Tension Breaks Pt. 2

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Luna's POV
      I heard Harry one last time "Alright, walk me through this plan one more time" I slammed my fist against the table "God damnit Harry! How many fucking times do we have to go through this?! We've done it 12 times, let us go! For Christ's sake, We leave now in 9 hours everyone involved is home and safe!" He spoke with an edge of warning "Nøkk, I'm fully aware you want to go but do not push me." I heard Ash "No, she's right. We need to move now. The longer we wait the more likely it is we lose the initiative, do not make this another Benghazi Harry." He looked at her "You too? You're both testing my patience, listen to your orders or get a court martial" I heard Thatcher growl out "you court martial either of them for anything like that and you can count on the SAS pulling our support" I turned when I heard Mason's father "What's this I hear about a court martial?" Harry went to speak but got cut off by Thatcher "Harry is threatening to court martial Luna and Eliza over them pushing to get a mission that's already supposed to be in the air, in the air" he nodded before motioned to the messed up tactical map "What's this about?" I sighed before explaining "This is Mason's compound that he's holding currently in a mask infested city with the belief that support is inbound to pull two downed pilots out of the Mask's possession." Alex King turned his attention to Harry "So you mean to tell me, my son and 4 other operators are on the ground with hostiles on all sides believing that they'll get support at a predesignated time and you are holding the force back?!" Harry shrunk at the anger before composing himself "No, I've simply requested that the operators walk me through the mission again to make sure they have the plan down" Siu(Ying) elaborated "for the 12th time" Alex leaned on the table and spoke "If this relief force isn't in the air in the next 20 minutes, I will personally tear you apart. You threaten any of these soldiers for trying to do their jobs, I will tear you apart. You stray even one iota from this side of right, I will fuck you up. Understand?" Harry's eyes flicked between the ground and Alex's flaming green ones before he replied "Yessir" I went to walk to the door before I leaned over and spoke softly "Thank you, I'm starting to worry about Mason" Alex turned and walked with us "Why are you worried about Mason? Did he say they were in contact?"
      I shook my head no quickly "his tone, he sounded so at ease with everything. You know him, he's always this energetic and on target guy. He's always got something he wants to get after but when he last radioed he just sounded impassive, like if an RPG detonated next to him he wouldn't care" Alex nodded slowly before speaking "He's probably worrying more about yours and everyone else's part in this entire operation, most likely yours" I cocked an eyebrow and rested my index and thumb against my chin "Interesting... so why would he be worried about my mission?" Alex gave me a look of extreme surprise before speaking impassively "Nevermind, it's not my secret to tell" I rolled my eyes before asking "So why do you think Harry's temper is so hair trigger today?" He replied as he ran his hand through his short gray hair "Stress, organizing a mission like this is stressful. Stress can get to people and cause them to snap, don't worry about it too much just worry about coming home with Mason" I nodded but asked "so what are you doing here?" He replied "We got reports of a Blackhawk passing friendly airspace, I was in London with several other senators and decided to come see if rainbow had anything to do with it" I nodded as I looked at my watch "I wonder how mason's knee is doing?" Alex looked surprised "why do you wonder that?" I looked over before chuckling "Your son wore cargo shorts into combat" he laughed before we reached the armory "good luck, bring everyone home alright?" I saluted "Ja Hr(yes sir)" he started back towards the base while I walked in and gave the list of gear I needed to the quarter masters before I ran to my room and changed into my gear. I pulled on my fatigues and slid on my plate holder before looking in the mirror and sighing at the scar that tore across the right of my chin remembering how I got it.

     I looked across the doorway at Mason "Apex, prepare to breach" followed closely by Aaron "Wilco, breaching in 3" we pressed ourselves against the wall as Aaron counted down "3, 2, 1, breaching" and the door flew inwards as a result of the blast. Mason entered with his R5 leveled before turning to the right, I followed him in and turned to the left seeing a mask with a machine gun causing me to let my FMG bite, rounds riddled the man's chest as Apex shoved me, I felt a stinging sensation on my jawline as Apex, Ozone and Valkyrie fired into the mask before Ozone called "Clear!" to be met with Apex's "Clear, Nøkk took one to the face" I heard Ozone "Set up security" the team formed up on the doorways while mason carefully lifted my veil and saw the wound "Oof, alright sit still." He pulled up a flashlight and carefully touched around the wound "You got lucky, it's just grazing. I'll have you fixed up in no time" I nodded as he started working.

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