Following the trail

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Mason's POV
I heard Luna next to me "so where are we going?!" She was yelling over the roar of the wind as we tore down the coast "We're heading to Canada, once we get to Quebec we can take a plane to South Africa, how does it sound?!" She nodded before I turned and looked back at the sound of a helicopter, I yelled angrily "Are you fucking serious?!" I heard Aaron on our emergency Radios, secure lines between just these two radios "The chopper behind you is the agents men, no rainbow personnel on it" I looked at Luna "take the wheel" as I pulled out my L115 and started getting it ready as I watched the chopper close on us. Luna yelled "What are we gonna do about them?!" I yelled back "I'm giving them a big neon fuck off sign!" She kept her eyes forward as I slowly pushed the bolt forward chambering the .338 Lapua Magnum Armor Piercing round I looked through the scope and stared at the pilot in my crosshairs as I saw his mouth agape as he saw my scope glare. I shifted my aim up and led the rotor coupling firing watching my round sail harmlessly past it, I sighed and rechambered a round and fired again. I continued to fire until it was my last round in the magazine and the annoyance boiled through "Just fucking die already!" I squeezed the trigger after doing my rushed calculations and felt the rifle kick defiantly only to see a spark on the coupling and see the impact mark. I smirked as I quickly slammed a new magazine in before forcing the bolt closed, I lead the target the same way and lifted my aim to account for bullet drop before firing "Begone" I watched the spark as the rotor blades started to to wiggle before they caught the tail of the helicopter and take it off before the helicopter started to spin wildly.
      I stood and walked back to the small carry case I had and began disassembling the rifle, I heard Luna behind me "Did you kill them?!" I looked back before shrugging "Maybe the crash did but they should survive" she nodded as we made our get away, a couple minutes later, I pointed to the right and heard Luna "whoa, they're gorgeous" I nodded as I saw the Orca pod playing with their calf "yeah, yeah they are" she looked over before pushing the throttle forward and accelerating as we made our way to Canada. The ride was quiet until Luna looked over "So what are you doing after we stop running?" I looked at her before looking up at the mountains to the south of us "Maybe I'll get married and settle down, retire and live a quiet life away from the government's fuckery" she looked at me inquisitively "And who are you thinking about marrying? I bet it's Aaron" I rested my hand on her shoulder "oh you fuckin know it" she looked over before returning her eyes to the open water ahead of us "So what's your actual answer? Who do you want to marry?" I held onto the metal railing next to the steering console "I think you know, wake me when we reach Canada alright?" She looked at me and spoke "but I don't know where I'm going" I walked back to her and pointed on the map "there, we're currently here. There's a compass right there" she rubbed circles into my back before replying "I'll get us there, take a nap" I groggily nodded before sitting down and closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.
     I woke up when we landed at the port that would bring us to Quebec via plane before we transfer to another flight to South Africa, Luna was barely awake, her head bobbed with each dragged step and her eyes fluttered as she battled to stay awake. I poked her side getting her to jump in response with a sharp intake of breath and the behind of. "What the actual-" as I offered "Want a piggyback ride? You can get some sleep on our way to the air field." She went to refuse only to yawn and slump in exhaustion before nodding "Vær venlig?(please?)" I pulled my bag off and crouched waiting until Luna whispered embarrassed "I'm ready" I stood and continued on the way to the bush plane air field. I told them I needed to get to Quebec and would be willing to pay a couple grand for an immediate departure, soon enough we were on the plane heading south while Luna burrowed into my neck and I rubbed circles in her back while reading a file. When we landed I gave the pilot the check and carried most of our bags while Luna happily walked, going through the airport and getting them to allow us to bring our guns and weapons was exhausting, so much so when I sat in my comfortable first class seat next to Luna I was out.
       My dreams were rudely interrupted by a patch of turbulence and the python like bone breaking grip of Luna's hand painfully squeezing my own, "Luna, Luna please, you're gonna break my hand" she looked down at our hands and saw my hand a bright red "oh shit, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking. I just kinda reacted" I waved her off "it's fine, I get it" she looked terrified as we hit another patch of turbulence, I extended my hand to her, she looked at my hand before looking at me "Maybe you'll get some comfort from it" she smiled faintly before taking my hand and gripping her armrest while trying to calm down. I rubbed my thumb in circles on her hand as she squeezed it in nervousness, I patted her hand as I whisper sweet nothings into her ear slowly trying to calm her down. She eventually calmed down and released her grip on my hand I lifted my hand infront of my face and slowly pressed on different parts of my hand hissing when I hit a tender area "jeez Gemstone, why are you this fucking strong?" She smiled as she rested her head on my shoulder "I have to be strong to save you when you fuck yourself up" I shook my head indignantly "hurtful" she nodded against my shoulder before mumbling "tak skal du have(thank you)" I kept rubbing my thumb in circles as I replied softly "selv tak(you're welcome)" her head was off my shoulder in half a second as she stared at me shocked "when did you learn danish?" I smiled sheepishly "I'm still learning, I bought a danish translation and phrase book back at Hereford"
She pressed on with her interrogation "Why? What purpose does it have?" I rubbed the back of my neck "I wanted to learn your language, you always sounded so cool when you'd deliver a one liner in danish during training" she giggled behind her hand before resting her head on my shoulder against and speaking "I'll teach you when this is over, I'll have you speaking like a true Dane" I nodded before shifting forward and resting my head against the backrest and falling asleep again going back to my unfinished dream. I woke up 13 hours later and heard the stewardess "Well be Lansing in 5 minutes, please remain seated until the plane comes to a stop. Thank you for flying United" I gently shook Luna's leg getting a soft groan causing me to sigh before I rested my hand on her thigh and squeezed hearing her gasp and bolt upright ready to strike whoever it was only to lower her fist as I spoke "We're about to land" she nodded before asking "Is there any particular reason you grabbed my thigh or are you too shy to say you want me?" I rolled my eyes with a small laugh "you wouldn't wake up, I did the first thing I could think off. That was grab the thickness"  she rolled her eyes but got ready to get off the plane "next time you do something like that I'm going to hit you" I patted her thigh where I grabbed "Awwww, does it hurt? Did I hurt the baby?" She smacked my bicep before muttering "spis lort(eat shit)" I looked out her window before asking "Hey why don't we go on another date before we leave for Tsavo?" She glanced over with a small smile before nodding "that sounds good, I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got in mind" I smirked as the plane jolted and we got ready to exit into South Africa.

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