're a gem and a good friend and a cunning warrior" she looked at me is disbelief "You're a filthy fucking liar" I shrugged but replied impassively "Believe what you will" I saw her wheels turning and contorting around the words as we passed Meghan(Valkyrie) and Tina(Frost) I gave a small wave as we passed before turning the corner and coming face to face with the door that opens to the helipads that would shortly hold my one grudge. I released a breath as I looked at Luna seeing her still stuck on the conversation before I pushed the door open and headed out, I leaned against the brick wall crossing my arms and propping my leg on the wall as Luna stood next to me "Did you guys really say that about me?" I chuckled causing her to get nervous "What..? I just want to know..." I replied "Yes, Aaron said that about you" she nodded before asking "Do you believe him?" I nodded before looking in the direction of the helicopter "He speaks the truth" I glanced back as I pushed off the wall and saw a small smile on her face.
     I watched the door get pulled open as the helicopter's skids touched down and my father and his 2 personal protection agents climbed out before heading towards Luna and I, it's an extremely mismatched meeting. Luna and I are in comfortable civvie's clothes since we had a couple days off while my father and his security detail were in their high end suits, I nodded to my Father as he spoke "Ms. Andersen, Mason" Luna gave a small wave "Hello Mr. King" he asked "How have you been since we last talked?" She replied happily "Pretty good, mildly annoyed at Mason and I's friends but besides that he's done a good job keeping me safe" Dad looked at me "So my son, what do you have planned for me?" I asked surprised "I was supposed to plan things?" He laughed "Well it's your base so you bring me to do stuff you want to do and we'll talk while we do it" I looked at Luna with an evil smile as I saw the terror creep onto her face "Well sir, follow me. We need to visit my friend at the armory" Luna sighed gaining a look of concern from my father as he followed me through the base.
     We moved quickly until we reached the armory I leaned on the counter "Hey ash, wanna do me a favor?" She looked up slightly scared as I continued "I need an M249 and three 100 round belts" she disappeared into the back as I noticed my dad inspecting the rifles on the wall. I asked "Do you want to shoot mine?" He looked over "The one you use on missions?" I nodded as he smiled largely "I'd love to" I texted Aaron asking him to bring my R5 RGP to the range as Ashleigh placed the M249 and the belts on the counter. I smiled "thanks ash" as I picked them up "Follow me" the group moved slowly after me as I walked out and to the stall I always use placing the 249 on the counter before layering a belt into the box and feeding it through before pulling out 5 sets of ear plugs and motioning to the m249 that I was picking up with my right "I want you to emulate this"

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